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Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 3 - 企街

发表于 2013-1-24 00:01:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I like checking out the 企街 in Hong Kong. They have long evolved from many years ago in HK before I immigrated. Back then, I remember seeing, they would be very aggressive and try to pull customers from the street and highly visible. Nowadays they are much more discreet. Due to the cops repeated 掃黃, they don't dare to be as publicly visible and 影響市容. But they are still there if you know where to look. The main attraction about 企街 is that they are very cheap. Only $200-250 (HKD) and if you look around, you can actually find some that are young and pretty. I'm not talking about 9/10 quality, but you can find 7.5/10 quality. This is different than Toronto because I'm 99.9% sure there is nothing eatable under Cdn$100. In other words, 平野一定冇好野 does not hold true when hunting in HK.

The first and most obvious place to look is 廟街 & 上海街 near 佐敦道. Some will stand in the alleyways, some will stand behind the vendor stalls (between the back of the stalls & the buildings), some will stand at the old apartment building entrances. Many of them are older, but some are quite young. The prices are all $200 no matter what age and they will take you to a nearby place to do the business.

One time, me and my friend saw 1 that looked actually quite presentable, probably in mid-to-late 20s, worth around 7/10, dressed nicely, and not much 風塵味. We walked by and she smiled at us and I asked how much and she said 200. There was another girl standing nearby that looked good too. We were suspicious at first and didn't know if we would get robbed or if they are actually undercover cops and arrest us if we went ahead. So we walked away and watched them from a distance. We watched them actually pick up customers and went upstairs and then watch the same customers leave after 20 mins to half hour.

Another time, I was walking with another friend to eat 煲仔飯 at 廟街 and we walked on the inside of the street behind the vendor stalls (at the 步行街) and saw a couple of young girls there. The youngest 1 look like she was around 16 and had that MK girl look. She kept looking at me and trying to tempt me. My friend ask how much and she answer 200 in a voice so girly cute that I almost couldn't control myself. I was really tempted but didn't want to risk, so I walked away.

On 上海街 just north of 佐敦道, i actually saw 2 MM that I would really consider as "hot". I mean both face and body. Face would be at least an 8 for one and 7.5 for the other. Both had slim bodies and long legged. They were standing in building entrance and obviously waiting for customer. As I approached they looked at me and gave me that knowing look & smile. However, they started going back inside before I even said anything and still about 20 feet away. Once inside the building and half-way up the stairs (while i was still outside), they wave me to come in, but thats when i noticed 2 cops walkign the beat and was about 50 feet behind me. Got nervous and decided to keep walking. After a while, i walked back and the girls were still gone. Made another couple of trips circling around, but only saw the 7.5/10 girl outside, so i guessed the 8/10 girl was busy the whole night.

Another good spot for finding 企街 is in 元郎 on 同樂街. The spot is near the 小巴站 and the 企街 will start appearing after 8pm and stay there till 4-5am. This is probably a new spot because in the past, everybody always said there's nothing good in 元郎 and you can only find old chickens with no service. Thats not the case when I was there. I have a good friend that lives in 元郎 and I visit him often. My friend is married and doesn't hunt, but we walk by there quite a few times. On that little strip of road, there is 3 group of girls that follow different pimps and they always stand at their own spot. One group is all old (in their 30-40s), one group is mixed (mid 20s to mid 30s), and one group is young (all in their 20s). The group that is youngest, I walked by at least 4 times (different nights) and there is always at least 1 that i consider pretty and eatable. Didn't ask the old group, but the other 2 groups are $250 for 1 hr and include the room fee. These girls are all northern mushrooms but they all know how to speak cantonese.

First time I ate at 元郎, me and my friend (not the one that lives in 元郎) each picked 1 from the youngest group. In the dim lighting, mine looked around 20 and 8/10. However, once we entered the 小鐘酒店 nearby (1 minute walk away), her score sank to 7/10 and she looked at least 3 years older. Taking off her clothes, she was slim, but her body was not toned and her flesh was kinda "lum", like she hasn't done exercise for long time). Anyways, quick rinse, then she lies down flat on her back and wipes some ky on. No blowjob, no nothing, total dead fish. The room is not pleasant, same level as the 馬檻. When we finish she had the nerve to ask for tips. I said no and just hand her $200, and she left before i even finish putting on my shoes. I left the room and saw my friend already waitign for me. He had the exact same 0 service dead fish experience. But for the equivalent of Cdn$30, so no complaints.

Second time I ate at 元郎 was with another friend who is not a frequent hunter and is shy type. He has a car, so we drove there. We drove up and down the street a few times to check out the goods, we realize there's quite a few people doing the same thing. We saw other cars with just the driver who was also driving up and down the street. We also noticed quite a few taxis and 小巴 doign the same thing (keep going up and down the street). After we parked the car, we went to the group of young girls first, but a ching already beat us there and took the 1 i wanted to pick. The group was quite small probably because at least half of them were working. So we walked to the other group and I saw 1 that looked pretty, so i picked her.

The girl i picked turned out to be a very good choice, she was friendly, talkative, and pretty even in bright lighting. I give her 7.9 for looks with an ok body that had some small tattoos and boobs were small but otherwize slim and good skin. Got the standard menu that we get over here (S42, bbbj, dfk, mpos). I was very satisfied with her looks and her service. End up paying her $300 ($250 + $50 tips), usually i don't give tips unless i get a very exceptional experience. The one thing that kinda ruin the experience was the quality of the room was really bad, even worse than those other 馬檻, but that is not the girl's fault. It was basically a small apartment divided into 3 rooms and share 1 toilet. We could hear people fuckign in the other room and people come and leaving, and afterwards had to wait for the washroom. Same as the MM from the 馬檻, she told me she makes $200 out of $250 and the rest goes towards her pimp. I asked her to meet me out in Kowloon next time and I will book a nicer hotel and also pay for her travel time and expense. She said her pimp doesnt allow her to go and if i wanted, i could talk to her pimp, but i decided to forget about it.

企街 are a great deal. Even if you mind the dirty environment or that the girls are not clean, you can just go for a HJ which is still a great deal for HK$200-$250 = approx Cdn$30. Or you can rent a room by the hour and bring her there if you concerned about safety. The overall quality is not so good but it is like treasure hunting at flea market, if you spend time looking, you can find treasure for a bargain basement price.


Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 1 - Hotels ... amp;extra=#pid83930

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 2 - 馬檻 ... &extra=page%3D1

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 3 - 企街 ... &extra=page%3D1

Hunting in Hong Kong - Part 4 - 一樓一 ... &extra=page%3D1


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-27 23:33:51 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you Ben for the nice informative reports
I am not so adventurous, so and dont shoot that frequent, so I prefer safer, comfier, and less rush type, and dont mind spending a little more.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-4-8 23:57:51 | 显示全部楼层
Man, i dont think I will have much time to find deals like these as i will be supervised.  But this seems like the best deal $250 for a decent chick.  

使用道具 举报

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