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spa encounter with police (long time ago)

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-7 09:53:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Years ago, near Keele/Hw7, Kwei Lo Spa, I was enjoying fake boob Vietnam lady"s bodyslide, , fucking door opened, Kwei Lo LE entered, asked to put clothes on, stay in the room, later checked my ID,  asked me what did I do inside the room, I told him just shooting aeroplane , no real stuffs, I was lucky, got out, saw 2 black Chevy Suburbans, like FBI stuffs....... I was lucky to get out of there, still remember

All legal-related posts belong in the <Bill C-36 & 法律 (Legal) 討論專區> section.
To give everyone a fair chance to see this, and also to remind others of that we have this dedicated section (because some ignorant & lazy bros who don't read but instead make ridiculous accusations / conspiracy-theories that we want to "bury" posts where "nobody can find"), we will leave this post here until tomorrow (October 8) before moving it to the proper section.
Special thanks to veteran wolf Ahwong bro for sharing this experience with us.


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发表于 2017-10-7 10:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
So you are OK then,  lucky you.

But they have CCTV to check outside in the ROOM, so why did you not get dress right away.
BTW, mm lock the room door too.  It will take 3 minutes to bust through front door, then the room (pick the room farthest away from the front if I were doing it, may gain extra minutes to dress.

All you need is the underpants, massage with top off is a OK.

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-7 10:40:24 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2017-10-7 10:35
So you are OK then,  lucky you.

But they have CCTV to check outside in the ROOM, so why did you n ...

I just think "Doing real stuff" at that Spa Strip, (at least 7 or 8) there, with Kweilo, ahcha, Iranian, and "Comrades" is not a wise thing

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发表于 2017-10-7 14:40:18 | 显示全部楼层
Keele is a bad neighborhood with lots of drug problems other crimes. Its quite possible that cops were there for something else. Pick a good neighborhood and you'll be a lot safer.

If you follow the news back when Bill C-36 came out and listened carefully (reading between the lines) of what official police spokesperson said, they will operate on a "harms reduction" approach. Which means mainly going after the pimps and customers that are involved with minors, especially those coerced/tricked into this industry.

Cops all know the sex industry will never be destroyed and no matter how many people they take down it will just get replaced with new people. So they focus on dealing with the most problematic areas, which is usually the violent pimps and minors. Those that don't cause trouble and don't cross these red lines (drug-relate/violence/minors) will be left alone.

Certainly, for a regular law-abiding person that is not used to dealing with cops, an experience like OP would be frightening. And for sure hunting will always be risky, but if you think it thru, hunting at spas (in a good neighborhood) is actually the safest way to hunt.

With an incall, especially if its a beauty-pageant (many MMs and customer together in the same unit), the cops can charge you even if you are only just there. The law says clearly "being found in a bawdy house" is a crime, even if they didn't catch you doing anything.

Even 1-on-1 setup is not totally safe, because, although its unlikely they would spend that much effort on you, theoretically, they can still prove you are a john. Some people think they can say the MM is their girlfriend or friend, but all they need to do is to question you both separately and they can easily prove you don't know each other. And there are many other things they can use to prove that its sex trade. Like I said, its unlikely they will spend that much effort to nail you if you are just a regular john, but theoretically its possible.

For spas though. The most important thing you need to remember is that these are LICENSED BUSINESSES. Its perfectly legal to be in there. You can play innocent and pretend to naive. As far as the law is concerned, you just walked into a legal operating shop. Even if cops can prove someone else is doing something illegal in another room, they cannot use that against you. Unless you they charge in while your penis is still in the MM's vagina (in which case you are either extremely stupid or slow reflexes), they cannot charge you with anything. It is legal to have a massage while nude if your genitals are covered with a towel, so just make sure there is a towel nearby.

One more thing you need to understand about cops is that they are allowed to lie and scare you. They can say stuff like "we have enough evidence to charge you, unless you cooperate with us you will get in big trouble" even if they know actually have nothing. With cops the best approach is to just be polite and respectful but don't say anything to incriminate yourself. Just say you are there for a massage and play dumb to any other questions they ask. They will take down your info as routine procedure and may say something to try to scare you into giving them some info, but they aren't likely to waste much time on you, just be polite but act dumb and they'll move on.

Don't take my word for it. Go talk to a lawyer and ask him how these things work. I did and the knowledge helps a lot. At least won't 己人懮天 anymore. Even though lawyer charge by hour and is expensive but still not as expensive as MM charge. So just 當hunt少次 and spend it to get some professional advice. Its worthwhile investment in the long run.

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发表于 2017-10-7 22:45:25 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing the info

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发表于 2017-10-7 23:00:34 | 显示全部楼层
黃sir,spa 係危險多個 1 on 1的。好彩你話打飛機 。住宅大廈的 1 on 1 原本是無商業活動的,除非有人投訴有 【商業】交易!在1 on 1 condo 內就算有性行為,可以堅持說冇錢銀交易,警察/法庭也無可耐何。換句話說在 spa,有商業注冊的, 入便進行性行為而有金錢交易,這就違法了。
在叫雞法律裏最重要的論點是 "錢銀交易" !

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发表于 2017-10-8 04:31:53 | 显示全部楼层
tchai 发表于 2017-10-7 23:00
黃sir,spa 係危險多個 1 on 1的。好彩你話打飛機 。住宅大廈的 1 on 1 原本是無商業活動的,除非有人投 ...

I think 1 on 1 is a lot SAFER than anywhere with more than one mm working (SPA or Pageant Parade house).

1 on 1 caught in the act without money changing hand is OK.  Only thing LE can get a mm is Money changing hands before the ACT,  but only for violating TRAVEL VISA rule,  not on Bill C36 (mm allowed).
So mm with Canadian status has NO issue at all.
That is why money changing hands after the act is a lot safer for mm.

Should always worry about high value houses in exclusive neighborhood for complaints from rich residents.

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发表于 2017-10-8 07:17:29 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2017-10-8 04:31
I think 1 on 1 is a lot SAFER than anywhere with more than one mm working (SPA or Pageant Parade h ...

You're correct, babyme
In Qwailo advertisement it called "donation", not "price". Donation = voluntary transfers of payment. Price = money paid for goods or services. Price also deemed to treat/invite. Under Bill 36 sex trade is illegal.

First, police can not enter a private property unless they've a "warrant" or reported of crime activity. "Crime" activity includes commercial trade without license. Condo is for lives only & privately owned. Johns should insist the money is for donation only, not price. So, not much the police/judge can do as law persuade.


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发表于 2017-10-8 09:50:31 | 显示全部楼层
Can police enter the hotel room without a warrant?

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发表于 2017-10-8 20:27:14 | 显示全部楼层
ahwong 发表于 2017-10-7 10:40
I just think "Doing real stuff" at that Spa Strip, (at least 7 or 8) there, with Kweilo, ahcha, Ir ...

Thanks. Follow the same logic, not so much wiser to "doing real stuff" in a pack of joints right of an extreme popular intersection either...LOL~~

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