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Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 4 - 一樓一

发表于 2013-1-24 02:10:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

If you go back to Hong Kong, you MUST try 一樓一. Why? Simply because its the best value, most fun, and perfectly legal. Yes, thats right, its LEGAL. Meaning you don't have to worry about getting your naked ass busted by cops charging in when you're halfway thru fucking. Prostitution in other forms are still illegal, so 一樓一 is the only fully legal way to pay for sex in Hong Kong.

一樓一 girls are generally not as young or attractive as hotel girls, but there is still a great deal of overlap. In other words, a vague estimation based on my own observation, the top 25% (in terms of quality) of 一樓一 girls are much better than the bottom 25% of hotel girls. However, the prices consistently range between $300-400 which is half the price of hotel girls.

The inside of the 一樓一 units are usually renovated and surprisingly clean. The 一樓一 are all located in old apartment buildings and the outside and inside of those apartments are old and dirty. But the 一樓一 units will be renovated and the environment inside is much nicer than expected. They take a standard unit and divide it into 5 or 6 separate rooms each with their own private toilet and separate entrance. Often, the 一樓一 rooms are rented out on a daily or weekly basis to "northern mushrooms" and the landlord provides house cleaning service which includes delivery of fresh towels, etc, just like hotel room. I spoke to 2  一樓一 girls; one told me that out of the $350 she collects, she takes $200 and her pimp takes $150 and takes care of everything. The other one charged $380 and said she don't have a pimp but need to pay for the room herself and also her own meals.

There are many  一樓一 in Hong Kong. However, some apartment buildings have only a few of them, some have more, and some are almost all  一樓一 with very little actual residents (正經人家). When you go into those buildings. First you will find is that there is many other single men going in there. And all of them are there for the same purpose as you. No need to be shy or embarassed or anything, this is a very common thing in HK. You will find businessman types wearing suits and carry briefcases, old guys, young guys, very 斯文 types, thuggish types, and basically all varieties of horny men from all walks of life. They will all crowd into the tiny elevator, go to top floor, and start to make their way down. You ring doorbells, look at the girl and see if u like them, if you don't u just walk away. Most of the people that ring the door bell will walk away. Many of them probably don't have intention of doing anything other than looking. So after you look at all the girls on one floor, you take the stairs, and go down to the next floor. If the room is empty or the girl is busy they will hang a sign outside that tells you they are unavailable. The  一樓一 will be very obvious with flourescent lighting and signs such as "大波多水" and "青春學妹". On the other hand, the units of the 正經人家 will also have huge signs saying stuff like "正經人家, 請勿打擾" and "叫雞小心生性病". I also noticed that buildings with 一樓一 will also have a hourly motel on the second floor and either a 佛堂 or 教會 centre on the third floor, probably opened by the same black society group that is in charge of that building to make extra money.

The 一樓一 buildings are in many regions of HK. You can find them online (141hongkong) or just buy a 叫雞 magazine for $10 from the street vendor and they will give you all the locations. Popular 一樓一 buildings vary over time. Few years back the top places were Champaign bulding in TST and Fuji building on the HK side. But now both have few 一樓一 left. I recommend sticking to locations that have a high concentration of 一樓一 within the same building as those are safer. I went to 3 一樓一 buildings during this trip. One was in CwB, one near YauMaTei or Jordan (I forgot), and one at Mongkok. The one in Mongkok is the best in terms of quantity and quality. It is called 建興大廈 located at the intersection of Argyle St and 花園街.

I ate 4  一樓一 meals during this trip and all of them looks and bodies that are 8/10. However, each one of them, I picked out of looking at 20-40 girls. So don't expect the average  一樓一 girl to be of such high standard. You need to sift through to find the good stuff. Service package is standard and same as hotel girls and the typical Cdn$140 treatment over here. So no need to go into details. However, all the  一樓一 girls i ate are quite GFE. After finishing, they all voluntarily cuddle and make small talk.

One thing to remember, when hunting in 一樓一, always trust your own eyes. Don't rely on magazine or online reviews. Especially those magazine articles where the editor writes about a particular girl. Those are all paid for advertisements. Also, no need to rush or afraid of missing out. With so many choices, take your time to pick one you are totally satisfied with. If you like a girl and want to repeat, just tell her you want to see her again and get her phone# or QQ.


Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 1 - Hotels ... amp;extra=#pid83930

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 2 - 馬檻 ... &extra=page%3D1

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 3 - 企街 ... &extra=page%3D1

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 4 - 一樓一 ... &extra=page%3D1


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-25 16:00:41 | 显示全部楼层
great reading material. thx.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-25 18:25:20 | 显示全部楼层
而家先有時間睇埋part 4, Ben哥, 富士應該冇你講得咁靜, 係就係冇5, 6年前咁風光, 不過到咗晏晝4點過後都會有好多女開工, 洗樓都洗到腳軟.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-29 13:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
I just had the same experience as you did when I was in HK on Oct. but I was hunting in SSP and they sometime have a good gems in there, price are around $300-$380HKD and its not a bad choice if you could find the right one!
Thanks Bro. Ben2009 for all those review and it do brings my sweet memory back...hehehe

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-14 08:59:44 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-6-12 17:56:11 | 显示全部楼层
would you be able to explain why this type is fully legal in HK? I am just curious about the legal side of this.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-6 20:14:47 | 显示全部楼层
It's because when the cops find you with other people in the same place where you were caught having sex, they have a reason to believe prositution is involved.  If it's only 1 on 1 session you can easily say you guys are in a relationship therefore it's legal in that sense.

Anyone would like to expand on this please feel free.

使用道具 举报

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