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大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? [挨千刀的死鬼]

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 04:39:59 | 显示全部楼层

大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-10-25 12:50:32 | 只看该作者

In 共產黨 society. It has people love 和平....... Like me.
In 自由 society. It has people love 暴力/流血.

真正的幸福 needs people whom love 和平. 携手共进找答案. (Not fight. No blood. No stubborn).
真正幸福的society needs to erase those 暴力的人.

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发表于 2014-10-25 20:45:01 | 只看该作者


I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-25 20:54:45 | 只看该作者


I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-26 04:28:31 | 只看该作者

theone 发表于 2014-10-25 20:54
如果我是学联三子的话,佔中一定要败,而且要 ...

佔中一定要败 ~~~~ 这就是(高手的)政治学 la. Other 2 guys (whom support 学生 in this thread) please learn from this. 第一兄, 你果然是高手哦.

泛民推学生上街. 希望被打. 是负方. 现在由被同情而变成了被讨厌了

真正的胜利可以是属于负方. 打曾建超的警察可以给人同情. 泛民可能在2016选举一鋪清袋. 我们怎能 let 梁震英辞职? 学生認識政治吗?

泛民如果今天辞职. 制造变相公投.泛民可能会提早一鋪清袋. 泛民必然拒绝 ....  现在是政治游戏的开始哦. Street fight .. 嗯 .. 太天真了? 可憐的学生们, 永遠是被利用的一群. 梁震英的對手不是学生... 是泛民们.

如果我是学联三子的话,佔中一定要败 ~~~~ No. 他们不会的. They are now enjoying BBQ at the impact sites. 骄傲地上TV. 享受出风头. 無視法院命令=against Judges!

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发表于 2014-10-26 19:07:11 | 只看该作者


I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-26 19:22:09 | 只看该作者

还有那个人梁家杰,开口闭口都是梁镇英下台. 是不是CY下台后香港就有真民主了口马吗,您以为基本法是他写的吗. 这完全是私人恩6

I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-27 06:29:30 | 只看该作者

theone 发表于 2014-10-26 19:07
让十六亿中国同胞 ...

明白你的立场. 你的表达, 至少, not blind fold. You've 目光 & 方向.
原来中国人也是可以争取民主,民权的 ~~~ Yes, to 某些中国人. But not to 暴力/盲從 nowadays. A lot of them don't even understand what's 尊重?
中国人不可能和欧美相比较. At least from angle of 暴力/盲從/自私/智慧/礼貌/顽固 prospective. A large group of 中国人不能 possess 民权的. As mentioned before they must be erased. 他们太幼稚了. Not necessary be killed/died but lifted to certain degree of upgrades.

吾識踢波玩踢波. 无jj学人玩叫鸡. 吾識政治玩政治. is it 叫盲從/幼稚?

还有那个人梁家杰 ... 私人恩6 : You noticed this! What about 学联三子 and those学生s ? They admire him as god/guide. They applause to his speech!

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发表于 2014-10-27 09:24:11 | 只看该作者

tomsiu“吾識踢波玩踢波. 无jj学人玩叫鸡. 吾識政治玩政治. is it 叫盲從/幼稚?”
没有人天生就懂政治的,没有人一出世立刻变成比利的. 一定要有个过程.
民主也一样,孙中山一九一一年提出的三民主义,一百多年过去了,中国还是封建农奴制,習是主子,中常军机大臣. 省政府(包括香港) 是封疆大吏.
有没有看清楚 “people 's 和人民”
但事实呢? 我们人民什么时候有权利参过对这个国家的政策呢.

I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-27 11:09:34 | 只看该作者

没有人天生就懂政治的...... 一定要有个过程. ~~~~ Right & agree. That's what I tried to point out. If person pertain 暴力/無知. It would be very dangerous if they have a gun or vote. They ain't ready for game of 政治. Maybe good to 叫鸡/踢波.

孙中山一九一一年提出的三民主义 ~~~~ Never happened even it is 1911~1949. Reason being, in that era, CHINESE (majority of them) are 暴力/盲從/自私/無智慧/無礼貌/顽固.

“people 's 和人民” ~~~~ referring to 人民 whom love their OWN Country [Not 漢奸]. Whom shown co-operation to protect their Country's core value. That's what 國民教育 taught.

我们人民什么时候有权利参过对这个国家的政策呢. ~~~~ 一定要有个过程 by the time majority Chinese are ready. Who would today? Someone (say 習 or 梁 or 林鄭) did but, not you.

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发表于 2014-10-27 11:51:20 | 只看该作者

2017 普選. Truly ... 这是民主的过程. 然后期待 year 2022..... And 2027.
佔中呢單野 is 政治游戏 by 泛民(or 梁家杰.) Using "真普選" 口号 and 推学生上街. 这完全是私人恩6 between 泛民 and 政府.

第一兄. (Yes, I call you 第一兄). 有非常高的政治智慧. In this topic .... you really 第一 [Level 果然很高,很高. 佩服,佩服]


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 04:40:23 | 显示全部楼层

大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-10-29 11:33:35 | 只看该作者

2014-10-29 佔中發展如下:
佔中發起人 (佔中三子) 回校上班了 : 要赚钱过生活吗.
泛民 :要上班 ( 立法会 ) 向市民交代.
他们久吾久上台 up 两句. 然后回家吃饭. 或叫鸡.

学联三子 and 无知的青年人继续训街. 他们要梁震英辞职. 同林郑对话. 写信给习近平. 要见李克强. 这是什么? 还有什么? 无勇无谋 and 幼稚. 怕死.怕警棍. 怕OC gas. 怕痛. 有的甚至哭了. 这是運動,革命?

结果股票市场回升. 父母伤心(生左个蠢仔). 青年人前途少左一半机会(政府,中资企业. 难入职喔)[共产党最本事系 ... 秋後算帐)

这大班人就是 .....自私/盲從/無智慧/顽固 ......他們應該有槍/選票吗?

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发表于 2014-10-29 19:57:14 | 只看该作者

整个佔中行动,全香港都是输家. 唯一赢家是肥佬黎.
1)佔中其间,他的一传媒销量数以倍增,特别是苹果曰报. 经过这次运动,苹果已经成为香港民主曰报了.
4)佔中期间股市波动,他应该short sale 了不少货.

I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-30 07:24:09 | 只看该作者

第一兄. 目光如炬.政治智慧之高小弟 and 賓哥望塵莫及.

这个线上另外两个"盲從" .... 这就是政治游戏 (哈哈. I don't think you both understand this even now). 還是踢踢波算哦..... 吾顺气! Please come out and having 第一兄的教训哦!

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发表于 2014-10-30 18:39:56 | 只看该作者

这一伙人,我个个都是讨厌的.这班人搞风搞雨,又拉布,又佔中. 但是我觉得香港可以没有他们是不可以的.
特别是长毛和黃沃文. 他们两个都系癫狗来的,都带有狂犬病. 但就是他们两个什么都咬一顿所以香港官员才有所顾忌. 想贪的才不敢贪.
长毛基本上是一个亳无文化水平的一个人,中学都未毕业何來资格做议员呢.几十年都同一个法型同一件硩古华拉杉. 但我会投一票给他就是因为他是狗会吠.
黄沃文就更加不用说啦香港社团向先生的沙煲兄弟,老新的白纸扇. 个底仲黑过墨汁. 但我也会投他一票,因为他够恶,又掟鸡蛋又掟蕉. 一讲唔埋就开拖.

I soul is free now .  I am unsinkable .
我将在茫茫人海中找寻我唯一的肉体伴侣. 得之我幸,不得我命
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发表于 2014-10-31 17:11:49 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-10-23 22:45
Fat Lo Lai has received foreign funds which has been exposed. Even he doesn't deny it. That $$ get ...

Do you actually follow what goes on within pro-democrats?  The students have been "diu 9ing" Fat lo lai and all the pro-democrats for the uselessness.

張超雄:我哋煽動到佢?你太睇得起我哋喇。 ... RlT2h1B4LohYaIj9lHg

Even if US has a part in it then so what?  It only illustrates the incompetency of CCP.  Isn't HK geographically closer to China than US?  Isn't CCP has stronger influence than US in HK government?  That "Fucking province group" has over $100M HKD of assets ($50M Cash in the bank).   How much did US government spent again?  

Let's just assume US/Pro-democrats are the one who lights the fire for the sake of argument.  Who's pouring all the fuels into the woods?

Come back to respond after you take a walk at the occupy zones (Not over occupy zones btw).  

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发表于 2014-10-31 17:22:39 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2014-11-1 05:31:58 | 只看该作者

chef123 发表于 2014-10-31 17:11
Do you actually follow what goes on within pro-democrats?  The students have been "diu 9ing" Fat l ...

大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? ~~~~ Here is the title/subject posted. Answers:政治遊戲 directed by肥佬黎?

All we (Ben/myself/theone/and others) talks about this is 政治遊戲 only. 無關 with 生活, 革命, 運動, 普選.

革命, 運動 needs Blood. Death. Target. Plan. Kill. [See how it was done in middle east]

我觉得佔中三子,学联三子,都是枪,爛头卒. ~~~~ Right as said.
唯一赢家是肥佬黎. ~~~~ This may be true. By now, 肥佬黎 the only person 是赢家.

Students are victim. That's why police are not 武力清场.
Presume it is 革命, 運動 ....... it would be different (A scene same as 六四)

Ben 哥 ... don't waste your time to this folk.
What about xowetwet .... can you say something?

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发表于 2014-11-1 05:52:10 | 只看该作者

Mr xowetwet .... Before you make your voice please attempt to erase 革命, 運動 from your head.
Read bro "theone" postings all. And insert 肥佬黎 and 泛民 in the scene. Then write your own opinion(s) which would be welcome and no offensive.

These subject over 100 adding. A good material to understand what is 政治遊戲!

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发表于 2014-11-1 12:01:46 | 只看该作者

I believe that the current situation is getting out of hand and nobody can get anything positive out of all this.

Xi has no choice but the stay the course because
1. He need to cement his position as the undisputed leader with authority
2. He cannot admit he picked an idiot as 特首 or he will lose face and a chip to his armor
3. He will give a vague response and let his officals below to handle it just in case the worst outcome

689 is a total failure. He is hated by 泛民 and even the pro government is getting divided by him. Although I am a democratic supporter, I have the most respect to a few people from pro government side 曾育成 always and now 田少. They have superb political IQ and they are starting to distance themselves or just "no eye see". I truly hope the Australia authorities successfully sue him for corruption (UGL) and let the PRC have an excuse to replace him.

Conspiracy Theories
I do not 100% throw out the possibility that the US/UK have something to do with the movement. However I seriously doubt they can orchestrate such a huge civil disobedience. I also believe you guys are way overestimating the influence of Apple media fatlo Lai and the HK pro democratic parties. Their resources and manpower are nothing compared to the propaganda machine which is the PRC. Instead I think if the PRC does not interfere HK's matter that deliberately (just look at the obvious case of ATV, HKTV)they might actually win more support. The situation right now is mainly cause by the government (689 is spilling the whole house with propane gas. The people have no choice to open the windows or turn off the propane. Students are just lighting a small spark, who's to blame?)

Just my humble opinion as a mid 30s guy away from HK for 20+ years. I honestly does not have the courage, guts or the youngster's naive to go sleep on streets to protest. If I am the protesters at best I will stay for 1 week. Right now especially MK it have become a nuisance to the locals and I do not believe HK people against HK people.

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发表于 2014-11-1 13:51:27 | 只看该作者

xowetwet 发表于 2014-11-1 12:01
I believe that the current situation is getting out of hand and nobody can get anything positive out ...

Ar ... thanks to Mr wowetwet .. You did read through all these threads.
習 is too top to deal with HK matters. He understands it is no 革命, 運動 elements. Yes, he's letting his junior to handle this. [Agree to your vision]
梁黨 has 私人摩擦 with 泛民. 曾育成 and 田少 have 抱负 to for position of next CEO of HK (第一兄 noticed this). But with 田少 being erased therefore 曾育成 are more careful about his speech (angle) from now.

Thanks for your expression which makes more sense than the other folk.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 04:40:39 | 显示全部楼层

大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-11-2 04:11:21 | 只看该作者

Vision is very important in our life span. 中國俚語 "讀萬卷書不如行萬里路". Not just vision but "open/receive" visions. Refers to books (or history) 不如行萬里路!

Everybody has almost the same 智慧. Differences are derived from different training (or 成長條件). Look/hear older low-class people around you that their 智慧 have surprisingly (high) level. Then, with same talking, 固執 = not capable to "open/receive" vision with same 智慧.

行萬里路 allows people to "open/receive" new visions. The more "open" walk the more "open" vision received.[Need leg/years to walk. Not from book or hear]. 年輕人 should 行萬里路 first before choose  訓街?

Human pertains 慾望, 希望. Without a plan how could it becomes 現實? Also, to achieve this it would not be a simple "straight-line". 真普選 is not easy task. It's not straight-line finishes.


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发表于 2014-11-6 04:28:32 | 只看该作者

外國透過黎先生,泛民等的動作是沒停止過。這個,美國人自己也承認了。只是長久以來的殖民one track mind教育cross over金錢和傳媒的力量,輕易的把一小撮人洗腦了。很多人選擇不相信外國介入的説法。其實即使不懂之前相對論的科學理論,只要翻開歷史,例子多不勝數。當年日人侵華之前,做了due diligence,總結中國人的3大特點:貪心,自私,短視。從鴉片戰爭到日本侵華,都是漢奸為眼前利益出賣同胞的結果。







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发表于 2015-2-17 00:34:13 | 显示全部楼层
will see..  no one know

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