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发表于 2013-9-24 04:21:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对于sadik 讲的事,我们有以下的解释
这个哥们作为不知道什么种族的人,一直以自己是REVIEW写手来我们这找便宜,星期天打电话想预约WYNN星期一,大家都知道WYNN现在是例假休息中,我总不能因为是你写review的逼女孩子带血上阵吧。而且女生的例假有时候不是那么准确的,所以K在星期天时回复他星期二打来预约,一你不是熟客,二,你TMD总JB要折扣,我们也是做生意的,是我们错的时候改打折打折,问题无缘无故你TMD总要打折就因为你在各个论坛有几个ID,有几个朋友帮你一起写review? 出来找妹子至于这么CHEAP吗?女孩也不是没服务你!
到了星期一晚上8:30左右短信来预约WYNN第二天的头CALL,告诉他已经有人预约了,非要我们CANCEL之前预约的人然后他时间给他和他的朋友,短信上说“你门不这么做,那我和我们的朋友就给你差的REVIEW,而且会POST到所有的review论坛” 我TMD打他电话这个B又改口说早就预约了WYNN完全不同的故事。你妈的还有天理吗。短信内容BEN 哥可以随时过来看,明眼的兄弟们可以看到这个B在其他的网站的帖子。你胡扯WYNN做BBFS,人家韩国豪车豪宅享用着,你说别人BBFS,敢问:“她得是多爱那人啊”



2.有个小意见:我们作为广告商出钱在这打广告是为了更多的生意,偶尔BEN哥沉一下比较突出的好review 我们没投诉。但说到底花钱是为了生意,总有这样的2B说写个差评就写个差评。我们广告商的公道呢?当你沉我们REVIEW时你觉得可能是写手,那像SADIK这样的你会不会站出来帮我们主持一下公道呢?

3.其他老板如果想知道这个B以及他伙伴们的电话,可以随时PM我。 没理由让这帮玩应儿占便宜



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发表于 2013-9-24 04:40:01 | 显示全部楼层
support  Andy

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发表于 2013-9-24 05:41:08 | 显示全部楼层

As soon as this a cha terb migrant started posting here I knew he was trouble.   You can spot the simmering rawness of temper and  the attitude of entitlement of a Generation Yer.   There are a number of these young hot heads.  So easy to stir their pot

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发表于 2013-9-24 06:04:51 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2013-9-24 05:41

As soon as this a cha terb migrant started posting here I knew he was troubl ...

Support Andy, look at what these 2 cha did to MW, one treated Barbie bad, and this fucking guy started spreading rumor of  bbfs about Wynn because he can't get the time he wanted, told Andy to filter MW's customer, they bring nothing but trouble, anyhow, book a session with Wynn tonight already, silent support.

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发表于 2013-9-24 06:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
Masiu 发表于 2013-9-24 06:04
Support Andy, look at what these 2 cha did to MW, one treated Barbie bad, and this fucking guy sta ...

My suggestion  to Andy.  Hing to hing.   On gwailo board there is an individual who constantly promotes Asian mm and sings praises of Andy like they are tight friends.    If you are truly a buddy or he is a vip, I would muzzle him.  He attracts unnecessary attention that will hurt you and mms in  the long run.    Assuming the long run is your goal?  Fast money is the norm  

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发表于 2013-9-24 07:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
I trusted what MW written.
Some wolf(s) using their own NAME to whore & expecting a favorite in return. To all garages including MW, SG, WowValley, ED, TOE88, LapSpring etc ........ did you have a customer call "TOMSIU" ? For now maybe, Larry & Andy did know whom I am now.

This month, I did chat with ANDY in his (not mind) Corolla for destination NY location. The last time I met Andy is at Seneca Hill location. C brought me back to MW after 4 years absent.
Kitty did call my phone to offer half hour session with C in her last day. Whom C was fully book since Friday. Kitty did answer my phone calls on all morning of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday (last day 17th).

Buy & Sell should in fair conditions. This is western society, not Asian. We need to respect each other's rules. Why build favorite for her/himself on other's pain?

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发表于 2013-9-24 07:42:30 | 显示全部楼层
After 16 visits to C .... still I am an ordinary customer ..... Fully book is fully book which I couldn't get a session with C on her last 5 days of work. Kitty still say politely "Sorry ... Mr xxxx .... she is fully book".

What would I do ..... write a BAD MOUTH/SHITTING message here ..... !!!


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发表于 2013-9-24 07:51:51 | 显示全部楼层
Another famous k girl from a diff garage is always fully booked when I call, and when the keeper says "k, give me a min, I'll check" that means he went to check for the rest of the day. What should I do? Oh yeah, I'll cry over here and try to get attention! Problem solved

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发表于 2013-9-24 08:11:09 | 显示全部楼层
Because of C, I visited MW alot for last few months. I have no issue of pre-booking. Because I usually like the first appointment. I txt MW one or two days in advance and confirm again on that morning.

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发表于 2013-9-24 08:12:21 | 显示全部楼层





還有韓妹VIVIAN,MW簡介未出,KBEAR已有照片。她皮膚白,胸大,臉甜,我在S8 馬上提出要狼兄弟注意,一時車水馬龍,差一點要麻煩警察維持秩序。





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