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Christine @ Atea

发表于 2024-4-10 00:33:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
照片:100%假的 除了性别没啥参考性

脸:(不打分)妹子跟我讲她27 但我看的觉得像29-30  脸上画了不算太浓的妆 月牙眉,小鼻子瓜子脸,嘴唇微厚,搭配红色唇彩和过肩的头发,虽然看着不是特别嫩,但嘻嘻哈哈的看起来还是蛮可爱的,不是冷艳御姐的感觉更多是邻家女孩感

身材: 7.6 身材是我喜欢的丰满类型,妹子不高大约160-163的样子,大胸D罩杯没有明显科技感,小矮个没有大长腿,屁股上肉不太多但还算翘。背上有个大大的纹身,很大的那种

服务: 7.3 服务可圈可点 进门会嘘寒问暖,进房间帮忙脱衣拉手一起进浴室,沐浴的时候会用身体挑逗,沐浴的时候有水萧,她技术可以,深喉可以含很深。回到卧室,有正面全身漫游,从脖子开始舔,技术还是不错的,知道如何用舌头挑逗,花了很长时间口,漫游结束后就是口活搭配深喉,告诉她让口水流下来,流到蛋蛋上按摩 她很听话的照着做。整体吸力不错,包覆感很好。切换到69,没有刮赶紧留了一小撮稍微有点儿影响口感,身体还算敏感,我的一套唇枪舌剑下来,她多少有点儿出水,叫声相对自然,我相信是真情流露。正餐从后入开始,屁股有肉后入的时候很过瘾,但背上得得大纹身有点儿碍眼,喜欢的是真喜欢,不爱的是真不爱,切换到骑乘位,马术可以,有节奏地扭动,最后换传教位fuck kiss收尾。一炮打完两人都是一身汗,在床上闲聊了会儿然后洗澡走人

态度:8.5 态度很好,提要求也是欣然接受,没啥可以挑剔的,英文十分流利,交流无障碍

总结: 中规中矩的一餐,没有特别多的亮点,也没有什么特别的短板,
Repeat: 可能


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发表于 2024-4-11 11:44:21 | 显示全部楼层
Big back tattoo, d cups and sloppy dfk, reminds me of kitty from bh, but kitty was much shorter. Were the hands and feet manicured?

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发表于 2024-4-11 14:16:48 | 显示全部楼层
Anyone can inform the whereabouts of the Atea's downtown locations?
Just intersections please not full details.

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发表于 2024-4-11 15:55:35 | 显示全部楼层
officer 发表于 2024-4-11 14:16
Anyone can inform the whereabouts of the Atea's downtown locations?
Just intersections please not fu ...

One near Wellesley Station

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发表于 2024-4-11 16:36:48 | 显示全部楼层
Jarvis / Dundas, Yonge / Wellesley are DT Locations, Yonge / Sheppard is NY Location

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发表于 2024-4-11 17:11:49 | 显示全部楼层
soulsweeper_7 发表于 2024-4-11 16:36
Jarvis / Dundas, Yonge / Wellesley are DT Locations, Yonge / Sheppard is NY Location
Thank you for the info.
The parking at Yonge and Wellesley is manageable (been there before) but Dundas and Jarvis seems painful.
Does anyone know if she shares the room with another girl?

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-15 07:00:19 | 显示全部楼层
officer 发表于 2024-4-11 14:16
Anyone can inform the whereabouts of the Atea's downtown locations?
Just intersections please not fu ...

Mr. soul has the correct answer. Christine doesn't have any roommates. she just live there by herself
@soul nah  Christine doesn't have manicured.

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