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We have our own version of DT here in Ontario ?

发表于 2018-9-12 05:20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Doug Ford is ignoring the courtesy of politics here in Ontario.

Case in point.
Interfering the Metro politics by cutting the size of metro council to half.
Agree that it could be made more efficient that way.  
But do you not think the speed and timing of change too sudden.  All the process is ready for the election with the candidates using OLD districts.  Now everyone is so confused, both candidates and voters and printing material.

Just like DT issue tariff without passing the Congress to carry out with proper procedure.
ALL ON IMPULSE.  Crazy people, can one change the direction of a big boat with a SUDDEN turn.
Capsize could be the end result.

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发表于 2018-9-13 14:43:56 | 显示全部楼层
I agree with DF's move:

1.  He, just like a few others ahead of him, inherited this over-sized counselor baggage from Mel Lastman when he was Mayor of Toronto and created GTA, and in order for the neighbouring areas to join GAT willingly, he had to maintain status quo with regard to the number of City Counselors.

With a heavy baggage, a lot of expenses are redundant and must be reduced to proper size since DF's predessors accumulated huge deficits year after year.

2.  If DT did nothing, there will be no savings, also making it equally difficult to introduce "size change" at a later stage which must be done anyway.  There is a Chinese saying, "short-term pain is better than long-term pain", so he bites the bullet.

3.  John Tory said size change must be voted on by the City Counselors.  That is totally absurd!  It is like a company is losing money and must down size by 50%, and the employees suggest that they should vote on the motion, i.e. decide on Counselor's own employment in the company via Counselor's vote.  Where do you find this kind of company?

4.  At best, DF could push back the ballot date to allow candidates more time to campaign but reducing the size is a "must go".

NDP Chairwoman's behaviour in yesterday's Council meeting was a disgrace.  Anyway, she and some others were kicked out of the Council meeting.

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