
楼主: SmallPotato

有關性病指控 , 指控必須提供證據.

发表于 2016-12-8 01:12:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-12-8 01:49:37 | 显示全部楼层
johnsonsh 发表于 2016-12-8 01:12
这个是单方面需要证据,对方不需要证据证明没有,对方可以不方便出证明。完全不对等不公平。 ...

一方在明一方在暗. 這樣又公平嗎?

一方打開門做生意, 任何壞消息都會有影響.

另一方無名無性, 可以無本錢無代價地信口開河, 就算謊話被揭穿了對他也沒影響.


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发表于 2016-12-8 02:07:17 | 显示全部楼层
性病謠傳一出, 嚇得大家雞飛狗走, 生人勿近. MM就算馬上去驗, 等到報告出已經過了一大段時間. 已經損失慘重了. MM很多都想賺快錢, 不想等. 何況有了報告之後客人很多還會懷疑報告真假. 無論如何也對她生意大受打擊.

亦即是說, 就算MM能證明清白, 抹黑者的目標還是達到.

所以既然聲稱染病的人說有證據, 又聲稱想幫大家, 為什麼不肯出示證據呢?
證據可以不露名也不露臉, 不會曝露私隱. 拍兩照片放上忙也阻不了他幾分鐘. 他既有時間心機在線舌戰數天, 為什麼就是不肯出示證據? 連什麼病都說不出?

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发表于 2016-12-8 04:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
Currently seems like 2 areas are being blogged heavily.
One is the entertaining side, namely Last Breath,  and the other is not so entertaining STD.

Start with one,  Bro T is an very interesting guy, mind you to a lot of us, annoying.   But he does have a deep thought, especially on Human Psychology and no matter what his threats are, quite entertaining.
Please take it with a LARGE grain of salt about his cars, planes and possibly TRAINS too,  as well as his threats.

Second topic is really troubling.  I am not discounting Bro had an issue with STD.  Question is who gave it to him, is it serious.  Also could it be a smear without proof.  Anyone can accuse anyone, just like TRUMP got accused of all these sexual behavior and he EVEN threaten to sue all the girls with his might money wealth.
Sometimes I wonder if ADA really is a VICTIM too.  Both from smear and from whoever gave her in the first place.  She could not be born with STD right.  Now even if she wants to continue with this line of work, with our list of mm names on 747, she may not get on with a new name.  Even after she is cured with STD (assuming she did get it, which no one has any proof).   
My concern is this second discussion has no effect other than planting fear in hunting scene.  May be it is good that you all stay away, but not too long please.  I have the mm to pick from with no busy schedule.
But eventually no business for mm and no fun for me as they leave the scene.

Same as police activity.  If proven, no issue , good info.  But smears again, lies would not do anyone good.

Just thoughts.  Willing to take all stones from anyone.  I need some attention anyway  (just a joke).


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发表于 2016-12-8 08:02:05 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-12-8 00:16
Sir I repeatedly said it .

Well then, great minds think alike.

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发表于 2016-12-8 10:04:59 | 显示全部楼层
Apoc 发表于 2016-12-8 08:02
Well then, great minds think alike.

But corollary :  Fools seldom differ,    right?

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发表于 2016-12-10 02:53:21 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-12-8 10:04
But corollary :  Fools seldom differ,    right?

Fool or not, I agree with you.

Accusations without proof is never good. History shows these mass hysteria episodes, medieval witchhunts, Cold War era McCarthyism, and today's Islam-phobia, all lead to innocent victims being blamed and hurt/killed without helping solve the problem at all (if not to make it even worse).  

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发表于 2016-12-10 03:00:37 | 显示全部楼层
TheRock 发表于 2016-12-10 02:53
Fool or not, I agree with you.

Accusations without proof is never good. History shows these mass ...

Indeed, as you can tell from my multiple appeals to DELETE that post.

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发表于 2016-12-10 03:44:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-12-11 19:37:26 | 显示全部楼层
这个題目最近在論壇上熱烘烘的討論, 本人也趁趁熱鬧, 抒抒愚見:-
第一, 嚴重性–个人覺得若然有狼友在歡場染上性病, 此乃非常嚴重, 因為是傳染病, 可以交义感染的。試問由狼友得病至證實的三. 四週內, 有多少人接觸了傳播者, 之後那些人又接觸了多少其他人如太太, 情人, 性服務者, 所以後果非常嚴重, 不只是提醒狼友們不去接觸傳播者便可了事。

第二, 最快捷及有效方法–我不懂什麼法律, 这裡亦不是法庭, 什麼Innocent until proven guilty或guilty until proven innocent一概不懂。因為上述的嚴重性, 我覺得最快捷及有效方法, 就是已經有檢查報告的受害者拿出證據來證實一下, 好等其他人去防備, 有机会染上的人快些去做檢查及医治。既然那位受害者那麼大仁大義, 想幫人做功德, 又怎会吝嗇一點點私隐。況且已有很多狼友說了怎樣可以保護私隐的方法。又或只把隐蓋了私人資料的檢身報告發给版主, 由他引證。基於道德及操守, 我不相信他会揭露这些資料。

第三.        狼友們說版主偏帮廣告商, 為保障商業利益, 保護商家。在有些情況下可能真是会有少許偏帮, 但向來傳媒行業, 讀者及觀眾才是真正的老板, 若沒有讀者及觀眾, 廣告商又怎会賣廣告呢?所以版主要求證據的做法是非常恰當的。但我不明白為什麽在还沒有證據的情況下, 版主会容許这帖子曝光。因為在沒有證據下, 这帖子可構成誹謗和影嚮社区安寧。試問若沒有證據下, 有人說可口可樂含大肠捍菌, 这个新聞会不会見報呢?記得早年亞視在未有完全證據下, 報導中國某領導人去世的消息, 最後被重重罰款呢。

最後我要嚴厲愆責用这麽嚴重罪名全心誣告及詆譭囡囡的人, 不但影嚮她們的生計及名聲, 还会影嚮社区安寧。

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