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747 Position Statement (regarding ethnicities of members)

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发表于 2013-5-28 00:11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sooner or later, cultures clash. Sometimes its outright racism and bigotry which should not be tolerated. Other times, there is some underlying causes to conflict which we should try to understand.

This post is in response to an earlier post "Should all races be able to join sex747?" < ... page%3D1&page=1>, and is meant to make clear the position of Sex747 with regards to race / ethnicities of our members.

Position Statement:
The position of this forum is that while we do not exclude other ethnicities, it is primarily for Chinese. We welcome non-Chinese members who make a contribution.

Think of us as Pacific Mall. We do not hang a sign outside that says 'Chinese only'. Non-Chinese visitors will be treated with due respect. However, the main purpose will always to be serving Chinese and prioritizing Chinese tastes and demands.

Non-Chinese members have contributed towards to diversity and usefulness of Sex747. I thank them for that. However, some Chinese members have also pointed out that they don't really need non-Chinese opinions for Chinese/Asian girls. There is some truth to that as well. Some Chinese members have put it bluntly, "gwailos write too many reviews with ridiculously high scores / appraisals which distorts the picture". What I propose, if I may, is that non-Chinese members contribute more towards the non-Asian or 'white meat' section and give reviews for mainstream SPs and agencies. In exchange, you (non-Chinese members) are free to read our reviews on Asian MMs and take what you can from it. That would seem to be a fair deal to me.

My only gripe with non-Chinese members is their tendency to hype their favourite girls. This problem is compounded by the fact that many Chinese members have the opposite tendency to stay quiet and keep their favourite MMs secret. This leads to the over-exposure of a few MMs (usually Kimchis that serve non-Chinese), and unbalanced representation.

A well-known keeper has told me that some white guys have tried to offer to write rave reviews in exchange for steep discounts, priority booking, extra mileage, and other benefits. Some of those offers have turned into ugly threats to smear when demands were refused.

I don't know about BBFS, but I have also heard on more than one occasion of Kimchis who offer to go the extra mile in terms of service in exchange for favourable reviews. In other words, there is an explicit agreement / bargain. I believe this is what motivated 7Samurai to speak out, and is an issue worth looking at.

Simply put, I don't think these type of profit/incentive motivated reviews should be allowed, although there doesn't seem to be a scientific/reliable way of screening them out, other than experience/judgement/gut-feeling. I will refer to these types of reviews as "semi-shills", and I ask the bros help in calling them out. I also ask the bros help in giving more diversified reviews. It doesn't matter if you had a good meal, bad meal, or just an average meal, please share your experience. A vibrant democracy requires the active participation of all members.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 00:12:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 09:08:40 | 显示全部楼层
I like this board and when I contribute I keep my reviews fair and honest and I try to let people know that I am white so they can make their own assumptions about my opinions on face/body/service.

Since it is anonymous I don't care what people say or think about me. It is an internet board and with these boards you need to filter through the crap. It is very easy to skip over a review or a reviewer that you don't like or trust.

My Hobby budget is not that large so I really want to read lots of reviews before committing.
This site is a great resource as is TERB.
SP411 seems to be 90% shills and weirdos so I ignore it.

I like this site a lot and I like the Chinese flavour to it. I cant read all the reviews but what I can read is quite helpful.

There are some really good and consistent reviewers on here!

As long as I can read this site I will do my best to contribute and to those of you with holding reviews on your favourite SP......that is crazy.
She is still busy and seeing tons of guys without your review and she probably worked a ton in Korea and Japan before getting here.
Why not make a contribution to the board and make it stronger?
There will always be a new and better SP next week anyways.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 09:15:57 | 显示全部楼层
Very true, beside the few legendary mm like emma or barbie, they really want more business and exposure. No point in keeping secret, mm will leave when business is too slow anyways.


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发表于 2013-5-28 10:31:39 | 显示全部楼层
"one occasion of Kimchis who offer to go the extra mile in terms of service in exchange for favorable reviews."

I am learning something new everyday!

blackmail works! joking

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 10:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
I like the idea that this site is primarily for Chinese, however, how are you going to reinforce that??

Also, given that many of the Chinese readers here couldn't write Chinese as well, so how do you distinguish if they are non-Chinese???

As for writing rave reviews in exchange for special treatment and the so-called "semi-shill", I am afraid these activities are not limited to the white folks only, I am sure there are quite a few Chinese bros are doing the same too.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 11:02:23 | 显示全部楼层
No offense to the writer who posted the thread :"Should all races be able to join sex747?", as far as I am concerned, it is not a well thought out question if you have no way to stop other races to join sex747.

Ben, I also believe that your "Position Statement" is indeed border-line discriminatory and let's not forget about the unfair accusation that only the whites would do shill in exchange for special favors.

Sorry to be so out spoken, I believe it is wrong and also a pity to bring racial issue into a forum like this.  IMO, the thread like "Should all races be able to join sex747?" is downright offensive and should never be allowed in any forums.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-28 12:02:42 | 显示全部楼层
This is exactly why I come here - I've always felt the ratings/looks to be closer to my ratings than on non-chinese boards.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-28 13:54:32 | 显示全部楼层
DragonKiller 发表于 2013-5-28 10:46
I like the idea that this site is primarily for Chinese, however, how are you going to reinforce tha ...

Well obviously we can be pretty sure that those that post in Chinese are Chinese. Doesn't have to be all Chinese, but at least more than just a few words or phrases which could be Google-translated. Also, we can tell (although its not totally accurate) by the way they talk(type) who is Chinese and who is not. There are subtle differences.

Anyways, the point is not to ban non-Chinese or to keep them out. As I said, the main purpose of the forum is to serve the Chinese, but other ethnicities are welcomed too as long as they contribute. So therefore, we don't need to worry about being able to identify each individual member to figure out what their ethnicity is.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-28 14:23:24 | 显示全部楼层
DragonKiller 发表于 2013-5-28 11:02
No offense to the writer who posted the thread :"Should all races be able to join sex747?", as far a ...

Dragonkiller, you are welcome to speak your mind.

You are entitled to your opinion that the 747 position statement is "border-line discriminatory". I don't want to delve into it too much. Apart from the Pacific Mall example, there are many businesses / organizations here in Toronto or Canada that are also focused on serving a particular ethnicity or social group. Are those "border-line discriminatory" too? I don't want to dwell on this. If you consider it so, then thats fine. It is what it is.

However, an important thing I would like to ask is that you read carefully. I never said "only whites" are guilty of semi-shilling. What I said is that a well-known keeper has complained of white guys doing it. In addition, my observation is that overall, white folks are more likely to rave about their favorite girls (some are semi-shilling for benefits while some are just being enthusiastic), while Chinese tend to do the opposite and hope to keep it secret. However, these are generalizations and I will never say that ALL white people are such and such, and ALL Chinese are such and such.

Lastly, I believe in being pragmatic. In an ideal world, we would all play nice and fair. The sun will always shine, girls would be pretty and plentiful and love us even though we may be broke and ugly and so we don't even need to pay them for sex. In the real world however, racism, greed, and such can never be eliminated. Rather than sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist, I prefer and appreciate 7Samurai's efforts into bringing it out into an open and frank discussion. As long as we keep the discussion civilized, it is helpful in sorting out concerns and possible misconceptions.

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