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Prostitution in Korea (escort, whore, street girl, call girl)

发表于 2013-1-26 04:41:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Asian Escort - Sexy GirlProstitution in Korea (escort, whore, street girl, call girl)History
As a former colonized country of Japan for 36 years (AD 1910-1945), Japan government ruled Korea prostitution business same to use “regulated prostitution system”. In this system, main method is to license the prostitute with venereal disease check periodically. The second method is to set up the red light district to gather brothels easy the police to control. With the end of the WWII, Korea leave Japanese rule in 1945, state-registered prostitution was abolished on the governing of US authority in 1947. The law about prostitution was re-confirmed by the new South Korean parliament for Republic of Korea in 1948. However, despite the law regulation, prostitution is not to be prohibited at all. Contrary, prostitution was just going to be invisible as they don't use the "street walker" approach. The culture behavior won’t change in just a paper of law regulation. Instead the law enforcement chose to turn their eyes blind. Prostitution flourished in 1950’s with the law enforcement passively to act their role.As a developing economy in 1950s~1980s, prostitution business is flourished in these three decades. One reason may come from high stress of a man have to work hardly all day long and burden too much pressure on the work. There is a very unique subculture behavior in working male group. A foreigner Korean wife said in her blog that frequenting prostitutes is an accepted part of life for Korean married men. And accept by their Korean wife. In fact, it is often required of businessmen if they want to be successful and got involved to their colleague. The male friend of this writer was offered a high position in a scaled corporation. But while working there, he was required to regularly go out drinking and visiting prostitutes with his team. By this way, he can get the team’s heart and loyalty. In traditional hierarchical nature of Korean society, he felt unable to say no to his superiors and his subordinates. The writer was told by her local friends that going out drinking and womanizing with colleagues together can integrate to his business team in Korea. Ask the husbands of a family drinking often and visiting prostitutes – are intimately related to the salaryman system, which demands that men spend long hours away from home.This subculture behavior existing in Korean society are so important and made the Ministry for Gender Equality announce in public, which in an attempt to address the issue of businessman demand for prostitutes. He wish could offer cash to companies whose male employees pledged not to pay for sex after office parties. The Ministry for this policy claimed that he want to end the culture in which men get drunk at parties and go on to buy sex (prostitution).To Asian Escort- Korea Escort Directory

........   The other reason is related the US military guard the safety of Republic of Korea. From the 1960s and until today, the U.S military man need prostitution still exist outside the U.S military bases near Seoul (Camp Casey, Camp Stanley). The agreement between the Korean government and the U.S military make sex-trade (prostitution) with the United States soldiers surrounding the U.S military bases to become legal at least before 2004. The Korea government registered the prostitute and required them to carry medical certification. The brothels are gathered in certain scope. The U.S military police provide security control in these U.S base prostitution sites and detained the prostitutes who were ill to prevent spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The Korean government informal recognized these prostitute activities partly motivated by fears that the American military which protected South Korea from North Korea would leave. And of course, not deniable, such business provided economic profit to Korea’s society in developing era.
The four main red light districts in South Korea before 2004 Special Law are Cheongnyangni 588, Itaewon, and Mia-ri in Seoul and Jagalmadang in Daegu. These areas can compare to those in Europe of Amsterdam and Germany brothels gathering area. Until today some still exist because the huge amount of money was involved in the prostitution business, but also these kind of control was still an attempt to sex industry unobvious.In 2003, the Korean Criminology Institute said about 260,000 women, or 1/25 of young Korean women, possible engaged in the sex trade prostitution industry. Non-official Korean Feminist Association claimed that about 514,000 Korean women involve in the prostitution industry. A similar report by same Institute stressed that 20% of men pay for sex at least four times a month, with at least 358,000 men visiting prostitute brothels daily. In this number, you can image the prostitute is very common and tolerate in Korean society.Korea Prostitution ToadyToo prosperous of prostitution unfortunately will undermine the family relation which is the foundation of society. Such big profit market certainly induced the gang involved. The Korean publics growing outrage hope to clean it, therefore in 2004, a new strengthened anti-prostitution law was made. New law officially ended the country’s traditional tolerance of buying sex (prostitution). The number of red light districts forced to go south leave Seoul.Can prostitution be forced vanished completely? Of course, it is not possible. The supposed crackdown of 2004 law, just turn prostitution activities underground. A local resident wrote in his blog that I still recognize a lot of prostitution not so underground as the picture displays. The windows on the right side of the photos are cathouses and the men standing in the foreground are police. The cathouses are not closed.Too prosperous of prostitution unfortunately will undermine the family relation which is the foundation of society. Such big profit market certainly induced the gang involved. The Korean publics growing outrage hope to clean it, therefore in 2004, a new strengthened anti-prostitution law was made. New law officially ended the country’s traditional tolerance of buying sex (prostitution). The number of red light districts forced to go south leave Seoul.Can prostitution be forced vanished completely? Of course, it is not possible. The supposed crackdown of 2004 law, just turn prostitution activities underground. A local resident wrote in his blog that I still recognize a lot of prostitution not so underground as the picture displays. The windows on the right side of the photos are cathouses and the men standing in the foreground are police. The cathouses are not closed. Red light district is another main area of prostitution. In any Korean city with scaled size will have one, usually downtown. Sometimes be consisted with one block or two gathering with brothels. Hot Korean girls in short skirts hanging around outside. Inside, it is a noraebang (singing room), except there's a hostess mother who'll bring out a bunch of girls and get you to pick one. Then you can order a beer for about 100,000 Won, drink it with the girls, and have fun or conversation with them there. Later, you can take them to one of the many motels nearby. The price of the girls is possible included with the beer. In Seoul, the red-light districts in Yongsan, Chongnyangni, Chongam-dong and other areas are expected to be cleared up within the year through new urban development plans.Even in small Korean city, there will have some "private bars", or "room salons". These are bars where you can get a private room and a hostess girl help your to drink, and, for an additional fee, have sex with you.  Sometimes when you walk in the street, you probably will see a guy ride with scooters and a girl in short skirts on the back. This is the "coffee girls". The guy’s job is to deliver "coffee" to businessmen. In short, there are certain coffee shops you can call and order coffee to be brought to your home/hotel. You will get coffee, and get a girl too. The girl is, essentially, a prostitute, of course.Perhaps the most strange form is the "I-yong-won". To foreigners who supposed not be taught, will think it was a barber shops. They are distinguished from the normal kind by the presence of two red, white and blue barber poles out front. If you go in there, you can in fact get your hair cut, but there is one barber chair in the corner which has a screen, similar to a shower curtain that can be pulled around it. If you sit down in that one, you will be attended to by a woman who will do more than just cut your hair.In 2006, a police station in southern Seoul arrested the two owners of three massage parlors in Nonhyun-dong and Yoksam-dong. In their guess book, 120 customers who was regulated return and get service from shops more than 10 times.
The customer list of the three massage parlors is over 200,000 people, police said, with each shop roughly averaging 2,000 to 5,000 customers per month.

The customer list included lawyers, doctors, university professors, journalists, civil servants, soldiers, office workers and a former lawmaker. We can find virtually every profession in the list, including pastors, priests and monks,’’ said an official from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

”The shops were sophisticated in their marketing, and they provided discounts for people paying in cash. The real number of customers could actually be double of the number of names on the list,’’ he said.

One of the arrested massage parlor owners, a 52-year-old Park, earned more than 9.7 billion won ($10.2 million) in credit card revenue between November 2005 and October last year through his Nonhyun-dong shop. Park’s Yoksam-dong shop raked in 5.8 billion won in credit card revenue since opening in December 2005, in police report. Considering that sex buyers usually prefer to pay in cash, police believe the total revenue for Park’s shops to be significantly higher.

The other suspect, a 57-year-old Choi, earned 19.8 billion won in cash and credit card revenue through his massage parlor in Yoksam-dong since September 2004.Although the prosperous is not changed in first two years, but it still have some changes potentially. Since the passing of a strengthened anti-prostitution law in 2004 which adopting a “zero-tolerance’’ approach to prostitution and the trafficking of women, the anti-prostitution law stipulates that brothel owners can be jailed up to 10 years with a maximum fine of 100 million won. The customer who buying sex was also made a criminal offense punishable by up to one year in jail and 3 million won in fines. Yoksam-dong, including the streets surrounding the Renaissance Seoul Hotel, was one of the 24 areas in the country that police selected as intensive surveillance zones. Law enforcement officials investigated the three shops and ordered them to close their business in 2006.There is some influence on prostitution business in Korea anyway. Foreign ProstituteForeign customer
Male Japanese tourists like to korea to “gisaeng tourism”. At a Japanese website, there are lots of user reviews of bawdy houses throughout Korea, and draw Japanese johns to the Land of the Morning Calm.
On Monday, info on Korean houses of ill-repute was so plentiful at a major Japanese portal site that you couldn’t count it. Every time you ran a search for “Korea” and prostitution-related words, you will search and result lots of personal blogs, entertainment establishment info sites and ad sites. There were many sites with the word “anma” (massage), written in hangeul, with detailed info on locations and how to use the facilities.
One Japanese man who had visited a massage parlor in a back alley behind a broadcast company in Yeouido wrote, “You pay 170,000 won at the front desk when you enter and are brought inside. The fee includes sex and a massage.” Another post had the location of the business and, as the Munhwa Ilbo puts it, descriptions that are embarrassing to even say. The poster said, “There’s a massage parlor near Guui Station, Line 2… I paid 180,000 won and had sex with a 22-year-old girl, got a massage, sauna and even dinner.”There are even ads popping up luring Japanese to Korean establishments. On these sites are the phone numbers of establishments and “course” and price info.
One Japanese blogger wrote on his site that when he visits Korea, he sometimes wants to get a regular massage, but he doesn’t know how to distinguish between a real one and one with a little extra, and sarcastically notes that he’s afraid that even if he asks at the hotel desk, a young lady will enter his room.In fact, in neighborhoods where there are a lot of these sorts of places, it’s not hard to find signs that the Japanese have been there. Mr. Choe (60), a taxi driver the reporter met in Yeoksam-dong in Gangnam, said over the last month, he’s picked up Japanese tourists about three times, and all three times, he brought them to a place of prostitution. Mr. Lee, who drives a fancier taxi in Gangnam’s Tehran-no area, said not so long ago, he picked up a Japanese carrying an Internet map. When he got to the location, it was a massage parlor.

The other main customer source is U.S. Forces in Korea. U.S. military service claimed that they keep a close eye on the nightclubs near U.S. bases and works with Korean National Police to enforce the USFK regulation that bans U.S. service members from frequenting “houses of prostitution.”Officially, “USFK has a zero-tolerance policy and aggressively investigates reports” of prostitution and human trafficking, said by spokeswoman of USFK command.
“Any establishment taking part in those criminal activities is referred to the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, which has the authority to place the venue off limits to USFK military and civilian personnel, to include invited contractors, after a full hearing.”
Fifty-six establishments currently are off limits because of prostitution and trafficking issues; 45 are near Seoul’s Itaewon commercial district, which is heavily frequented by U.S. military personnel, according to David Oten, a USFK spokesman.Since there are 30000 men in USFS, you can image how many prostitution activities need in USKF.Foreign provider (prostitute)
The foreign provider- foreign prostitute in Korea can divided to 3 major groups. China, Russia, and South East women.There are also a large number of Russian women who come to Korea as prostitutes, since many Korean men are interested in foreign women. Busan has a particualrly large Russian population; the Russian women in that city turn their tricks in an area that used to be known as Texas Street around the time of the Korean War, but has subsequently been effectively turned into Russia Town.The geographically near make the Chinese women of China like to Korea as a prostitute. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese women are engaged in the prostitution businesses such as hugetel, massage parlor, karaoke room, room salon and so on in Korea. Most of Chinese prostitutes are legally staying in Korea by getting green cards by marrying Koreans, or visas for study, travel, work. About 20,000 Chinese women marry Koreans every year and a quarter of them disguise their marriages. Most of these women are engaged in the prostitution businesses in Korea.
Low living standard and low salary forced lot of Asia countries women to Korean city earn their living. Escort in Korea

Although foreign customer is pretty much in Korea, however English escorts (provider) are not easy to find in internet. There are some reasons made the English escort information less. The first problem is language. Korean is a very different language system to English. Korean is basically a transformed form Chinese. This reason make Korean prostitute usually bad in English. In field prostitute, the customer (American and Japanese) can use body language and simple English communication get sex service form provider. However, body language can’t use in Internet. The escort provider can’t use English text to advertise herself in Internet. Writing escort advertisement, communicate with foreigner customers in English via phone contact or email. It is not possible for most escort girl. It is a major obstacle for escort or prostitute girl.
The second reason is since trading sex is illegal, only few escort girls dare to spread her advertisement in internet. This reason also make the Escort Agency Advertisements are few to be search for.
Of course, the escort providers are gathering in Seoul area. In internet search, the Korea escort information probably provide by the agency outside of Korea. As description above, the Korean women migrate to USA, Australia, and Japan to do sex work in a portion of migration people.  
You can easy find Korean escort in New York, Australia, and Japan who price is a little cheaper than local native girl. This is the superiority of Korean escort girl. There quality (face, body, service) sometime better than natives’. A larger portion of young work age girls go abroad for sex job is a fast way to earn money in last two decades. As Korean economy is developing and growing rich. The migrated escort girl is less than before.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-26 10:38:57 | 显示全部楼层
Is this a Thesis on Sex Trade in Korea?    

I understand that the new vice laws not only pushed the sex trade underground, but also pushed the girls overseas which explains the influx in kimchis in Toronto in the last 6 to 7 years.

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发表于 2013-1-26 19:49:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-1-26 19:49:42 | 显示全部楼层
i wonder who originally wrote that

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-9 08:00:12 | 显示全部楼层 detailed...with history too

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发表于 2013-2-22 15:45:53 | 显示全部楼层
I was bored and dig out this post. Wow, detail, detail and lots of detail. So hunting in Korea is like shopping groceries, may be thats the reason why their cosmetic surgery industry is booming and so demanded by mms and other females.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-6-2 22:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
2 things to note about this article:

1.  Working men in Korea are "forced" to go whoring to "bond" with their teams makes me want to go work in korea.

2.  There are coffee girls that comes with you coffee in Tim Whorton in Korea.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-12 18:01:27 | 显示全部楼层
history of prosititution

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发表于 2015-4-20 21:16:14 | 显示全部楼层
has anyone been whoring for work?

it can't be as awesome as it sounds... can it?

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