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From JUL07 1937 to Present

发表于 2015-7-6 06:14:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tomorrow, JULY 07, marks another anniversary of the infamous Marco Polo Bridge Incident  (七七事變。廬溝橋事件) which officially started China's war against Japanese aggression.

Japanese army occupied north-eastern Chineses provinces LONG before 1937, and had treated these provinces as Japan's de facto colony, so why start a war?

We must trace back to a Japanese PM in the 19th century by the name of Tanaka & the Tanaka Referandum  (田中奏摺) which documented Japan's blueprint to become a world power.

The first step is to occupy China for its raw materials & labour;  move on to S. E. Asia for raw materials (rubber, tin, oil), and subsequently the world stage.

In 1911 the Ching Dynasty was overthrown but the country was fragmented and ruled by warlords.  The country was generally unified by late 1920s which Japan didn't want to see.

An unified, strong China is a road blockto Japan's grand plan.

So the Marco Marco Bridge Incident was created to start a war with China.  The Japan Army gave a bold prediction that Chinese will surrender within 3 months.

What followed was well documented and I have researched & posted a lot of videos and will not be repeated here.

What I wish to bring to everyone's attention is Abe, the current Japanese PM's real intentions in the following panel discussion:

In a meeting with Japanese media bosses, and after a few drinks, Abe exposed Japan's real intention (酒後吐真言), I will call this an extension of the Tanaka Referandum.

Abe said that with USA's support, Japan would like to start a war with China, weaken China and set back China's progress, so that Japan can grow and prosper unhindered.

Miliitarily, China can finish off Japan within a week if there is no USA's support.  With USA's support behind Japan, China will not (I hope not) take this drastic step.

I posted something about 12 to 18 months ago in which I said that based on Abe's behaviour/policy, a war with Japan is inevitable.  However, we may not need to use military force, we can use economic power - our purchasing power.

As an individual, we can all do our part, STOP BUYING JAPANESE GOODS unless absolutely necessary!


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-7 07:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
Don't forget 7-7-1937 & Japan's (Abe's) latest intentions!  

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发表于 2015-7-7 07:20:11 | 显示全部楼层
Japan is a watchdog to US, I doubt that US will fully back Japan if a real war breaks out, if Abe fully trusts US's "promises" on this matter, then Japan might be doomed...

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-7 07:39:10 | 显示全部楼层
Any war, not short term skirmish, will cause considerable damage to China's infrastructure (and to the other party of course) which was built in the last 30 years.

The best move is still economic power, gently squeeze Japan to death is a lot better.  

China signed a free trade agreement with S. Korea last year, leaving Japan in the cold; setting up AIIB to challenge ADB, are only first steps to choke Japan.


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