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Tequila @ Asian Sexy Babe

发表于 2019-9-21 03:02:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
明天开始 一两周内都可能不能hunt了 所以随便找个好看MM先解解馋由于时间关系 只能锁定在密市 最后在ASB中选择了混血的Tequila MM
地点跟上次Lucy@MW的地点一样 对面就是停车场 特别方便
等待的时候我算是有点紧张吧 在论坛里搜了下 也没有找到有关的报告 有点怕又是照骗
开门之后眼前一亮, MM不仅长得跟照片无二 而且身材也特别丰满 穿着黑色蕾丝乖乖站在门后特别好看
不知道是不是泰韩混血的原因 MM看起来不太像亚洲人的面孔   有种外国人的风味【也可能是小弟见识少哈哈】
基本洗漱过后 MM就拉着我进了房间  还主动穿上了丝袜 那我就顺其自然要求其穿件情趣内衣搭配下啦
没想到妹妹一开始稍显羞涩  在床上却意外热情狂野  跟一般的韩国MM对比之下可以用“粗暴”来形容

Face的话可以给到8.5分以上 一来跟网图一致 二来靠近细看的时候也没有发现皱纹痘痘什么的  非常吸睛 是我喜欢的类型~
Body: 8.5+  160的身高刚好低我一头 然后奶子是真的超大~ 网页上没写natural所以可能是整过的  大而挺拔 一手不能掌握 而且上面还有一点点青筋
有种少妇的感觉~  身材简直就是我的菜  丰满而又没有赘肉 胸腰臀特别肉感 随便摆个pose 小小弟就要一柱擎天了呵呵
Service 8~8.5  可能是因为热情到有些‘粗暴’的原因  前戏的话没有能像Irean那些service queen那样让我直接KO  但MM时不时发出像白人的moan还是别有一番风味的  还有一点比较奇怪的是 亲吻不少 但好像都只是停留在LFK的程度 可能是不喜欢太过深入吧~
A: 10  热情野野的我很喜欢! 而且Tequila的英文水平应该是韩国MM平均以上  已经算是基本流畅的level了

总的来说 我已经在想下周要不要打uber repeat了哈哈  期待ASB有没有更好的MM让我享受享受

btw 我觉得ASB在客服方面真的是完爆MW
每次打给MW 客服都好像不清楚他们MM的情况 而且恨不得这秒确定下一秒就给你挂电话


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发表于 2019-9-21 13:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-9-21 14:20:50 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for the review and trying her out I was very curious about this one. ASB is hit or miss for me so I didn't want to get disappointed. But sounds like she is very good  I might try myself.

Damn she is in Mississauga,  too far for me

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发表于 2019-9-21 14:26:55 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-21 15:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2019-9-21 13:50

哈哈哈 我看MM也没有特别抗拒亲吻 只是不会特别深入 停留在齿边的程度 也就没有追问哈哈 总体体验还是很好地
Thanks for the review and trying her out I was very curious about this one. ASB is hit or miss for me so I didn't want to get disappointed. But sounds like she is very good  I might try myself.

Bro I do have the same feeling.. Before Tequila I tried Lily from Asb too, photo didnt really match so..
Mississauga is close to my place haha, Markham/NY cost me more than 1 hour(sigh)

胸不是自然地 特别挺拔 抓起来不算软 而是弹性很足 总之观赏性满分哈哈 而且长得跟照片8 9成一样吧 是好看的 给我感觉25 26岁这样

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发表于 2019-9-23 06:09:53 | 显示全部楼层
I can vouch for this review. Tequila is pretty, I would give her 7.5 to me Barbie is 8.8 I am face fucker. Tequila has nice BBBJ she is willing to CIM and SW based on other review.  Excellent service, a bit of fake moaning but who cares. Dirty talker if you want. She also allows travel to Greece for extra$. Digits allowed, daty, mpos, it's like anything goes lol. Her body is a 7.5 why? Its nicely proportioned and I like curvy women, but to me she is a bit soft in the tummy.. not fat just could lose maybe 5 lbs or so.. then she would be perfect lol.. her boobs are.nice, large and soft, nice eraser type nipples but they are enhanced, i felt something hard, not sure why she would do that given they look natural. Amazing service, very playful, lots of dfk, touching, BBBJ was deep and forceful, ball licking, lots of sucking. I will definitely see her again.. btw she took my anal cherry... lol

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发表于 2019-9-23 09:22:59 | 显示全部楼层
以前这MM再MUSE时候约过, MM 奶挺,颜值也不错,服务挺好,就是身材矮点了,这个矮不是指那种小巧玲珑,我开玩笑说,好像一个三厢四门车设计,但成品是两厢车造型,就是中间没抻开似的.

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-23 11:01:49 | 显示全部楼层
KK20191919 发表于 2019-9-23 09:22
以前这MM再MUSE时候约过, MM 奶挺,颜值也不错,服务挺好,就是身材矮点了,这个矮不是指那种小巧玲珑,我开玩笑 ...

哈哈哈 确实有点这个感觉 如果有170那就太美了

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发表于 2019-9-23 19:20:41 | 显示全部楼层
"btw 我觉得ASB在客服方面真的是完爆MW
每次打给MW 客服都好像不清楚他们MM的情况 而且恨不得这秒确定下一秒就给你挂电话"

i total agree with you for this  客服 is very nice and provide a good customer service

once time i call asb and my phone were shut down while after few word with on the phone 客服  asb will either text u back or call you back to follow up back.'

once again thanks for the report

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发表于 2019-9-23 20:47:26 | 显示全部楼层

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