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乾隆. the worst KING in recent Chinese history? [tomsiu]

发表于 2014-12-25 22:10:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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乾隆. the worst KING in recent Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-1-31 21:45:15 | 只看该作者

A lot of people say....  慈稀 whom I am not agree. I say "乾隆".

乾隆 brings no progress to Chinese. He missed chances, in nearly 60 years, to bring China upto world stage.
乾隆 induces 和新 to chinese history.
乾隆 found poor successor to his throne. Supposedly he would but fail to do so. He performed not upto a great KING would.

These 3 things put him from GREAT to WORST in my opinion.
After him all KINGS (in China) are wanes. These Kings started as POOR and ended as BAD.

Concerning history .... 龙兄 .... any comment?


发表于 2014-1-31 22:58:35 | 只看该作者

For sure there are worst emperors (the correct term), for example 同治 who was a hunter like us, but who was not careful and eventually died of STI's, or 崇祯 who was grossly incompetent. However, 乾隆 stands out for his failed potential. He was a child prodigy and brilliant man but also arrogant and conceited. He reversed much of the progress his father, 雍正, made in combating corruption and creating an efficient government. He opposed scientific progress and made enemies out of the Western powers. He set the stage for the humiliation of our 天朝大國 in the subsequent years of the Qing dynasty.

慈稀 on the other hand, is not as bad as she is commonly thought to be. Much of her villainous reputation was due to smearing by her political enemies. Claims that she wasted the nation's military budget on frivolous personal expenditures are also not exactly true.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-1 00:32:48 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-1-31 09:58
For sure there are worst emperors (the correct term), for example 同治 who was a hunter like us, but ...

Ben 兄 Welcome to history forum. I firmly nodded you are 60+ with U knowledge (not necessary schooling). You're able to express your own thoughts. 747 would stand at top of ladder at all time. The only challenges that come forward (to S7) is yourselves [or say laziness].

乾隆 received his throne at age 25. Good age with no excuses of immature. True, he done a lot of good things to China including concluded 新姜, 西藏 etc.

慈稀 is a woman in era with guns/swords. She contained power longtime proven that there are too many guy "废柴" around her. Instead blamed 慈稀 why not blamed those "废柴". I believe 英雄做时势 if there are 真英雄 by the era. That's why I denied 康有为/梁启超.

This HISTORY topic gives another puff of air other than MM. Welcome for expression ...

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发表于 2014-2-1 02:14:52 | 只看该作者

Change the topic to:  Was 吳三桂 a hero?

To the Manchuirans, he was a hero. Without him, there would not be a Ching Dynasty ruling the hans & the other ethnic groups, finally bringing shame to the nation.

To the Hans, he was a 民族罪人.

This applies to "your hero" as well.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-1 08:19:04 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-1-31 11:32
Ben 兄  Welcome to history forum. I firmly nodded you are 60+ with U knowledge (not nece ...

Thanks for the praise. I'm not yet 60 however I am a history fan. I am also a fan of military technology, but seems like I am the only one here. You will see me throwing in my $0.02 into historical threads.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-5-3 22:27:21 | 只看该作者

A good/great king not only did good but also capable to pass along such "good" to his successors.

乾隆 failed.
孫中山 failed. 孫 passed onto 蔣介石 that caused at least 30m chinese killed/died between 1911~1937. (A further 40m chinese killed/died during sino-Jap war which under 蔣介石's leadership).

I know history can't be reverted but what if 周因来 received the chair (instead 蔣) from 孫? 周 is KMT's ambassador in Europe by that time. 周 became another great leader in 共产党. 周 also brought back 邓小平 just before he died in 1976.

During 毛择东时代, 1949~1976, at least 70m chinese killed/died. 毛 died in 1976. 邓 took charge.

A great leader born, 邓小平. Ever since 胡耀邦>江>胡>习. 邓's political/leaderships reforms provide peace/prosperity to chinese until today/now. 邓's action in 天安门 1989 June-04, proven correct/果断. With least death toll but ends with long (time) peace. No 人祸 in large scale of death ever since in China.


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