
楼主: 天津饭

Omicron南非变种 & EMT电子汇款 :狼友们怎么看这兩个问题 ?

发表于 2021-12-6 21:56:59 | 显示全部楼层
littledog 发表于 2021-12-4 22:29


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发表于 2021-12-6 21:57:14 | 显示全部楼层
Yuanfen 发表于 2021-12-5 12:12
EMT is clearly being used to provide "bonus" security for the house at the "added" expense of risk t ...

I don't think the EMT being asked by some agencies for the purpose of screening is meant to provide any additional advantage to the client. EMT and other screening methods are completely for the safety of the girls or agency representing them.

Not every client who wishes to remain anonymous is a bad guy, but 100% of the bad guys wish to remain anonymous.

The girls don't have many ways to keep safe, and everyday they risk their lives meeting complete strangers that could easily overpower them. You would be surprised hoe many girls have been raped, robbed, etc.. For me, the issue of screening is an issue of safety. I do it because that is what makes the provider feel safe.

There is some perks to making the providers feel comfortable, like for instance the girl is more relaxed that she doesn't have to worry about you robbing her. In the case of agencies, like BH, and TGF that ask for EMT from new clients they are willing to entertain more questions related to services. Well, actually BH is not willing to entertain any questions now but they used to be ok to answer questions like "who does BBBJ CIM?"

In closing, not every client who wishes to remain anonymous is a bad guy, but 100% of the bad guys wish to remain anonymous. If you are not comfortable with the screening then just move on to another option. Avoid trying to shame providers who choose to adopt any screening method that you may not be comfortable with.

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发表于 2021-12-6 22:04:17 | 显示全部楼层
用银行的EMT,  银行会留有交易记录, 我个人感觉很不好,如果女孩坚持要求EMT,  我还是最好回避这个女孩, 去找其他女孩了

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发表于 2021-12-7 11:37:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-12-7 11:50:22 | 显示全部楼层
walktree 发表于 2021-12-6 22:04
用银行的EMT,  银行会留有交易记录, 我个人感觉很不好,如果女孩坚持要求EMT,  我还是最好回避这个女孩,  ...

I believe that every person should conduct their hunting in accordance to their risk tolerance, but if we are going to compare risks then we have to look at the big picture by comparing it to other risks presently available in the industry.

I will start off by using cameras, they are present everywhere including condos and at spas. When MW was still operational they were actually known to have cameras inside the living room of the condos to see who is coming and going, in fact these cameras helped them to catch some bad guys that robbed them according to one of the girls that work there. I personally saw a screenshot of the camera footage shared to the girl, so I can tell you for a fact that Moonwaiting was monitoring the living room areas and entrances.

How many places do you think are using cameras in their locations to keep girls safe?

In the building where moonwaiting was operating and still used by BH and L&S and others, they literally have cameras everywhere. The elevators, the hallways, and hell even right besides some of the entrances to the units. These cameras are monitored by the security of the building, how comfortable are you having your face in that footage? Do you think that other buildings don't have cameras in the elevators or hallways?

In a spa, you are literally being videotaped everywhere. At QQ spa, I laugh when I see white guys running around the hallways naked or with a towel around their waists because not every room has a shower there. Do these fools realize that they are being videotaped? How about their cars being parked in the parking lot, you do know that they are being recorded and pictured.

I can go on and on, talking about paying with credit cards, or at spas that accept insurance to pay for sex services.

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发表于 2021-12-8 09:53:08 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-6 21:57
I don't think the EMT being asked by some agencies for the purpose of screening is meant to provid ...


Your concern for the SP's is honourable however I think that is A.  Not the responsibility of the client, and B.  Protecting (or pretending to) the SP at the detriment to the client is wrong.  Let me explain in more detail, bare with me ...

Firstly you wrote, "I don't think the EMT being asked by some agencies for the purpose of screening is meant to provide any additional advantage to the client."  Absolutely not, if I gave that impression that was a mistake because that is not the case whatsoever.

Second, I care about SP's, even had relations on a personal level, met their family etc. and so I don't want to come across as a heartless soul however, I really need to pull on my big boy pants to talk about this honestly.

Let's get some facts and use some analogies along the way.  First facts, SP's enjoy anonymity and immunity, no matter what happens they are victims and names, rights protected.  Do some SP's get robbed - yes.  Do some SP's get raped, yes.  Do some SP's get killed, yes.  Thankfully these are extremely rare occurrences, how do we know for sure, because there are many more Independent SP's than Agencies and if the risks outweighed the rewards there would be less Independents and more Agencies (assuming Agencies are always protecting SP's better).  

Can a race car driver get in an accident, even more so than a SP get's raped, robbed, or killed?  Very likely but, since there are a lot more SP encounters every day than car races in a year, the rates are not the same, the SP's at least publicly are far less.  Some people might laugh at the analogy of a race driver in an accident, yet isn't it similar to an SP getting raped, but we continue on.  We can agree that both need / deserve protection that's for sure and both need to make certain their fans / clients are safe too.  Who is mostly responsible for the Driver?  = Team, Team Owner, Association, Track, etc.  Who is mostly responsible for the SP? =  Themselves, Agents, LE to some extent.  

Now in none of that is their an onus on the customers to be directly responsible?  Putting in EMT into place though now involves the clients.  Not only that, it puts clients in harms way.  Like taking the wall on the track down so if the driver were to of hit it, now he won't get hurt, instead he would fly into a softer landing in the crowd.

Putting the clients at risk is unacceptable and has nothing to do with disparaging anyone or anything, simply put EMT is wrong.  Laying it out to protect the SP is fall equivalency.  If someone with or without EMT decides to do anything (on drugs, crazy, etc) then all EMT will do is provide a trail.  The damage would have already occurred to the SP's person.  So clearly it does not protect the SP very well at all.  So what does it do?  If there is an incident would the Agent report it to LE, likely not, the SP more likely to.  So how does that play out?  If money is taken the SP likely does not care or call LE, she gets her money x Agent, its the Agent issue.   So at the end of the day and a stack of cash, if someone see's the SP and takes the money without harming the SP, who is responsible?  That would be frightening thing to happen at the end of the day and all that money gone.  The Agent would be pissed.  I bet with EMT though there will be zero cases where at the end of the day, the SP has to cough over all the cash to someone she does not know at all, and never ever met, never seen before whatsoever, had no contact prior of any kind, none.  Who would be so brazen to plan robbing the SP at the end of the day or before their pick-up has been made?

Say a physical issue arises and LE comes in to play, are they going to ask Agent for only the EMT info.  of that one person only?  Maybe the person before was involved too?  And so if some crazy loon happen to go the same day as you, now you (client) are even more exposed.

Wrap up,,,,,,,,  EMT =

- The SP is protected from, but only shielded as a deterrent from robbery, rape, death.

- The client has become completely exposed has no anonymity or control of the private information.  Now introduces a new level of risk to their life being ruined, losing job, family, wife, children even friends, yes because guess who's name will be getting published.

- The Agent has protection for their cash, in the form of deterrent from thieves, including SP's that might be working with someone that comes at the end of the day.  Ooopsssss, did I just say that?

Anyway, when we look at SPA's as we know they are at equal risk and how many use EMT?  Certainly SPA would have as many or more cancellations so it's not about missed appointment compensation and besides who would put someone's lives at an increased risk over a missed appointment?

Are there other ways of providing as good or better security and protection other than EMT?  Yes.  Are we shaming Agent's that use EMT, no.  Do we talk about it the same way we might if we do not receive a BBBJ / GFE from an SP, that's her choice of being safe, but yes we do talk about it.  So we are not shaming, not even naming anyone here.  If an Agent or SPA wants to use EMT it does not preclude nor prevent the discussion thereof.

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发表于 2021-12-8 11:06:57 | 显示全部楼层
Let me put my 2 cents here. First I think I agree with what Frank said mostly. 1. There are more risk out there while hunting, and this is related to the original post here, I have said it a thousand times here, explourse to covid19 is way less likely than explourse of STD when you hunt, wth man, why are people scared to get covid while hunting but not scared to get AIDS or STD and sleep with your wife next day?  2. Yes they have cameras , I even once saw an independent girl who has a secret area that shows camera footage of her hallway so she can see who is knocking on the door. However EMT is actually different because  People believe when police is trying to get evidence they will start with EMT since it's the easiest evidence to find. Viewing video footage can time a lot of time and manpower. Also EMT actually provides less security for clients since you don't know who you are sending the money to and what they do with the money, if the agency is doing something shady with that money you have no way to defend yourself but video footage can actually show what you did. Burner phone is always a good choice for Wolfs as it hides identify. And if camera footage of robber and rapper was already recorded and
Shared with providers, also agent usually have security people  living in the same building girls work, I think girls are much safer than you thought Frank. I heard those robery story too but if it's a girl who doesn't know how to protect herself, she will get robbed one way or another , if the girl or agent knows how to protect themselves they would prevent it.

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发表于 2021-12-9 05:03:37 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-6 21:57
I don't think the EMT being asked by some agencies for the purpose of screening is meant to provid ...

You deserve credit for a well thought out and well articulated argument. However your basic premise is flawed, and when your underlying premise is flawed, that is like building a skyscraper on an unstable foundation.

Not every client who wishes to remain anonymous is a bad guy, but 100% of the bad guys wish to remain anonymous.

Intuitively it makes sense that bad guys would want to remain anonymous to avoid getting caught. The problem is that people are not always rational being who think things through and make the optimal choice.
(This is also why economic theory often leads to false predictions. It is based on the assumption that people are smart rational beings who will always make the correct choices which maximizes their own self-interest. This is not true in the real world.)

Smart criminals would probably realize that its a good idea to remain anonymous and take precautions to remain so. Smart criminals also usually engage in white collar crime where there's high payoff and low risk. This is in complete contrast with street crime such as robberies where the payoff is low and the risk is high. Which is why street crime is carried out by dumb crooks at the bottom of the criminal hierarchy.

A criminal who is meticulous, plans his operation in advance, and carefully considers the risk/reward of his actions is highly unlikely to partake in the risky, brutish, and low payoff crime of burglary.

A dumb crook on the other hand probably isn't too concerned about risk of getting caught, or severely underestimates the probability of it happening.

What I'm trying to say is that EMT is not an effective deterent against the kind of bad guys that are likely to rob a sex worker.

The girls don't have many ways to keep safe, and everyday they risk their lives meeting complete strangers that could easily overpower them. You would be surprised hoe many girls have been raped, robbed, etc

This statement is condescending. I believe most guys are aware that sex workers are at much higher risk of rape/robbery compared to the general female population. However, as I argued above, EMT is hardly a deterent. On the contrary, EMT would mostly deter cautious, risk-adverse, law-abiding (with exception to hobbying) type of guys (like myself), who would never rob a sex worker.

While I hope that sex workers can be safe, that is not my responsibility. I'm not going to exchange my safety for her's (as harsh as it may sound).

It was her choice to enter this profession, and she gotta accept the downsides to it. Its not like there aren't other jobs out there. If she is pretty and educated, there are way more doors open to her than us regular guys can dream for. Even if she has little formal education, there are still many jobs that are always hiring.... waitressing, supermarket cashiers, etc.... hell, even if she's an illegal immigrant, there's still a ton of cash jobs out there. But hey, she wants a job that doesn't require years of school yet pays better on an hourly basis than doctors and lawyers...... well then, there're certain unavoidable risks that she gotta accept.

Avoid trying to shame providers who choose to adopt any screening method that you may not be comfortable with.

I won't shame them, but I'll certainly avoid them.

Its just not worth it. By using EMT I expose myself to the following risk:
  • The service provider (and/or her agent) will know my real name.
  • They can blackmail or use it as leverage against me if we have a disagreement.
  • They could get hacked, then someone else could blackmail me.
  • The financial transcation will remain on bank records for years to come and be accessible to law enforcement long after the event transpired.
  • If the recipient bank account was also used for other criminal activities, I would get caught up in something I had no idea about.
  • If I had paid for sex with cash, then at most I could only be convicted of one single crime. But EMT opens a whole new Pandora's Box..... bank fraud, money laundering, these are crimes that are not only more severe, but also easier to prove than prostitution. Even if I wasn't directly charged with these crimes, I could be compelled to testify as to what those transactions were for.

The crux of matter is this. Using EMT to screen clients hardly reduces the risk to the sex worker, but it opens up the client to a new dimension of risk which is unacceptably high.


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-9 09:09:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-12-9 09:50:01 | 显示全部楼层
Ydzrd123 发表于 2021-12-6 21:06
俗话说得好 色胆包天 做好消毒有什么可怕的


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