发表于 2013-5-28 16:50:43
DragonKiller 发表于 2013-5-28 11:02 
No offense to the writer who posted the thread :"Should all races be able to join sex747?", as far a ...
No Offense taken. The purpose of the poll was to stimulate discussion and bring out different POVs from different camps. I felt there was an undercurrent of resentment by the ASIAN ONLY Camp. The best way to break down walls is to have a constructive dialogue so every can hear different point of views and respectful dialogue with NO NAME Calling. Camps don't have to accept the different comments but they can at lease respect and appreciate it.
I believe my post achieved the desired objective to bring concerns out in the open and hear different opinions which other camps never thought of. And if you noticed and read the prior post comments the issues are about differences in POV of asian beauty, scoring points , menu expectations, tone in civility of discussion and the level trolling/shilling/fights.