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壯健如虎也確診 Tiger at Bronx Zoo tests positive for Covid-19

发表于 2020-4-6 00:11:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

A four-year-old female Malayan tiger at the Bronx Zoo has tested positive for the coronavirus.
The tiger, named Nadia, is believed to be the first known case of an animal infected by a human with Covid-19.
The Bronx Zoo, in New York City, says the test result was confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Iowa.
Nadia, along with six other big cats, is thought to have been infected by an asymptomatic zoo keeper.
The cats started showing symptoms, including a dry cough, late last month after exposure to the employee, who has not been identified.
"This is the first time that any of us know of anywhere in the world that a person infected the animal and the animal got sick," Paul Calle, the chief veterinarian at the zoo, told Reuters news agency on Sunday.
He said he intends to share the findings with other zoos and institutions researching the transmission of Covid-19.
"We tested the cat [Nadia] out of an abundance of caution and will ensure any knowledge we gain about Covid-19 will contribute to the world's continuing understanding of this novel coronavirus," the zoo said in a statement.
Nadia, her sister Azul, as well as two Amur tigers and three African lions who showed symptoms, are all expected to make a full recovery, the zoo said.
The big cats did have some decrease in appetite but "are otherwise doing well under veterinary care and are bright, alert, and interactive with their keepers", it said.
The zoo said it is not known how the virus will develop in animals like tigers and lions since various species can react differently to new infections, but all the animals will be closely monitored.]Skip Instagram post by bronxzoo[/url]

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None of the zoo's other big cats - four other tigers, snow leopards, cheetahs, a clouded leopard, an Amur leopard, a puma and a serval - are showing any signs of illness.
"Our cats were infected by a person caring for them who was asymptomatically infected with the virus or before that person developed symptoms," said the zoo.
All the tigers showing symptoms were housed in the zoo's Tiger Mountain area.
All four zoos run by the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York City, including the Bronx Zoo, have been closed to the public since 16 March. New measures will now be put in place to protect the animals and their caretakers at all the facilities.
What do we know about coronavirus in animals?
This case is being described as unusual because coronavirus transmissions from humans to animals have been rare and not well understood so far.
A handful of coronavirus cases have been reported in Hong Kong, including that of a dog that tested positive for a low level of the disease.
The coronavirus was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.
The coronavirus (called Sars-CoV-2, which causes the disease Covid-19) is thought to have originated in wildlife and been passed to humans via a live animal market in Wuhan.
The pandemic has been driven by human-to-human transmission, but the infection of Nadia raises new questions about human-to-animal transmission.
There is "no evidence that any person has been infected with Covid-19 in the US by animals, including by pet dogs or cats," the zoo statement noted.
That is also the view of the World Health Organization (WHO), which says there is no evidence that pet dogs or cats can pass on the coronavirus.
However, conservation experts have warned that the virus could pose a threat to some wildlife like the great apes - and have said measures are needed to reduce the risk of wild gorillas, chimps and orangutans.

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发表于 2020-4-6 08:52:22 | 显示全部楼层
How come Western Media didn’t claim that this Tiger must have eaten bats meat, the same way they reported this type of fake news when Corona Virus EXPLODED in Wuhan?  

When the “explosion”  appeared in Wuhan, I immediately came to the conclusion that it was fake news because bats are very small in size, if we clip away the wings, the body is just about the size of a SMALL sparrow.  How many bats does a person have to eat to satisfy his hunger for meat?

Bats only move/fly around at night and with such a small body size, it is extremely difficult for humans to catch them.  During the day time, bats hang themselves upside down inside in caves, which can be hundreds of feet above the ground.  That will be a stupid way to catch bats.  It is far easier to catch rats on the ground than using a ladder and climb hundreds of feet!

Virus explosion can only mean one thing.  Groups of people PLANTED THE VIRUS to cause chaos and social unrest.  I immediately think of USA and its trade was with China.

Mind you, the flu was immediately identified as Corona Virus, i.e. it must be first identified or discovered in the West, that explains “CORONA”.  Which country has the technology to make this discovery?  You got it right, USA!

With hindsight, I can say USA was the culprit:

1.         Right after  WW-II, Western countries signed an Agreement, led by USA,  prohibiting the study and use of bio-chem weapons.  In the 60s, USA UNILATERALLY withdrew from that Agreement, paving the way of its development in this area.

2.        In May 2019, a bio-chem lab inside an US Army camp in Detrik (check spelling), Maryland closed suddenly.  Subsequently deleted journalists reports on this closure, refused to answer question about the closure.  Does this sound like a cover up of a Cherynobol type meltdown?

3.        Shortly after the closure, seasonal flu victims’ number in the neighbourhood of the Camp jumped, then spread to other parts of USA and treated as seasonal flu and many died.  The Flu death toll in 2019 was higher than previous years!

4.        CDC (Centre For Disease Control) revealed in a recent, vigorous Congress questioning session that many of the deceased could well be caused by Corona Virus, as post-mortum proved at least a case!

5.        The virus explosion in Wuhan could only be caused by a group of people, either intentionally or unintentionally while in Wuhan.

6.        There was a Military Olympic held in Wuhan in OCT 2019, USA sent a team of 350 “athletes” but didn’t win a single gold medal, dies this surprise you??

7.        During the competition, 5 US athletes fell ill, was treated as malaria, initially all Corona Virus sufferers displayed malaria symptoms and treated as such.  However,  US Government  sent a special plane to bring them back to USA immediately  instead of letting them return with the usual group 2 days later.  This is really fishy !!

8.        Right after the Virus explosion, China informed WHO and welcomed WHO to send medical team to study the Virus but denied USA’s request.  China must have suspected something fishy  and would not allow USA to make matters worse, i.e. plant some more!

9.        China, for sure, was also prepared that one day, there might be a bio-chem warfare in China and immediately order a Wuhan lock down, subsequently, a Wubei Province lock down.   China also sent in troops to enforce the lock down.  At that time, Western media ridiculed that only an authoritarian state can do that, insinuated that this will never happen in the Western World.

Of course, today, all countries without lock down, paid the price and suffered the most, namely USA!  Where is the Western media now??

Anyway, the whole episode is not yet over, I can write more………

I will wait for wolf brothers’ response before I write some more.

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发表于 2020-4-6 12:12:50 | 显示全部楼层
This just came in today from CNN.  Basically, a professor who caught this Virus said this Virus could well be in humans long time ago, but only evolved to its present state.  Yes, I can accept this theory.  However, we still need to find out why the bio-chem lab inside a military base closed abruptly? ... n-walsh-pkg-vpx.cnn


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发表于 2020-4-6 13:14:11 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2020-4-6 08:52
How come Western Media didn’t claim that this Tiger must have eaten bats meat, the same way they re ...

Oh yes, I forgot one more thing....The USS Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier which was in the S. China Seas exercising USA's "right of free passage" was relieved of his duties of Captain of the Carrier because he requested to be docked ASAP due to sailors were infected with Corona Virus and he leaked his request to the press when his request was ignored/declined.  His famous words in his memo to the Pentagon, "this is not wartime, the sailors do not deserve to die like this....."

Trump relieved the Captain of his command.  However, the real reason has to be:  USA is the source of the Virus because the SS Roosevelt left USA in JAN 2020 and was out at sea ALL the time, and could not have visited Wuhan which is an inland city or allowed anyone from Wuhan to visit the carrier.  So, the Virus could not have "sourced" in Wuhan.  The Secretary of Defense, another one of Trump's "yes-man" blasted the ex-Captain today.  

Bottom line, the ex-Captain's memo proved USA's wicked plan to frame China!

10.  (I will make it short)  Corona Virus cases developed on board the USS Roosevelt which was out at sea since early JAN 2020 before the Virus exploded in Wuhan! ... er-modly/index.html


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发表于 2020-4-9 08:54:30 | 显示全部楼层


1.  How would CIA know or suspect  that there will be a CoronaVirus epidemic in Wuhan as early as NOV 2019?

The answers are simple:
a.  5  US athletes who attended the Military Olympic in OCT 2019 in Wuhan must be suspected virus carriers with a mission.  (Please note the time frame, OCT in Wuhan, CIA tracking it in NOV.)
b.  When their symptoms started to surface, they were treated in China as having malaria.  CIA knew better, and quickly shipped them in specially arranged aircraft and rushed them home without waiting for one more day and return with the whole team.  This is to prevent China from pin-pointing the source of the virus.
c.  US's Bio-Chem Warfare Lab in Military Camp Detrek (check spelling) which closed abruptly after a "meltdown" must be the original source.
Don't forget that was the time a lot of smokers died mysteriously and their deaths were blamed on "vapping" for causing pneumonia.
d.  Anyway, Meltdown & subsequent closure cannot guarantee a clean environment, then 2 things happened:
-- military personnel who visited the camp & subsequently visited the Pentagon, brought the Virus to Pentagon.
-- Some Pentagon staff or may be even Captain of USS air craft carrier - Roosevelt, brought the Virus to navy ships.
-- When the Captain wanted to dock the carrier to release the infected soldiers.  He was declined so he put his request in writing or leaked it to the press, and was then relieved of his duty of Captain of the Carrier.  One day AFTER being relieved of his command, the Captain was tested and found positive for virus infection.

During the recent G7, US Secretary of State Pompeo tried to frame China by insisting to insert the term "Wuhan Virus" into the Joint Comminique, all other participating countries refused and that was the first time that G7 ended without a joint declaration!

10 days, Liar Trump also said in a press meeting that "the Virus was SEEDED by someone".  Based on what he knew and his lying routine, can safely say Liar Trump was trying to shift the blame to redirect attention of his failure/blame, and to extort compensation from China!

One day, we will know the truth, the Virsu is not from eating bats (not enough meat to justify all the work to catch them), it was from a bio-chem warfare lab in a US military camp!


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发表于 2020-4-10 01:36:13 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2020-4-6 08:52
How come Western Media didn’t claim that this Tiger must have eaten bats meat, the same way they re ...

Chinese people don't eat bats. If they did, the video wouldn't have gone viral on Chinese social media before making its way to Western media.

Simply put, if it was common for Chinese to eat bats, they wouldn't even have made a video because nobody would care.

That video was some stupid bitch on vacation to somewhere in Asia (forgot the exact place) and doing a publicity stunt to try to get famous. Kinda like Toronto's Chair Girl.

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发表于 2020-4-10 08:08:50 | 显示全部楼层

The above is self-explanatory.

USA has A LOT of explaining to do.  All of previous posts pointed to this direction!

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发表于 2020-4-11 03:03:43 | 显示全部楼层

If contents of the above video is not "fake news" then , it is almost certain that Corona virus originated in USA, i.e. from melt down of the bio-chem lab located in Army Camp Detrek (check spelling), Maryland, to Pentagon and simultaneously to military personnel who visited the Camp and regular visitors to Pentagon, then to ALL US military bases in USA and around the world, including all navy ships.

Very soon, probably all host countries with US military camps will ask USA to close their bases to prevent the spread of the virus.

That will be the downfall of the "USA colonist"!

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发表于 2020-4-11 03:33:27 | 显示全部楼层

Holy smokes!

The above video is basically a summary of what I posted and wish to convey in the last 2 weeks!!

(Wolf brothers, when you are good, there is no need to be humble!     )

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