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发表于 2014-1-3 05:01:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
首先谢谢所有光顾过ED的新老客户们!很多老客户看着我们一点点成长,我们珍惜每位客人,谢谢你们的好评/差评,让我们逐渐改善,带给大家好的MM,以及好的Customer Service!

实话说,接听电话介绍MM是件挺为难的事情,因为每个人口味/爱好不同,所以很难平衡。众人都喜欢的MM,不一定是你的菜,即便是你的菜,MM也会YMMV,如果阁下床上品格低下兼粗暴。。那么请不要见怪,因为她们也是血肉之躯,有父母生养,不容糟蹋,她们有权力保护自己。其实很多MM告诉我:客人其貌不扬并不是问题,她们最怕遇到BAD MANNER难搞的客人。有时其貌不扬的客人反而很NICE!她们不怕丑,不怕老,就怕品格低下的。其实再TOP再天后级的MM,拥有大批粉丝,但也同样有些客人没在她们身上得到很好的回响,说明天后级的MM也会有情绪,也会有YMMV的时候,也会遇到个别床上品格不好的客人蹂躏糟蹋而委屈或发脾气。没有谁喜欢面对这样的客人,她们没有超能力,她们不是活该要承受这些!所以借这个机会想和你们说,尊重她人也尊重自己,做一个绅士的玩家,别觉得花了钱就是大爷,就不把MM当人看!






TO 龙9兄: 我们不需要向没来亲身体验的人道歉!难道允许人说她差,不允许别人喜欢她?你见过本店几个MM?欢迎你来试她是否真的像黄先生所述,那么DRY,那么LOOSE?如果真是真的,你可以立即打电话给我,然后拍拍屁股走人,我来买单!(这还请得起)如果她对你因为反感而没有什么服务,那么抱歉,说明你可能属于床上品格低下类型,故此她才没办法投入服务你吧。你要杯葛的话请告诉我哪个电话#是你的,我会Black List起来(这正是我的份内事)免得你将来见到有好MM忍不住打来约,我不知是你龙9兄,又帮你约,给你写衰我们的机会兼浪费你的钱






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发表于 2014-1-3 05:12:45 | 显示全部楼层
我有極大保留,不是 "不攻自破",是 "容後處理" 才對。

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发表于 2014-1-3 06:26:42 | 显示全部楼层
I guess this will zip up the mob  and rabid group think mentality?    1 review does not make a trend.  But I must admit the counter positive josh review timing was impeccable.  Seems to happen at Eden in similar circumstances. .  Serendipity? .   


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发表于 2014-1-3 08:30:38 | 显示全部楼层
To this case Bro "theone" is a real gentleman. All meals are good with respect, to himself. I am learning to be looked as a gentleman too.
AhWong Sir straight straight forward. He expresses his (own) opinion with no considerations. Free speeches prevail. Wolves (including me) benefit from his.

Joshyu is a true samurai whom put his privacy behind (per ED's depiction). Envy for his open mind as a new wolf. Indeed no one would/would you?.

Myself ....... haha ........ 祝大家2014身体健康(最卵重要啦)!wok wok 顺利!精蟲滚滚來.


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发表于 2014-1-3 12:01:23 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-1-3 12:07:20 | 显示全部楼层
我怎麼覺得ED發飆不是因為Kay,而是因為bros keep harassing Mia,lol

TBH,personally, I ranked ED top 3 garages in my hunting exp.



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发表于 2014-1-3 12:08:52 | 显示全部楼层
Looks like you are pretty good now. I had been to you place once in 2008(?). A week or later, I got a text message before noon from a number I am not familiar with just two words "dim sum". Since I was in travelling sales and often take important customers out to Chinese dim sum. I thought it might be a customer from Government of Ontario wanting to have lunch. I called and took me two minutes to realize it was Eden Dream. Never dared to visit you again in the past years.

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发表于 2014-1-3 12:14:36 | 显示全部楼层
a1b2c3d4 发表于 2014-1-3 12:08
Looks like you are pretty good now. I had been to you place once in 2008(?). A week or later, I got  ...

I have got similar msg from other garages too, sometime even more obvious.
Keepers need to realize these kind of promoting freak people shit out. Please stop doing that.

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发表于 2014-1-3 12:35:15 | 显示全部楼层
I believe mutual respect is important, if you be nice, you will be treated nice in return, everyone has feeling, and we are all different, everyone gets what they deserve, that is fair. And there's no point to trust what a single guy says, it might be his own problems, he can't except someone to behave as the way he thought, especially strangers, and if he's rude at first place, there's no point to be nice to him, it's called dignity. $140 is not much compare to what she delivered, and by saying its "hard earned" reveals his identity of being a loser, so would you take on a loser's complaint so seriously? I would pay him $140 to keep his mouth shut. Kay is a sweet girl always made me feel like home, the time we spend together is precious, I care about her feelings and I wish her to be happy. It's not easy, so please be nice to her, don't make things difficult, give suggestions privately is ok, but no one has the authority to judge.

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发表于 2014-1-3 12:39:58 | 显示全部楼层
I just wrote in Chinese and accidentally just erased it, wtf
I was not going to write again but, I think I owe Mia,ED some explanation.
1. I have never had any problems with E Dream, Mia/Tony,their customer service, since they started near Warden/7, townhouse,, I tried quite a few of their mms, including the famous Anna Like I said, I love to hear Mia's voice, such a nice voice. She is one of my favourite keepers.
2. I am the type of person that if I am not being treated fairly, I will voice my opinion, esp in this forum. I totally understand that mm's life is not easy, but so is our hard earned money, I have the right to be angry if the mm said to me she is not offering cowgirl, asked me to go on top because she had earned a lot of money that day and she is tired! The purpose of this forum is to provide information to other brothers, to share mm information, so good or bad mms, good service or bad service, loose or tight should also be disclosed, not just the good ones.
If this will affect the mm's "career" then its not my fault, we are the one who are paying for their service, and they are the one who is receiving renumeration and providing service, not subpar service.
I have repeated some of E dreams mm , say Tara... they provide the necessary service and they clicked with me, but this time K and the former someone's goddess H(I still couldn't understand how someone can be so .......) anyways did not give me the "Standard" service required, honestly tight is tight and loose is loose, unit 103 is not a good spot because its facing the front door of the bldg. .....I am just telling the facts, nothing made up and no smearing as well!
Lastly, like I already said, I have nothing to say against E Dream, keepers[/b]......its just their mm(s) did not treat me like a customer should be treated, and I am just an unhappy customer this time. I had good experience with their mms, like Tara and bad times like this K and the former someone's goddess H which they did not provide the BASIC services required.
Lastly I have no intention of smearing E Dream and I will continue to call ED(Mia) to book appointments and I will continue to disclose the "goods" and the "bad" apples whenever it happened, to any mm, any garage and anybody's so called "My Love"/goddess

I want to wish Edream a prosperous 2014 and bringing more goddess like mms for us to enjoy. And I kept saying, I enjoy Mia's sweet, courteous voice and I want to hear more. Best regards to all.


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