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USA – The Arrogant Military Power

发表于 2015-10-27 04:29:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
USA – The Arrogant Military Power

There was one other CNN news release, entitled “China – Aggressive & Arrogant” which prompted me to write this.

Let us look at the facts:

  • These islands have always part of  Chinese territories for a long, long time, easily several hundred years.  There was never any dispute until US decided to contain China,  and ganged up with petty thieves, e.g. RP to stir up trouble.
    The same way, the US used Japan to start the Diaiyu Island disputes.
  • When US was conlonial master of the Philippines (US didn't want anyone to know that although US was a late-comer, it was once an imperialist and colonized some countries),
    US announced the territorial boundaries of Philippines.  These islands are outside the declared boundries, so both Phlippines and US have no say in it.
    That is why US did not ask for an  International Tribual to look into the matter but tried to bullied its way into the matter.
    That is why US also did not ask the usual  Western allies to speak up or participate in its activities.

  • If you build a storage shed in your backyard, do you need permission from a neighbour in another district's consent?  That is exactly what China is doing on these islands building a runway for bombers which is against the wishes of USA.

If, and this is a big IF, China has no territorial rights to these islands,  who gave US the right re Diego Garcia (I posted a write-up called “Stealing a Nation”, check it out.)

Remember, Crimea?  Russia took Crimea under the disguise of well dressed, equipped “rebel troops” and Russia was even a signatory to an Agreement to safeguard the territorial integrety of Ukraine if Ukraine gives up the stockpile of neuclear equipments left there by the former USSR!  What did USA do?  Nothing! Did US ships sail within 12 miles of Crimea's naval seaport, accompanied by surveillance & fighter aircrafts?  No fucking way, because that might create a HOT confrontation and Russia reminded US from the beginning that Russia will not be a push-over.

Must stop now & get ready for work.


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