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Amazon CA vs US

发表于 2017-10-2 03:15:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Just found out that Prime in CA is only $79 CAD (HST?) and $99 USD in USD.
What are your experiences with Canadian operation?  Can you order stuff from US site?
Delivery service?  (I never had issue with it).

Once my delivery was stated to be delivered, but I did not get it.  Called Amazon, US post office to now avail.  Finally got hold of US post office service staff.  Guess what, it WAS delivered, and according to their GPS data for that delivery , it was delivered to my next door neighbor.   Sure enough they kept my box for 4 days knowing that it was not for them.  The neighbors just rented the house next door, NOT VERY NICE.   I got my package back then.

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发表于 2017-10-2 07:18:22 | 显示全部楼层
Unlike US, CA does not have same day prime yet I believe. Fastest is only next day prime delivery for certain items.

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-2 07:38:42 | 显示全部楼层
lemonhead 发表于 2017-10-2 07:18
Unlike US, CA does not have same day prime yet I believe. Fastest is only next day prime delivery fo ...

Yes US normal Prime is 2 days TOO.

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发表于 2017-10-3 09:57:31 | 显示全部楼层
CA Prime can only order product from CA site. Compare to the US site, CA site has less product and product are more expensive. That is why they have cheaper membership.

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发表于 2017-10-3 13:15:54 | 显示全部楼层
I think Amazon is probably going to raise prime membership for CA soon. They probably want to test it in the US first.

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发表于 2017-10-3 15:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
Even though (currently) I'm not a prime member (had joined the trial membership in the past), I have very good experience with Amazon CA, the products would always delivery ahead (2-3 days) of the standard delivery (7-8 days) schedule as long as the products are fulfilled by Amazon. Its customer services are the best among other online vendors with respect to tracking the order, cancel/return the products etc...

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-3 22:39:03 | 显示全部楼层
Chinese 发表于 2017-10-3 15:53
Even though (currently) I'm not a prime member (had joined the trial membership in the past), I have ...

They want to be your vendor for life.

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-4 15:59:33 | 显示全部楼层
Amazon Prime – 多得是你不知道的好处
2017年9月27日 17:03


那么Amazon Prime到底是什么呢?其实,每一个花了年费变成了Prime用户的人,都可以称之为Amazon VIP用户,因为他们比没有Prime的 用户会多出来很多特权。



另外一个特权,则更适合平时爱玩游戏爱看游戏直播的小伙伴们了,它就是Twitch Prime。Twitch平台是一个游戏直播平台,很多世界知名的电子竞技选手以及主播都有在上面进行直播,游戏种类更是多到你想不到,大到CS GO,DOTA2,Unknown players Battleground,小到普通的纸牌游戏,或者是全世界各大电子竞技比赛,都有直播,而且还是多种语言哦。无论是平时喜欢看游戏视频消磨时间,喜欢研究高手的玩法,或者是想提高自己游戏水平的,都可以常年泡在Twitch上。而Twitch Prime,你可以提前预购很多新游戏,订阅你最喜欢的主播,或者看视频的时候完全没有广告,听起来是不是很爽?

免费的无限照片存储量 – 无论是手机照片还是相机照片存不下的时候,只要将它们上传到Amazon Drive,就可以不用再有删除喜爱的照片的烦恼啦。

Early Access – 这个特权则是小编认为最重要也最实用的,很多超级折扣,大部分的物品都是限量的。对于普通淘货的人而言,看到喜欢的超级优惠物品,想下单却发现已经卖完了,真的是非常难过的事情。而成为Prime用户,就无需再有这个担心了。Prime用户可以在打折物品完全开放给大众之前30分钟,就可以提前下单了。

除此之外,Amazon每年的Prime Day,有超级多超级值的优惠,只针对Prime用户。

Prime用户可以选择自动定期购买日用品,包括婴儿尿布等,都可以有20% OFF的折扣。如果不想再有这个服务,可以随时取消。



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发表于 2017-12-25 13:28:10 | 显示全部楼层
AMazon STILL has a long way to go. look at how slow their delivery is.

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发表于 2017-12-25 17:26:59 | 显示全部楼层

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