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锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [万年古佛]

发表于 2014-12-26 02:43:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-3-23 20:25:10 | 只看该作者


发表于 2014-3-23 20:56:14 | 只看该作者

Finally somebody post a title ... he he ... Let's talk further under 陰謀論:

1) Lost in 航空雷達. Then what happened to 軍事雷達? Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri-Lanka & now Australia? Even "秘密" 軍事基地 of USA in India ocean? Not seen ...... Looks impossible.
2) Hijacked? Negotiating 贖金 undergoing for purpose of buy time to save 人質 by force. Seems unlikely.
3) Shot down by unknown 國家? He denied & covered the incident. Seems unlikely.
4) 一般航空災難. Poor 軍事雷達 per India/Sri-Lanka etc. Most likely.

God bless 200+ souls. I hope it is (2).

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发表于 2014-3-23 22:39:25 | 只看该作者

马航飞机无端失联: With today's technology/effort don't you know how much time/money being spent? Back to 60~80 years ago, it is impossible. Then ends up conclusion alike BERMUDA TRIANGLE.

Bermuda Triangle: Indeed, according to the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not recognized by the US. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors.

But this [Triangle] was boardly mentioned in films/movies/videos/papers/books etc. Thus far even some folks believed that it is REAL! Even worst they believed it should be part of histories (in videos/movies etc). This "triangle" was added 揭秘 as name of episodes (for audiences).

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发表于 2014-3-23 22:47:48 | 只看该作者

this is kind of off-topic but i just watched the movie non-stop last night, it was very entertaining. strongly recommend!

regarding this plane gone missing, it has been too long, something is not right, conspiracy for sure, they were able to track my previous iphone in a few hours when i lost it... let alone a huge airplane, with like 200 passengers on board and with the technology nowadays, truly unbelievable

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-23 23:06:50 | 只看该作者

conspiracy for sure, they were able to track my previous iphone in a few hours when i lost it. ~~~ precisely.

Further conspiring presumption (5) : Does USA/MALAYSIA involved?
An very important person (eg. terrorist/political leader) on board. Airplane hijack/shot down?
Hijack : Spilling of secret information.
Shot down: Appraise military revenge (If committed purposely)

Interesting Uh.... Let's wait if there are more 揭秘 aftermath (same as Bermuda Triangle).

Note: Malaysia is an Islamic/muslim nation.

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发表于 2014-3-24 08:14:11 | 只看该作者

I believe there is some kind of government cover up.

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发表于 2014-3-24 08:30:13 | 只看该作者

mkjai 发表于 2014-3-23 19:14
I believe there is some kind of government cover up.

i know. for sure there is a hidden agenda going on from upper level.. taking them forever to track the remaining wreck and debris also the questions is very simple, was it a terrorist attack or not, who was responsible. they kept avoiding the questions and definitely attempt to cover up something serious

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-24 08:36:30 | 只看该作者

i just checked out yahoo, msn, the province and worldjournal news, not much news about this missing plane anymore, seems like someone deliberately kill the news or suppress it a lot. sigh... dirty politicians play with power using our tax money

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-24 08:40:36 | 只看该作者 ... A9%B1?instance=m112

very brief update.





coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-24 21:48:05 | 只看该作者

happypooning 发表于 2014-3-23 19:40 ... 6%96%B0%E7%B7%9A%E7 ...

Mystery Uh .... (All our discussion under 陰謀論 = not truth = No history)

IMO a great chance that USA do know where the plane went:
1) USA/Malaysia/Thailand/Vietnam etc reluctant to dispatch searching team to Ocean between Malay and Vietnam. Only China does?
2) The plane seen & down near a "secret" US military base in India Ocean. To prevent unveil of this "secret" US base USA pushed the debris out from reach. Until today, USA remain shut about it's miliary radar!
3) As of today, China/Australia has enthusiastic search in South India Ocean. A place of no value (military & economical).

Let's see how the story ends!


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 02:44:19 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: 万年古佛

锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-3-24 20:12:19 | 只看该作者

didn't know there is a "Secret" US military base there, i follow this news everyday, not much update yet. truth is going to come out soon enough, they can't hide it forever

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-24 20:27:21 | 只看该作者

lmao..after 2 weeks of the accident, they just figured out that on one survived on that flight genius


coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-26 15:35:18 | 只看该作者 ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_c3

This is another theory yet.  Will know for sure if/when the black box is recovered.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-26 16:54:48 | 只看该作者 ... 9F%A5?instance=m112
馬來西亞首相納吉宣布馬航MH370班機已墜入南印度洋後,引起中國嚴正關切,態度越來越強硬。正在歐洲訪問的中國國家主席習近平25日指派外交部副部長張業遂,立即前往馬來西亞磋商,要求處理好相關事宜。中國同時要求馬來西亞提供有關馬航MH370班機的全部衛星信息與證據,同時吸收中方專家組深度介入事故調查。中國和澳洲也已增派船隻前往南印度洋繼續搜尋,南印度洋搜索區域已經發現很多疑似殘骸碎片。 ... %B5%B7?instance=m21





英國「每日電訊報」(Daily Telegraph)25日引述官方消息來源的說法也與這一說法不謀而合。消息來源指出,調查人員相信,馬航墜機是某個人在機上刻意的行為所造成,這個人對如何操控飛機有很深入的了解。


Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 傳機長劫機挺安華 談判破裂油盡墜海

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-26 16:56:07 | 只看该作者 ... E%9A?instance=hota1

i really don't get it, why is it so hard just tell the truth,

just answer , when , where, and why

idk why governments are playing games, avoiding the questions, postponing as much as they could, s

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-3-26 18:06:07 | 只看该作者

Just guessing, may be it is related to insurance payment, i.e. airline pays or insurance company pays & the % split.

Even B4 the accident/disappearance, MH has been losing money for a # of years; with the accident & resultant damage payments, prolonged lawsuits & legal fees, reduced tourist traffic for non-transparency, this airline will go belly up, guaranteed.

May be bankruptcy is the best solution, victims' families get promises but no $.

Register a new company, buy the airline's remaining assets & air routes @ Walmart prices, then operate on a clean slate.  It is un-ethical & immoral, but it is the best way to have a national carrier.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-26 20:34:50 | 只看该作者 ... 2%84?instance=hota1

whatever the hidden agenda is..

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-29 18:02:28 | 只看该作者



我想说,如此评论的人,看来你们掌握了事情的真相是吧!要不然,你们怎麽知道马来西亚在撒谎?事发时难道你们都在飞机上,目睹了整件事情的来龙去脉?如果不 是,请问,你们所谓的“真相”从何而来?对于那些毫无根据的言论,还说得振振有词,我看了实在心寒。你们说的,“爲了释放政治犯而劫机,可是谈判失败导致 空难”,我想,这个国家还没有胆量玩到这个地步。这种事情的烂摊子,盈亏中的马航,甚至整个马来西亚都承担不起,我们没有理由把自 己逼到死角。如果你们真的知道真相,我不介意在接下来的记者招待会,由你们来主持。我们没有空閒到演出一场大龙凤,召集26个国家在大海捞针,在马来西亚 免费照顾乘客家属的饮食起居,每天傍晚五时三十分风雨不改地召开记者会,讲到没有话讲还是要讲。我恳切地希望,各位口说无凭的福尔摩斯们,拜託你们,不要 再煽风点火。大家已经拼命在找,关键的黑匣子、飞机残骸、生还者依然无影无踪,请问,你们要这个国家拿什么还你们真相?就算这是单纯的空难,也必须承认这 是劫机,只因为这才是你们可以接受的真相?意外抑或人祸,这个国家比你们更渴望知道事情的真相。

我想说,接近20天的搜寻行动,为的是什么?不只是给中国同胞的154条生命一个交代,而是还全机上239条性命一个答桉。马来西亚难 道在这十几天的搜寻行动只是置身事外?失联客机上,亦有我国的同胞。他们也有家人、同事、朋友,期待他们平安归来。马航其他的空服人员,事后依然脸带笑 容,以专业的精神和态度继续为马航的乘客服务。他们真的什么都不懂,却需承受登机乘客对他们抛掷的各种疑问,转身之后,他们潸然泪下,因为失联的客机上, 亦有和他们并肩作战多年的同事。154条性命下落不明,整个中国唯马来西亚是问。这个国家肩负的压力,不只是失联客机上239条人命,还有他们的家属,甚至整个中国、整个世界的责问。马来西亚的痛,不比你们轻。

我想说,每天的新闻发佈会,都是为你们而召开。我看得出来,马来西亚代表已经说得词穷了。他们前后矛盾,他们拖延,他们延迟公佈消息。我不懂这个政府有没有 在掩饰些什么 。我只知道,这个国家还没有到可以瞒天过海的程度;我只知道,这个国家技不如人,没有足够的处理能力,没有先进的系统提供更多线索,许多外来的数据还需靠 他国协助分析;我只知道,网上太多不负责任的推测、消息、真相、内幕,讲到比珍珠还真,有关当局必须一一求证才敢对外公佈。我也相信,不管我们早公佈还是 晚公佈,依然会被千夫所指,因为,说到底,依然缺乏关键性的证据。如果这个国家真有答桉,那我还真搞不懂他们何苦要在全世界人面前出糗,什么问题都说不清 楚。还是,既然你们说全球人都知道这是因为政治诉求而造成的劫机事件,那你们是不是有什么关键性的证据,不妨拿出来,帮帮我们。接近20天的徒劳无功,这 个国家也累了。

目前的情况,没有线索,没有人证物证,连如同闭路 电视的雷达也没有记录。所有蛛丝马迹,只能从精确度有限的卫星影像,以及零零碎碎的天文数字中,拼凑出一点头绪,而这一丁点的头绪,在飞机找到之前,也只 能称是假设。但是,你们急于得到真相,因此不管当局得出什么假设,都先公诸于世,有消息好过没消息。后来证实有些假设是错的,马来西亚又一一否认。否认越 多,你们越怀疑。直到那天,我国首相宣佈,MH370绝迹于南印度洋。这次,轮到你们否认这个结论。我想其中一个原因是,这不是你们等待的答桉,更重要的 是,除了数据资料,其他证据不详。说真的,飞机残骸和遗体一天没找到,我也不会相信这就是事实。马航所宣佈的“无人生还”,定论的确下得过于仓促,甚至我 本身也极度不认同。但是,绝迹的结论,并不是爲了敷衍你们而道出的,而是经过多 方面专业的计算,多方面线索的整合,得出的结果。而对于那些在前线及幕后默默拼命、乘风破浪的功臣,在你们否定这些结果的同时,是不是也等于一拼否定他们 专业的付出?

比起官方消息,媒体的舆论似乎更处于主导地位。马来西亚发佈的消息一直不明不白,所以舆论也随之不分青红皂白。阴谋论、政治论,网上疯传的各种天马行空创意 爆发的评论,说着说着就以假乱真。而乘客的家属,他们要的是一个可以说服自己的真相。哪个说法说得过去,真相就是哪个。我一直认为,谣言止于智者。但是, 当我看到具有影响力的艺人也带头抵制有关马来西亚的任何东西,说马来西亚无德、无良、无能,马来西亚被贬得禽兽不如、草菅人命,更莫名其妙地抨击和事件毫 无关係的所有马来西亚人,我的失望甚于愤怒。这 就是舆论,或称之为“愚论”更为贴切的可怕之处,谣言也会变成真理,然后接下来的连锁效应,我想到都不寒而慄。昨晚,我还梦见,走在大街上的我,身边尽是 令人恐惧的压迫,就因为我是马来西亚人。和失联客机完全扯不上边的其他马来西亚人,我们到底做错了什么?意外,不是我们安排的。善后做得不好,但这个国家 正在努力。马航出事,你们诋毁整个马来西亚,这口气我无论如何都咽不下去。

我承认,这个国家在客机失联的事件中,处理方式也许甚至不及“差强人意”。在全球人的注视下,成为国际焦点之际,马来西亚的表现显得手足无措。这不是没有原 因。马来西亚这个国家,没有经历过毁灭性的的灾难、没有发生过极端性的暴乱,犹如温室里健康成长的小花,人们生活安逸,偶尔来个安全集会对 执政党表示抗议,最后好聚好散,仅此而已。我们一直以来都为我们的和平为荣。这也许是爲什么在客机失联当天,马来西亚的军事雷达就算侦测到有不明物体飞 过,也没有第一时间去追踪,因为马来西亚真的居安太久而忘了思危。如今面对这个对马来西亚来说是史无前例的震撼,马来西亚可说是没有应对的经验。外人不瞭 解而重伤我们,我可以谅解。但是,身为马来西亚人,如果连我们都不挺起自己的国家,和舆论一起兴风作浪,那马来西亚要如何撑下去?国难当前,匹夫有责。马 来西亚,就让我们从这件事情中,一起成长吧!

总而言之,不管谁说的都不是真相。真相是,除非找到生还者,还有飞机的黑匣子。我只希望,在真相大白之前,大家能停止毫无根据的言论,不要再让事情越演越 烈,唯恐天下不乱。 与其把力气放在对事情毫无帮助的举动,不如一起为搜寻人员加油打气,也把心思放身边的人事物,好好地珍惜所拥有的一切。最后,献上我最高的敬意,予幕前幕 后所有不辞劳苦,为寻找失联客机默默贡献的功臣。谢谢您们!辛苦您们了!

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-29 18:29:28 | 只看该作者

----摘自闻山 博客

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发表于 2014-3-30 09:36:19 | 只看该作者

万年古佛 发表于 2014-3-29 18:02


Right .... What a word 看了实在心寒.  没有线索,没有人证物证, 也没有记录. 阴谋论、政治论,网上疯传的各种天马行空创意 爆发的评论,说着说着就以假乱真。

就让我们从这件事情中,一起成长吧!~~~~ more use our brain.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 02:44:45 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: 万年古佛

锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-4-1 04:30:38 | 只看该作者

I have a WILD, WILD, WILD guess.

About 10 years ago, USA lost one of its stealth bombers over Kosovo.  China spent a lot of money & bought the wreckage & initially stored it in the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.  USA didn't want this state-of-the-art technology to fall into the hands of any foreign country & took advantage of a bombing run, fired a smart bomb & levelled the Chinese embassy, with the hope of destroying/burying the technology.  USA subsequently apologized & blamed it on incorrect coordinates.  

Luckily for China, either part of the wreckage was recovered after the bombing or the complete wreckage was shipped out of Belgrade before the bombing.  So in a few years time, China successfully developed its own stealth bombers, announced it + test-flighted it on the eve of the former USA Defense Secretary's visit to China as an "in your face" response.

Here comes the WILD guess, is it possible that China picked up/bought some USA technology & shipped it via MH370, & USA must bring it down???  This probably explains why China sent ships to Southern Indian Ocean to "help" in identification & collection of suspicious objects, keeping in mind that China was never that enthusiastic in joining Western countries in any humane activities.

Let me reiterate, this is a wild guess, we may know in 10 years time or never at all.

The Malaysian Govt subsequently will learn about it, but cant say much, & "ate a dead cat".

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-4-2 14:19:53 | 只看该作者

Dragon dailo, a friend sent me this email quote:


The Americans are withdrawing from Afghanistan. One of their command and control systems (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Taliban when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hilltop bases. The Taliban ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in February 2014.

What the Taliban want is money. They want to sell the system to the Russians or the Chinese. The Russians are too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it.

Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia, thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile the Americans engaged the assistance of Israeli intelligence and together they were determined to intercept and recapture the cargo.

The Chinese calculated that it would be safe to transport it via a civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and a half hours, and the Americans will not hijack or harm civilians. So MH 370 is the perfect carrier.

There are 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who are familiar with Boeing's operation. The 2 "Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them.

When MH 370 is about to leave Malaysian air space and reporting to Vietnamese air control, one American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane suddenly lost altitude momentarily.

How can the AWAC do this? Remember the 911 incident? After the 911 incident, all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbuses) are installed with remote control systems to counter terrorist hijacking. Since then all the Boeing could be remote controlled by ground control tower. This is the same remote control system used to control the pilotless spy aircraft and drones.

The 5 American/Israeli agents soon took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication systems, changed course and flew westwards. They dared not fly east to the Philippines or Guam because the whole South China Sea air space was covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellite.

The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radars actually detected the unidentified aircraft but did not react professionally.

The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and then landed at Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refuelled and continued its flight to Garcia Deigo, the American Air Base in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced via natural means, lack of oxygen. They believe only dead persons will not talk. The MH 370 with dead passengers were air borne again via remote control and crashed into the South Indian Ocean to make it to believe that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed, and blame the defiant captain and copilot.

The Americans has put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made its way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with some conflicting statement and evidence to confuse the world. The Australians are the co-actor.

The amount of effort put up by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first the South China Sea, then the Malacca Straits and the Indian Ocean, is unprecedented. This showed that the China is very concerned, not so much because of the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly the high value cargo ...


wtf, it's just another fxxk!
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发表于 2014-4-2 14:22:53 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-4-1 04:30
I have a WILD, WILD, WILD guess.

About 10 years ago, USA lost one of its stealth bombers over Kosov ...

Read my post if you haven't.

wtf, it's just another fxxk!
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发表于 2014-4-2 15:36:02 | 只看该作者

ahwong 发表于 2014-4-2 14:22
Read my post if you haven't.

That again proves that reading proper reports/news pay dividends!

Now that we have joined all the dotted lines, things fall into their proper places & now disappearance of MH370 start to make sense.

Of course, a 747 brother will tell us that all published reports are subjective & objective reports have not been published.  

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-4-4 15:45:49 | 只看该作者

CEO ahwong,

Just one more query now....

The Taliban basically controls most areas outside of Kabul, so they were successful in ambushing the transportation of Command & Control equipment/system.  Why didn't China ask Taliban to ship to the Afghanistan/Chinese border by land, & once inside China, USA will not risk sending bombers into China for fear of losing another state-of-the-art bomber, or worst still a "bomber-gate"?

Shipping from outside of Kabul to KL Malaysia was already a big risk, if that was how the equipments were shipped.

What I read about how the Stealth bomber was brought down was that the Chinese de-coded the time & flight path of the bomber, then passed on the info to the Kosovo authorities.  So when the time came, they were simply firing all missiles into the sky like JUL04 fireworks, hoping that one might hit, & it did.
(That is why I keep buying LottoMax!   & if/when I hit the jackpot, all 747 brothers will have a no-charge "all- you-can-eat-in-a-day" treatment)

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-4-6 01:33:58 | 只看该作者

Did MH370 land in Diego Garcia or Maldives? ... dives-diego-garcia/ ... nd-the-black-photo/

Images of Diego Garcia: ... iw=1366&bih=673

MH370 Conspiracy Theory: ... 2014-04-06-1.544414

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-4-6 20:34:40 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-4-6 01:33
Did MH370 land in Diego Garcia or Maldives? ...

Did not read all these until now, busy checking out mms info
Well, if the Chinese passengers are still alive they should not complain at all because they are getting all these free plane rides and may be a land tour of this Diego Garcia Island and a month's sea and sunshine holiday

wtf, it's just another fxxk!
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发表于 2014-4-8 08:32:27 | 只看该作者

ahwong 发表于 2014-4-2 14:19
Dragon dailo, a friend sent me this email quote:


哈哈哈 .... To AhWong sir only.
Apparently, YOUR version of story came from some other [secret] source. This is not from your own own due to I know you too well ..哈哈哈.. (If it is come from your own imagination that I don't think you have backup materials ....對吗? When no backup material then it becomes 吹水 only = no fact)

Thanks for sharing this kind of "揭秘" ?
How much yourself, believe this becomes "歷史" and "事實"?
How strong would you (in your brain) that in a position to defend this is "真正歷史 or 事實", in this (today) moment?

AhWong Sir .... [not challenging] sharing only .....

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发表于 2014-4-8 10:18:12 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-4-8 08:32
哈哈哈 .... To AhWong sir only.
Apparently, YOUR version of story came from some other [secret] so ...

Dr. Siu:
This is only for "Blow Water" Fun.
Of course there is no "Truth" to back up more mystery any more.
The truth may not be disclosed like the assassination of JFK!
All I know is after I tried Roxy of  your favourite Zenful Agency I start to like her.
I haven't have chance to retry C because you ALWAYS TAKE MY SPOT

wtf, it's just another fxxk!
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发表于 2014-4-15 06:42:00 | 只看该作者

A new form of "揭秘" per 星岛日报 (Toronto) Front page 14-Apr, Monday, that MH370 has been hijhacked & flew/landed deep into mountains of Afghanistan. All passengers survive. Ransom has been negotiating with Chinese government.

[I speak 真正歷史 or 事實 only]


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 02:45:03 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: 万年古佛

锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-4-15 17:57:51 | 只看该作者

why? why negotiate with Chinese? we have no money...we spent it all on mm's.


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