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Elon Mush next Steve jobs?

发表于 2016-10-31 07:16:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Amazing that his product announcement of Solar City merger with Tesla.
The solar panels are NOT separate from the roof tile.  But on the TILE itself.  Less weight to carry.
Plus the Panasonic Battery Wall will keep the energy within the house after generation and used within the house plus the Electric car.
No more oil and even electric grid (house can be built in remote areas as long as water is available).
Issue could be the COST while it is coming down.

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发表于 2016-10-31 18:56:50 | 显示全部楼层
steve jobs with his apple company is a legend, everybody is imitating him, but nobody can surpass him

At the first second when i toughed apple product, from the bottom of my heart i regretted using microsoft for these many years. Comparing with apple, microsoft is nothing but a joke,

the heartbreaking thing is only after decades of years since i use microsoft have i suddenly realized how funny the joke is

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-1 05:21:52 | 显示全部楼层
Adamsmith-moon 发表于 2016-10-31 18:56
steve jobs with his apple company is a legend, everybody is imitating him, but nobody can surpass hi ...

Too bad that you noticed that , but did not buy Apple stocks then.
I always had bad feeling about Apple coming from IBM as my first job.
By the time (like 3 years ago) I realized my stupid prejudice,  after using Apple Non PC products, it was too late.  Have the feeling not much new from Apple is coming now.

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发表于 2016-11-1 12:42:19 | 显示全部楼层
I know, you like IT and I like IT too

but there is just one thing i do not understand
you said before that you used an android phone??
i used to use android too but dropped android ever since i knew the existence of apple

oh big boy
call me apple big fan,
i only use apple no matter how often other company's ad campaign comes in my eyes
my girl friend also uses android, i tried to persuade her to use IOS instead, but failed
come on maybe the "lock in" effect is taking place and there is a big transfer cost for her.

as always, steve jobs is my idol. sadly he gone with wind, but his spirit is forever .

come on, now i tried to persuade you to drop android phone and take IOS instead again
do not know if i would succeed , but you would see a brand new beautiful world only if you use apple


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发表于 2016-11-1 12:50:48 | 显示全部楼层
the sad thing is the market share of android once was bigger than apple
even huawei phone is catching up..
some of my friends use huawei honour , i said to them: huawei is cheap and is a joke comparing with IOS
they laughed, then said "then buy iPhone 7 for me" .then i left ..
then i know sometimes money matters, remember 4p as learned in marketing class
not everyone can afford the best electronic product in the market.
huawei is of dubious quality, and i laughed at its design everytime i saw it but it is relatively cheap.

remember the old days when i contacted linux system after used decades of windows..

then IOS, at last, i distrust windows ever since.
Bill Gates is a jerk , sorry to say that,
Microsoft words charges me every year for the use right, and windows is like a clown playing with balls
it is called selling cheap and live cheap. not worth.

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发表于 2016-11-1 13:01:59 | 显示全部楼层
but Zuckerberg is not my idol,
once i used Facebook to link with my friends

then i quitted
because I wanna change the design of Facebook
or create a new social media platform on my own.

The reason i quitted Facebook is its too simplistic design, it is like everyone has the same layout with others,
and no much room for customization
mass communication is like that, no good
customization is the future trend,

in other words, Facebook is too boring , need more funny elements

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发表于 2016-11-2 15:22:31 | 显示全部楼层
None of Musk's companies are profitable. He is nowhere close to Jobs. Musk's companies rely mostly on government subsidies/wall street and they are still losing money like no tomorrow. Once Trump is in power, green power is finished along with subsidies to Musk. Tesla stock has already dropped from 280 to 180 in about 1.5 years. All these Silicon Valley startup companies claim to be hugely profitable in the future only to get money from wall street, they look good at first but they are essentially gamblers.

All of Musk's endeavors really do is shift from fossil fuel reliance to fossil fuel + lithium reliance. Now not only do you have to destroy the environment for oil but also for lithium. Currently around 70% of electricity in the states is generated from fossil fuels. The only practical and reliable green energy Hydro is only 5%. All other green energy require massive subsidies from government and are non-profitable. You may look at much smaller countries like Sweden or Denmark and go "hey they can go 100% green we can too" the truth is no, we can't, US has a ton more people and much bigger land and the fossil fuel barons will do all they can to prevent it.

He's also suggesting you to put a huge ass battery in your house and car. All you know what happened with the Note 7 now imagine a battery 570x that size exploding in your garage or car during the hot summer. Home Insurance companies would be stupid to keep your rates the same, they might rise to restaurant fire insurance levels (at least 2k a month).

Elon Musk is a joke in the making, its all wall street money, government subsidies and stupid liberal hippie money buying the model 3s. The guy can't even talk properly, have you ever seen his speeches? He sounds disabled.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-2 16:21:05 | 显示全部楼层
Adamsmith-moon 发表于 2016-11-1 12:42
I know, you like IT and I like IT too

but there is just one thing i do not understand

Not a chance for IOS.
I bought 4 cheap Honor5x (2 for relatives, 1 for retired mm, 1 for self), 2 nexus6p (one sold to relative at cost, one self), 1 One plus 2 for self.  Relative has Apple 5s, very happy with android.
Bought at least 10 Apple iphones for my Massage ladies, each phone saved them over 150 CAD.  All Sim free meaning unlocked.  Told them they wasted their hard earned money and will stop buying those anymore except Ipad mini 2.  Our China designed and made phones are at par with Apple or Samsung.

Short answer, no way jose using IOS.
Sorry Bro.  May be you should follow your friend.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-2 16:24:33 | 显示全部楼层
Adamsmith-moon 发表于 2016-11-1 12:50
the sad thing is the market share of android once was bigger than apple
even huawei phone is catchin ...

4 P.
Physical Distribution  now called Place.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-2 16:26:46 | 显示全部楼层
ronkini1234 发表于 2016-11-2 15:22
None of Musk's companies are profitable. He is nowhere close to Jobs. Musk's companies rely mostly o ...

Note 7 is a funny issue.
You are right, it is NOT funny if it explodes in the house.  Did not think about that.

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