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Earily White Meat Breakfast..

发表于 2013-5-24 14:32:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 ... fantasy-18/16989088

after good night sleep.. very powerful.. again in the morning.. lol.. especially.. rainny night.. very good sleep.. anyways.. freaking cold.. and.. i usually very powerful.. in the morning.. and.. usually.. tired.. after a day of work.. so.. text this girl last night.. ask her if she is working today.. she said yes.. so.. this morning.. text her.. confirm everything.. hilton.. warden hwy 7.. complete texting.. her ad.. said.. she is 18 yrs.. old.. one year less.. i will be.. in jail.. lol.. anyways.. i see her is very simple.. she is 18 yrs old.. and... she show her face.. in her ad.. and.. she is actually the girl in the picture.. if you have a chance to see her.. you have to take very good look at her nipple and her.. tool.. very pink.. i mean.. pink.. light pink.. it is a good sign of young girl.. lol.. because.. when girl get a lot of experience.. her tools become dark.. black.. etc.. but.. definitely.. pink.. pink.. pink.. lol.. and she wear maid outfit.. cute.. i xxx her.. with the maid outfit on.. lol.. there is a hole.. on your underwear.. she don't have to take anything off.. just sit on me.. and.. she look like having fun.. lol.. probably ride me for 15mins.. and i don't mind because.. in the history.. no girl.. ever ride me to finish.. so.. just like her ride.. and she seem to like it.. a lot.. lol.. anywayz.. we first started.. with.. LFK.. LFK.. LFK.. and then.. DFK.. DFK.. DFK.. lol.. anywayz.. no bbbj.. only CBJ.. and after.. all this.. LFK..DFK.. Riding.. is already done half hour.. but.. she still let me go on top.. and.. finish with doggie.. and the time is already.. 45.. mins.. shower.. chatting.. and must be near one hour when i leave.. lol.. smell okie.. and she is very tight.. very very tight.. almost can't get in.. compare to Cara And Kelly.. she is tightest.. but.. probably not as tight.. after me.. lol.. CBJ.. really.. nothign special.. she have the common problem with most young girl is that the skill is not as good.. her CBJ.. is just regular.. the only problem with her.. is that.. she have all this dots on her face.. and shoulder.. and.. i don't really recommand this girl.. the only selling point is if you want to go for tight.. young.. girl.. she doesn't look as good as.. kelly.. and.. she.. is not as talk.. but.. it was fun.. even.. after our session is done.. i still don't know what kind of white girl she is.. i mean.. where she comes from.. but.. if you look at her picture.. and u like it.. you can try.. damage is $150..

and.. i had an appointment.. with Emma.. toe88.. today.. lol.. at around 2pm.. i don't know the address.. so.. have to call text.. find the place.. find parking.. end up.. i am at the door buzzing.. at 2:30.. and then.. the guy said.. the 2:30.. appointment.. already downstair waiting.. lol.. that is amazing.. i make the appointment.. so.. i didn't want to cancel.. lol.. i manage to get to the appartment front door buzzing.. and.. then have to leave.. lol.. anywayz.. i am not very good with kimchi anywayz.. i guess.. will stick with white meat.. this is a lesson.. if you have a 2:00 appoint be there at 1:45.. instead... of 2:00.. lol..

well.. too tired..


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发表于 2013-5-24 15:13:08 | 显示全部楼层
WOW! she looks nice.. perfect! will text and hope she reply


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发表于 2013-5-24 15:17:01 | 显示全部楼层
Wow.... 3 days 4 meal.... What was your JJ made? Gold? Worth a try at $150

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-24 15:51:11 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2013-5-24 15:17 static/image/common/back.gif
Wow.... 3 days 4 meal.... What was your JJ made? Gold? Worth a try at $150

if u try her.. let me know if u see any nipple.. pinker.. .. probably u did..

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-24 15:52:07 | 显示全部楼层
poorrich 发表于 2013-5-24 15:13 static/image/common/back.gif
WOW! she looks nice.. perfect! will text and hope she reply


basically u get what u see..

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-24 15:57:37 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2013-5-24 15:17 static/image/common/back.gif
Wow.... 3 days 4 meal.... What was your JJ made? Gold? Worth a try at $150

actually.. i have Plan A and Plan B.. this morning.. Plan A is $150.. Plan B is $100.. of course i go for the $150.. first.. lol.. ... incalls-20/17003243

my plan B.. she ask for $100 hh.. $180.. Hour.. kingston rd.. and morningside.. east end.. she look like..  angelina jolie.. ... illa:en-US,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.aWc&fp=3daf3ee056aad4d2&biw=1280&bih=893

Eastern European Girl...


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发表于 2013-5-24 16:15:27 | 显示全部楼层
Did u hv a session with EMMA at 2pm? If yes, how was she comparing to the WHITE?
Hmmm.... Why not go for your plan B tonight.... make it 3 meals in one day ah.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-24 16:33:17 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2013-5-24 16:15 static/image/common/back.gif
Did u hv a session with EMMA at 2pm? If yes, how was she comparing to the WHITE?
Hmmm.... Why not go ...

i guess i was late.. lol.. i was there.. around.. 2:08.. and then.. call.. tell me the address.. find the place.. park the car.. already.. 2:30.. and her 2:30.. appointment already there lol..

another reason.. why i see the $150.. mm.. instead of the $100 mm.. because.. $100.. mm.. seems to work for a long time already.. $150... seem freash meat..

for some reason.. i find mm in toronto seems like.. enjoy.. what they are doing.. and not forced into.. working..

also.. let do some math.. let say.. i see one mm.. in every three days.. and.. one year.. i will be only seeing.. 100 mms..

let say.. Emma.. see 10 customer each day... all she have to do.. is to work 10 days.. to see the same amount of people.. i do for entire year.. wow.. imagine.. one month = 3 yrs.. of amount of mm i see.. and.. one year = 36 yrs..


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发表于 2013-5-24 18:08:06 | 显示全部楼层
Now, I can use find new MM with the price.  Thanks for information

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发表于 2013-5-24 21:58:45 | 显示全部楼层
i like her skin ,look so soft

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