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張學良 changed Chinese history? [tomsiu]

发表于 2014-12-25 20:49:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-1-25 22:17:51 | 只看该作者

張學良 1901~2001

張學良 hated 蔣中正 chasing 毛择东. He pushes 團结 and 反對内戰. Year 1935 張學良主動提出要求加入中國共產黨. Year Dec-1936 張與楊虎城兵諫蔣,共同逼蔣聯共抗日,造成「西安事變」,震驚中外。事變結果,蔣最終獲釋,而國民政府提前停止剿滅中國共產党,中國建立形式上抗日戰爭統一戰線。

張學良 is a powerful soldier. He can't be brain-washed by any kind!




发表于 2014-2-2 08:52:31 | 只看该作者

張學良 is a 左膠。His act caused the death of China.

In retrospect, Japan would have been defeated by USA anyway, and would never successfully ruled China because China is a big country and the Japanese army would have been stretched too thin.  And also, the Russian would never let that happen.  One way or another, Japan would end up losing the war.

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发表于 2014-2-2 08:46:43 | 只看该作者

DD, you have my highest respect.  Period.

Those who think Mao is a hero.   Fuck you.  I have to say it.  He is a devil.  Worst leader in the world history.  He did everything and beyond any Chinese king ever did.  He completely wiped out the root of Chinese culture by killing scholars and landlords.  This is what resulted in today's China.  You dont need to study much history to come to this conclusion.   

And those who think Deng is a hero is also dumb.  He did not push for political reforms and only economical reforms.  "Economic development is everything" = today's China.  

The first 30 years of communist ruling destroyed the morale of the country, and next 30 years unleashed the greeds to the extreme.  This country is finished.  It is already dead.

And btw, don't call yourself a Chinese, unless you have a Chinese passport.  You can call yourself a Chinese Canadian but not Chinese.  In Chinese, you are 加籍香港人 or 華裔加拿

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发表于 2014-1-29 22:05:01 | 只看该作者

Morning bros, no need to get too emotional over a scholarly debate. Allow me to give my thoughts.

CKS was a poor military and political leader. I think this is pretty much agreed by most people. Historical "what ifs" are anybody's guess, but I would speculate that had 張學良 not forced CKS to cooperate with the CCP, the Nationalist army led by CKS would have continued to spend its energies trying to 先安內再攘外. Now, even a military as powerful as today's US war machine has such dismal performance against ragtag group terrorists groups around the world. Nevermind that the CCP was very at guerilla warfare, while the CKS' military skills sucked. I would say Japan may actually been able to conquer all of China before CKS ever crushed the CCP. That would have been a disaster for us Chinese.

Now, of course, some may say 張學良 is not a hero because what he did eventually led to CCP gaining control of China, and they dislike the CCP (which is a topic for another day). However, that retrospect judgement is unfair. Very few, if any, people can predict the long-term future. I believe that  張學良 made the correct and heroic decision based on the circumstances and information that he had a available to him at that historical point in time.

Furthermore, the fact that he had the chance to collaborate with the Japs and become a traitor, but chose to risk his life and his privileged position that he was born into, THAT ALONE makes him a hero.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 21:40:35 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-29 08:11
Review the god damn videos which I took a long time to find for the purpose of  injecting some sense ...

Videos you stated are one/or many of 宣传/针对电影 whom making 阴谋/or another opinion in history. How many of THESE been recorded/mentioned in [real] history book? DD ... I don't believe you really in it?
John Kennedy shoot in Texas? There are also films/story behind the scene? How many you believe it/those? Honestly, I tell you I believe none of those. I believed JFK is killed. And the killer is killed also.

Japan today, yes 29-Feb-2014, found/owned 钓鱼岛 in their text book. But find not in Chinese text/history book. For open eye ..... Chinese would read chinese text book. While Japanese would read Japanese text book.

DD ..... Read the history book, not 宣传/针对电影.

共产党 also hv alot 宣传/针对电影. I read them but not to BELIEVE them. I trusted the fact the "马克思" doesn't work for human beings even 邓小平 say "yes".

I admire 张 because he saves MAO, by risking his life, which had changed history at the end.
I admire MAO because he can start and finish then job even he nearly been killed.
I admire 邓 because he ended the KING era.

I judged things per my OWN knowledge not, from someone (including all VIDEOs) else.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-27 20:08:10 | 只看该作者

My Chinese history is short and bearing my own opinion, not from pubishing/others material.
Four powerful persons after 清 collapse : 孫文,袁世凯,蒋中正 and 毛择东. None of them I am admired.

孫文: 清 would be collapsed disregard 孫文 involved or not. 孫文's "三民主義" is the main "propaganda" to make him an important person (not hero in my opinion). 1st 三民主義 doesn't work at that time [1911] ... see comments below. 2nd 孫文 started the rebel but did not finish. 3rd He had a chance to stay but allowing 袁世凯,蒋中正 to repeat what 清 has done= no 遠見.
袁世凯: He wanted to be a king. It would fail as 三民主義 is accepted by all 军阀s.
蒋中正: Is another 新军阀. He is not be supported by US also. His acts in Taiwan shown him that he wanted to be a king also. It is 蒋经国 built Taiwan while 蒋中正 thinks/plans only 反攻大陆. 蒋中正 wanted to defeat 共产党 but say no to build a better China/Taiwan. Later 蒋经国 brought no KING to Taiwan people.
毛择东: He wanted to be a king also. He diligently work on building better China in a form as King. He made mistakes but he acknowledged it. He keep making changes & wanted to find a RIGHT way. Luckily he found 邓小平. 毛择东 did kill 刘少奇, 林 bill but not 邓小平. He makes way for 邓小平 to come back when as soon as he died. Thus far 邓小平 still accepts 毛择东's hardship for chinese people. 毛择东 able to start and finish the job [bring 马克斯主義 to Chinese. Here not to argue is 马克斯 good or not] even he barely killed by 蒋中正.

三民主義 : It works in a group of civilized/educated passengers. But not in 1911 while too many 文盲. At that time the RIGHT(民权) for passengers (in a tour bus) should act as passenger (not driver)only.
马克斯主義: Doesn't work also due to human nature (自私心). Proven in China between 1949~1980.

張學良 : Without 兵諫 in 西安. 毛择东 would have been killed. 蒋中正 continues his mind as king (here not to argue whether he would bring hope to Chinese). Proven 蒋中正 passed throne to 蒋经国.
邓小平 : The 1st person bring NO king to China and he did. The true NO king era (in China) started when he died. Proven in last thiry years.

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发表于 2014-1-28 18:56:17 | 只看该作者

Throughout all these years, I have never heard/read of Chinese leaders escalating the Marco Polo Bridge Incident into a war.  Ask yourself, what were Japanese soldiers doing on Chinese soil well before JUL07 1937?????????  Only Japanese text books will say China started the Sino-Japanese War!

"Unite the Nationalists & Communists" is pushing the truth.  The two factions have never truly united.

In any country, insubordination in the military, especially during a war, is punishable by death.  張學良  was really lucky to escape that due to his contribution to the unification of China after 1911.

Whether he was a hero or not, is subject to debate; in my mind, he was not.  Even 張學良 himself regretted the action immediately afterwards (go read some articles re the incident).  Anyway, the Incident gave the Chinese Communists breathing room at a time when they face annihilation.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-1-26 21:52:52 | 只看该作者

Based on common sense alone, the sensible thing to do, during the Sino-Japanese War was to form an united front to take care of the common enemy first, then settle internal differences, that's why there were NUMEROUS  peace talks (國共和談), unfortunately the Chinese Communists (hereafter referred to as CC) were always asking for more than their power base warranted, or used it to buy time to build up its shattered army.

Let's face it, the CC's contribution to the Sino-Japanese War was guerilla warfare,  NEVER in a large scale battle.  Guerilla warfare's aim was to create disruption,win some ambushes or skirmishes, it can never win any battle.

It was not uncommon that after the Central Army defeated the Japanese & were chasing after them, the CC guerillas will enter town to claim victory.

Finally, the central government led by Chiang Kai-Sek (hereafter referred to as CKS) was convinced that it was pointless to continue peace talks as the CC army would not listen to commands & decided to pursuit the CC while fighting the Japanese at the same time.

CC's flee for survival was today glorified as ” the Long March”.  In fact, CC were being chased by the Central Army, cornered & faced elimination.

To gain sympathy, CC's advertsing/PR campaign, very successfully done, was all about uniting against the Japanese, &  張學良 bought it.  That is why I called it “brain wash”, of course not sitting in a classroom listening to lectures.

"西安事件" is "兵諫”, not quite coup d'etat, because CKS was the only person at that time who commanded respect (號召力) in China, & the only person who could unite the country against Japanese aggression.  CKS was NON-REPLACEABLE at that time.

In any country, insubordination by any military commanders to military commands will face firing squads.  張學良 was lucky to be allowed to live under house arrest to his natural age.

The reasons for the leniency were:

1.After overthrowing the Ching Dynasty, China was ruled by warlords.  In order to unify the country, the worlords must pledge allegiance to the Central Government, i.e. listen to commands, or face the fate of “北伐”.  張學良 was the son of 張作冧, who was a warlord.
張作冧 was assisinated by the Japanese, and  張學良 inherited his father's domain.
張學良 received western education, & may be of his hatred of the Japanese as well, he decided to place his army under the Central Government, & thus  北伐 was completed. Had  張學良 not do this,  there will be civil war & it was NOT a sure win for the Central Government as  張學良 had a larger army, in turns of head counts than the Central Government.
So CKS felt the Republic was indebted to 張學良 & spared his life.

2.Before taking over his father's domain, 張學良 lived in Shanghai – the most modern city in Asia, at that time, he was considered one of the四大公子, i.e. playboy.  This is where he met Soong Mei-ling (hereafter referred to as SML), one of the Soong sisters who was educated in the most prestigeous Women's Wellesley University in Massachusettes (A lot of USA's First Ladies graduated from Wellesley as well).
Love sparkled, & they night-clubbed together frequently.

SML subsequently married CKS.  Nevertheless,    張學良 & SML knew each intimately.
During Si-an Incident, & against the advice of even CKS, SML flew to Si-an & arranged CKS's release.

SML returned the favour by “protecting” 張學良 & spared him of execution.

This is a long answer to your query.

I have the following suggested reading if you wish to pursue further: ... 9.E4.BA.8B.E8.AE.8A ... &extra=page%3D8 ... &extra=page%3D8

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-1-26 02:42:03 | 只看该作者

i only know  蔣中正 and 毛择东 in ur article, so i can't really make a meaningful comment on it.

but i do love this quote

u r definitely right about that

張學良.. i heard this name before, name sounds familiar but don't know anything else beyond that

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-1-26 06:25:08 | 只看该作者

For sure he did. Without him. The Chinese Communist party may have been eliminated by the Nationalist which would then be defeated by the Japanese. He is one of the biggest hero of modern China.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-26 21:16:49 | 只看该作者

Before 1927 國共 is unified & heading 北伐 (to elimiate軍閥s) . Started from south 广东. Communist 對蔣「大肆攻擊」稱為“新軍閥”,Then, 蔣"發表告民眾書" 解散上海總工會等非法組織,澈底清除中國共產黨份子. 申明「外寇不足慮」,中國共產黨實為心腹之患,如不先清中國共產黨,「則無以禦外侮」。

Mongolia depleted from China by help/influence of Russia in 1911. Now Mongolia is a satellite country of Russia.
Russia invaded 新姜 but was defeated by 蔣介石.

Japan already took Korea and Taiwan. Next is 東北 (originally滿洲国). Now .... what if
-張學良 work with Japan (alike 李登辉 said) in 1926. Both Communist/Nationalist would hv been killed.
-張學良 not forcing 國共 unified in 1936. Both Communist/Nationalist would hv been killed also.

There WON"T hv 中日战争 started 1937.
There WON'T hv 蔣中正 escaped to Taiwan 1949.
There WON'T hv issues concerning Taiwan and 钓鱼岛.
-The languages going to used either Jap or Chinese (東北/滿洲国 gaveup the own mother language & uses 汉语) among ..... Jap/Korea/China/Taiwan.
-Thus USA able to DEFEAT Germany with threats coming from Pacific (Jap/China)?

In my true Hero in recent CHINESE history whom are 張學良 and 邓小平. Next is 毛择东.

蔣介石 almost became a Chinese 罪人 in China and world.
蔣介石 wanted to elimiate communist by a communist statement that “新軍閥”,Which 蔣 almost did if there isn't 張學良 stepped in. By this 申明「外寇不足慮」,中國共產黨實為心腹之患,如不先清中國共產黨,則無以禦外侮 ................. 蔣介石 really a true 新軍閥 .

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-26 22:32:33 | 只看该作者

張學良 1901~2001. 1919年就读于奉天講武堂。1920年后以砲兵科第一名毕业 (age 20) . He hasn't educated in the west. 張學良 didn't achieve ANYTHING BIG in his life but just two (1) Not bow to Jap & (2) 兵諫蔣介石 stop hunting 毛择东. These two makes history changed. (disregard whether he is playboy or not)
蔣介石's artillery supplied by the US. 毛择东 not. True, it is 蔣介石 dragging Japanese, not communist, until 1945.
After 1945 蔣介石 still hv the same artillery (US supllies). He stays alive with Japanese but not the communist/people. The truth is 蔣介石 is another "新軍閥".

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-26 22:42:40 | 只看该作者

Playboy not necessary a bad guy (see all brothers/wolves here, including me). At least, we are not criminal. We just have a hobby (in common) that could not tell our gf/wife/public.

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发表于 2014-1-27 03:48:37 | 只看该作者

he lived for 100 years. u guys provide a lot of information, hard for me to digest. so he was a playboy, does that mean he was a hunter??

so he didn't bow to japanese, i wonder if he had any sushi meals

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-1-27 18:55:19 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-1-26 08:16
Before 1927 國共 is unified & heading 北伐 (to elimiate軍閥s) . Started from south 广东. Communist  ...

You must study recent history diligently or  writings on Chinese historical events B4 making comments like that.

Allow me to enlighten you:

1.  After Japan surrendered, Russian army which was still in Manchuria, collected military hardware from Japanese soldiers who surrendered & turned them over to the Chinese Communists.  Don't forget that  Russian has always supported the Chinese Communists & not the Nationalist Government.

2.Yes, the Central Government's soldiers used weapons bought from USA, however, major factors contributed to why mainland was lost within 2 years while Japan was not successful in 8 years.

A.  The "White Paper" of President Truman.  I guess that you  have never heard of it (obviously you do not study history & based on hear-say for your comments).  

After the War, USA sent an envoy to China to negotiate peace & 2-party government structure.  (USA firmly believes in democracy without regard for local condition which may not ready for democracy, even up to today.  This is why USA made the same mistake in Iran under Jimmy Carter, Iraq & West Bank under George Bush, & Egypt under Obama.  This is a separate issue, so I will not elaborate further here.)

The negotiation broke down, because the Chinese Communists wanted more Provinces to be placed under their control than they justified.  Mind you, the Chinese Communist army was just a group of bandits at that time, scattered around the country side with no control over any of the major cities.

The USA envoy left China dejectedly but felt that the Chinese Communists could better represent the Chinese people & made recommendation to President Truman.

Truman issued a "White Paper” which is a term given to an official document outling the position of the US government.  In that Paper, Truman denounced the Nationalist Government  (You can call this interference in Chinese domestic affairs), withdrew support of the Nationalist Government & stopped selling weapons to the Nationalist Government.

You can imagine the impact on the Nationalist government.  The Chinese Communists were getting support while the Nationalist Government was betrayed by its war-time ally.

B.  The Chinese people lived under war & fear since the end of the 19th century, close to ¾ of a century, bore the hardship in the war against Japan, & everyone was ready to live a peaceful life without fear of another civil war, so when the US White Paper was issued, the tide changed.

As I mentioned earlier, the Chinese Communist had been very successful with its propaganda.

When CKS ordered troops to attack, the whole army surrendered to the Chinese Communists.

And that is why mailand was lost so quickly & the Nationalist Government had to retreat onto the island of Taiwan.

Just a few years after the Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan, the Korean War broke out.  The Chinese Communists sent “volunteer soldiers” to help North Korea & that's when US Government realized the mistake, & introduced embargo on Communist China.

張學良 is definitely NOT a hero.  The Si-an Incident gave the Chinese Communists time to re-group at a time when it faced elimination.

Without CKS's determination to resist & fight, China would have succumbed to Japan's aggression.  

During the Sino-Japanese War, CKS had on one occasion decided to retire into obscurity  but was asked to return to lead the country because he was the only one who had the respect of all the army commanders.

CKS fought the Japanese in the best way he could,  just like Russia in its war against the Nazis, by using the vast land to suck in the Japanese.

In the beginning of the War, the Chinese Army was ill equipped.  Only 3 pitiful Divisions had modern equipments, one of which was used in the Battle of Shanghai (四行倉庫).  If all modern army was thrown into immediate battles & got eliminated, China will have no army to defend itself, CKS therefore ordered mass retreat, destroying railways on the way, scuffled naval vessels in Yangtze River to prevent Japanese battle ship from sailing upstream, destroyed dams & dykes of Yellow River to prevent Japanese mechanized troops from moving quickly.

All of the above you can find in history books or in the suggested videos which I asked you to review.  If you do not read history books or the videos painstaking prepared by historians,  We cannot discuss this subject intelligently & you will always have this ill-conceived idea of Chinese history.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:49:37 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-1-28 03:37:08 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-27 05:55
You must study recent history diligently or  writings on Chinese historical events B4 making comme ...

Actually you are only partially right.

CKS was a terrible military leader even tho he was the principal of the Whampao military academy. He did not have the respect of all army commanders.

At the beginning of the war, 8 divisions of the Nationalist army, having been trained by Germans was very well equiped and well trained. It was estimated that the strength of those divisions reached European standards. It was those divisions that gave CKS the confidence to escalate the Marco Polo bridge incident into all out war. He thought he would win.

CKS did in fact throw in almost all his best divisions against the Japs at the beginning of the war. This was why in the Battle of Shanghai, the Chinese were able to resist the Japs for 3 months despite the Japs earlier boast that they could conquer all of China in 4 weeks.

After CKS lost his best divisions, other major coastal cities fell much quicker. All CKS could then do was adopt a scorched earth policy, similar to that of the Soviets, while retreating into the hinterlands.

Regardless of whether he mis-read CKS or was naively optimistic, 張學良 did unite the Nationalists and Communists temporarily to resist the Japs. For that, he lost freedom for most of his life as he was placed under house arrest till his very late years. I regard him as a hero.

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发表于 2014-1-28 08:30:09 | 只看该作者

Please review the videos under #5 first.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-1-28 18:56:17 | 只看该作者

Throughout all these years, I have never heard/read of Chinese leaders escalating the Marco Polo Bridge Incident into a war.  Ask yourself, what were Japanese soldiers doing on Chinese soil well before JUL07 1937?????????  Only Japanese text books will say China started the Sino-Japanese War!

"Unite the Nationalists & Communists" is pushing the truth.  The two factions have never truly united.

In any country, insubordination in the military, especially during a war, is punishable by death.  張學良  was really lucky to escape that due to his contribution to the unification of China after 1911.

Whether he was a hero or not, is subject to debate; in my mind, he was not.  Even 張學良 himself regretted the action immediately afterwards (go read some articles re the incident).  Anyway, the Incident gave the Chinese Communists breathing room at a time when they face annihilation.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-1-28 22:11:05 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-1-26 09:32
張學良 1901~2001. 1919年就读于奉天講武堂。1920年后以砲兵科第一名毕业 (age 20) . He hasn't educated i ...

I agree, 蔣介石 is a second rate general from Shanghai area. No great general ever came
from that part of China. He never had great leadership, planning, his decisions flap & flop.
It's really unfortunate that China lead by such an under-achiever during the critical moment
of Japs attack in WW2.
If he ever survived the Civil War, China will be like Thailand of the north.

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发表于 2014-1-28 22:16:31 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-26 08:52
Based on common sense alone, the sensible thing to do, during the Sino-Japanese War was to form an u ...

No true on your comments on the 8th Army. CKS developed inferior complex, his army never stood
up against the Japs. Either gave up or retreat. He never fully supported those that fight well, out of
jealousy. The first meaningful small victory came from 8th Army, in Central China. Giving a necessary
boost to the fighting moral.
CKS was only a second rate general at best, first rate power grabber. The worst combination.

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发表于 2014-1-28 22:33:23 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-27 05:55
You must study recent history diligently or  writings on Chinese historical events B4 making comme ...

Allow me to inform you that during the civil war, CKS's direct units were better armed than US soldiers
in WW2. Why? WW2 ended but arms production kept on going. Mostly shipped to CKS's army.
Communist did great propaganda, but it was CKS's indecisive commands that lead to mass confusions
among his generals. Also, his trusted core team were just un-talented as him. That's why they were
defeated against great odds.
As statistics, all civil wars in China, involving North & South. The South never win.
As for Truman, he had enough of CKS, therefore withdrawn US support.
As recommended by the US military advisors stationed in China to help CKS.

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发表于 2014-1-28 22:36:23 | 只看该作者

fireandice 发表于 2014-1-27 14:37
Actually you are only partially right.

CKS was a terrible military leader even tho he was the pr ...

CKS had such a narrow mind. 張學良 did the right thing!

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发表于 2014-1-29 04:17:37 | 只看该作者

Making statements without basis meant nothing.

Please quote source of your statement, e.g. "CKS's direct units were better armed than US soldiers
in WW2." also "At the beginning of the war, 8 divisions of the Nationalist army, having been trained by Germans was very well equiped and well trained. It was estimated that the strength of those divisions reached European standards. It was those divisions that gave CKS the confidence to escalate the Marco Polo bridge incident into all out war. "

In doubt, please review: ... &extra=page%3D8 ... &extra=page%3D8

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-1-29 17:52:50 | 只看该作者

China is a vast country with a long historical heritage.  Its modern history (the last 150 years) is far more complicated than the average Chinese could comprehend, let alone the “China-experts” from US Government.

747's “Blow Water” section gives us (both old & young wolves) a rare opportunity to look at, review, &  discuss events which changed the course of history.   

In order to intelligently & sensibly discuss historical events, both parties must spend time studying/researching instead of claiming hear-says as the truth.  

I am glad that I have diversified interest (in addition to hunting ), can read quickly, & in particulary, devoted time & energy to studying developing international affairs/politics & events affecting Chinese history.   

Yesterday, I searched & found some recent videos which confirm the observations posted in my threads.


The story of 張學良

The Story of CKS:

Si-an Incident
Tha above is a very informative video.

There are other related videos too which I have not yet reviewed because I must get some sleep.

These other videos will be posted after I viewed them.  If you want to see them immediately, let me know.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 20:58:07 | 只看该作者

fireandice 发表于 2014-1-27 14:37
Actually you are only partially right.

CKS was a terrible military leader even tho he was the pr ...

Have to shake hand with Fireandice/HC1265
Both you two have deep look to CKS more than me. Which I reviewed him only from human/normal angle.

CKS could be a good soldier/war general. For sure he can't be a good (people) leader. He could stay good in MINISTRY OF DEFENSE the most. Too bad .... he wanted to be a KING.

毛 also. MAO did everytning right. He continues to march on and finish the job, even he nearly been killed by 蒋. Too bad .... he wanted to be a KING also. He throne in 1949. He would maintain GOOD name in history if he stepped down in 1959 (10 years term as designed by 鄧).

What guys/men want in life: MONEY; WOMEN; POWER; FACE.

張學良 (東北王) is a soldier also. He has no differences to CKS. As you say he is a playboy. 張學良 had had everything as man wants. Why/what makes he risked his own life in 西安 at age 36? In real, 毛 stays alive and brought "马克思", even today, to Chinese, not "三民". If 張學良  not hero then he must be a stupid fool.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-1-29 21:11:28 | 只看该作者

Review the god damn videos which I took a long time to find for the purpose of  injecting some sense into your head!  

There is no need for further ciscussion when one party reads/researches while the other party just opens his mouth & spills out garbage!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 21:40:35 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-29 08:11
Review the god damn videos which I took a long time to find for the purpose of  injecting some sense ...

Videos you stated are one/or many of 宣传/针对电影 whom making 阴谋/or another opinion in history. How many of THESE been recorded/mentioned in [real] history book? DD ... I don't believe you really in it?
John Kennedy shoot in Texas? There are also films/story behind the scene? How many you believe it/those? Honestly, I tell you I believe none of those. I believed JFK is killed. And the killer is killed also.

Japan today, yes 29-Feb-2014, found/owned 钓鱼岛 in their text book. But find not in Chinese text/history book. For open eye ..... Chinese would read chinese text book. While Japanese would read Japanese text book.

DD ..... Read the history book, not 宣传/针对电影.

共产党 also hv alot 宣传/针对电影. I read them but not to BELIEVE them. I trusted the fact the "马克思" doesn't work for human beings even 邓小平 say "yes".

I admire 张 because he saves MAO, by risking his life, which had changed history at the end.
I admire MAO because he can start and finish then job even he nearly been killed.
I admire 邓 because he ended the KING era.

I judged things per my OWN knowledge not, from someone (including all VIDEOs) else.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 21:45:10 | 只看该作者

Don't you see I love Cat/Clara/Selena only. Although a lot of wolves say Haru/Emma/Barbie/Jooah etc.
I judged things per my eye/knowledge. Not from/refer by someone/video.

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发表于 2014-1-29 21:46:01 | 只看该作者

I have read more history books than you could ever imagine!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 21:59:03 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-29 08:46
I have read more history books than you could ever imagine!

I believe you/it.
I ready HISTORY book and a lot of 宣传/针对电影 both filmed by 共产党/国民党 and other countries.
I believe only HISTORY (not historIES) book which we are discussing. There are may books concerning history. But only 1 (ONE) history could be recorded.
Chinese and Japanese hv the OWN view at 钓鱼岛. Too bad .... because I am Chinese.... so I believe Chinese history.

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发表于 2014-1-29 22:05:01 | 只看该作者

Morning bros, no need to get too emotional over a scholarly debate. Allow me to give my thoughts.

CKS was a poor military and political leader. I think this is pretty much agreed by most people. Historical "what ifs" are anybody's guess, but I would speculate that had 張學良 not forced CKS to cooperate with the CCP, the Nationalist army led by CKS would have continued to spend its energies trying to 先安內再攘外. Now, even a military as powerful as today's US war machine has such dismal performance against ragtag group terrorists groups around the world. Nevermind that the CCP was very at guerilla warfare, while the CKS' military skills sucked. I would say Japan may actually been able to conquer all of China before CKS ever crushed the CCP. That would have been a disaster for us Chinese.

Now, of course, some may say 張學良 is not a hero because what he did eventually led to CCP gaining control of China, and they dislike the CCP (which is a topic for another day). However, that retrospect judgement is unfair. Very few, if any, people can predict the long-term future. I believe that  張學良 made the correct and heroic decision based on the circumstances and information that he had a available to him at that historical point in time.

Furthermore, the fact that he had the chance to collaborate with the Japs and become a traitor, but chose to risk his life and his privileged position that he was born into, THAT ALONE makes him a hero.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-29 22:43:20 | 只看该作者

Hey BenGor .... good morning .... welcome to history forum. I guess ..... are you 60+ of age?

I like your opinion/point :
(1) 張學良 is not a hero because what he did eventually led to CCP gaining control of China ......
(2) Collaborate with the Japs and become a traitor, but chose to risk his life ......

Save lives by risking his own life ....... Is HERO (or stupid fool) in all sense. Such as doctors.... etc.
A beggar/drug addict jumped into winter Lake Ontario to save a sinking young boy and he did. Is he hero? Yes, he is.
TomSiu jumped into winter Lake Ontario to save sinking Cat/Clara/Selena and he failed because he doesn't swim. Is he hero? Of course not .... He is a STUPID FOOL.

I denied 孫文 and 蔣 because they didn't bring "三民主义" to Chinese (because I denied 马克思). Today, I still hesitate if 三民主义 workable in China mainland .... because too many uncivilized people been seen in PARIS, LONDON, NEWYORK and HK.

A true hero is able to start/plan and finish the job by risking his life. Just the beggar did, not as to Tomsiu.

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发表于 2014-1-30 01:12:29 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-1-29 08:59
I believe you/it.
I ready HISTORY book and a lot of 宣传/针对电影 both filmed by 共产党/国民党 an ...

I am not here to change your opinion, it is NOT my intention.

In reviewing historical events & before forming an opinion, we must approach it with an open mind, read stories/reports from both sides, especially interviews of these historic personalities when they were alive.

You claimed to have reviewed the videos & that they were one-sided, I can bet you didn’t because you didn’t even know that the videos contained interviews with “your hero”,  & your hero’s former colleagues.  Of course, all these interviews were conducted when these personalities were alive.

The Chinese Communist Government will always consider 張學良 a hero because without the Si-an Incident, the Communist would have ceased to exist.  The Incident gave the Chinese Communist a new breath of life.  So 張學良 was more than a hero, he was the Communist Government’s saviour.

With regard to CKS, he was probably the most mis-understood Chinese leader of modern times.

With regard to hc1265's claim that the Marco Polo Bridge Incident was intentionally started by CKS & that CKS had army better equipped than USA, that is just hog wash.  I have NEVER read any historic documents to support this claim.  
I challenged hc1265 to provide evidence of his claim & would be really interested in reading what he could come up.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-30 04:22:27 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-29 12:12
I am not here to change your opinion, it is NOT my intention.

In reviewing historical events & be ...

Hey DD ..... you are back to square one.
The Chinese Communist Government will always consider 張學良 a hero  ...... I consider 張學良 a hero because his act in 西安. BenGor mentioned it very clear (which is the point for the topic) ...... "the fact that he had the chance to collaborate with the Japs and become a traitor, but chose to risk his life ...."

regard to hc1265's claim that the Marco Polo Bridge ~~~~~~~~ Is a side of another story that it's not for this topic as arguement. I'll stop.

I (tomsiu) is not 共產黨. I denied 毛 and 马克思. 马克思 had been denied by today's China after 30 years operation 1949~1979.
I am yet appraise 三民主义 because it hasn't been proven that workable in Chinese mainland.
I denied 孫文 and 蔣 because they didn't bring "三民主义" to Chinese. They HAVN'T finish their job where they started! At least MAO/CCP did (even 马克思 was denied later).

I even say 康有为/梁启超 are both coward. They both hv good theory/inspiration and started the campaign/reform. They didn't finish the job because they afaid DEATH/been killed.

You know me ..... I stated "747 brothers @ MM" and finished it. I started "三结易" and finished it. I am not hero because it has no "DEATH/KILLED" element.

For man/guy ...... it is important to know/understand what is "start" and "finish".

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-30 04:29:24 | 只看该作者

A beggar/drug addict jumped into winter Lake Ontario to save a sinking young boy and he did. Is he hero? Yes, he is ~~~~~~ [by that time]
Even 30 years later this young boy grew to become a criminal.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:50:18 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-1-30 06:18:55 | 只看该作者

Did 張學良 change the course of history?  He sure did!

Was he a hero?  Our opinions differ.  

I do not accept insubordination, so were many others who lived during that time (I am not that old, I wasn't even born during that time). He was treated leniently for reasons which I will not repeat.

Finally, view the videos, hear it directly from the "horse' mouth".

You started the topic, so you can have a closing statement which I will not respond to maintain tranquility in the Forum.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-1-30 22:00:56 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-1-29 17:18
Did 張學良 change the course of history?  He sure did!

Was he a hero?  Our opinions differ.  

Your video has 49 minutes. Not sure if you wanted me to see this:





Is it the reason that you say he is not hero? Don't you agree that Japn could defeat any Chinese Army and hv them all killed? Don't you know 东北军 is 滿洲人? 张學良 would hv been killed also. If 张學良 not exist then, 西安事变 never happened.

The above-mentioned situation is not the TOPIC refer about. What "if" 张學良 defeat Japs in 东北 in 1931? He is hero also.

What I say is that the CHINESE HISTROY would not been the same (compared to today ~~ not 1931). 张學良 makes 東北軍系 within China (not collaborate to Japan).

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发表于 2014-2-1 06:25:47 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-1-29 09:05
Morning bros, no need to get too emotional over a scholarly debate. Allow me to give my thoughts.

C ...

I agree very much that 張學良 made the best and heroic decision based on the political situation of the time. But for him CKS would ruin China to become Thailand of the north.
Southerners are not suitable to rule, concentarte on business that they excel.

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发表于 2014-2-1 17:56:01 | 只看该作者

HC1265 发表于 2014-1-31 17:25
I agree very much that 張學良 made the best and heroic decision based on the political situation o ...

I said that I will not respond to tomsiu's closing statement does not mean that I will not respond to wildly irresponsible, inflammatory, discrimatory, ridiculous statement made by you.

RE:    Southerners are not suitable to rule, concentarte on business that they excel.

Please name a person in modern Chinese history who is from the north, & in your opinion,  can rule.

FYI, your great leader Mao Tse-tung is from Hunan which is considered south as well.

While you are at it, please don't forget about documentary evidence/link to support your previous statements that:

The Chinese Government intentionally started the 7-7 (Marco Polo Bridge) Incident
The Nationalist Army was BETTER EQUIPPED than the US Army

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-2 00:56:39 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-1 04:56
I said that I will not respond to tomsiu's closing statement does not mean that I will not respond ...

Strictly speaking you are right. Xi is the real northern leader for a long long time.
Traditionally southern leaders came from Shanghai Area. Since ancient times, no great generals
and political leaders came from this part of China. Great business leaders & scientists, plentiful.

Hunan/ Sichuan areas are grey areas, normally not counted as south while not northerns.
Planty of great generals & political leaders came from this part of China since ancient times.

I standby the statement that during the Civil War, many KMT units were better armed than
US soldiers during WW2. Simple reason: the US factories could not stop the arm production
instantly. Most of the surplus produced after WW2 were shipped to China.

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发表于 2014-2-2 08:46:43 | 只看该作者

DD, you have my highest respect.  Period.

Those who think Mao is a hero.   Fuck you.  I have to say it.  He is a devil.  Worst leader in the world history.  He did everything and beyond any Chinese king ever did.  He completely wiped out the root of Chinese culture by killing scholars and landlords.  This is what resulted in today's China.  You dont need to study much history to come to this conclusion.   

And those who think Deng is a hero is also dumb.  He did not push for political reforms and only economical reforms.  "Economic development is everything" = today's China.  

The first 30 years of communist ruling destroyed the morale of the country, and next 30 years unleashed the greeds to the extreme.  This country is finished.  It is already dead.

And btw, don't call yourself a Chinese, unless you have a Chinese passport.  You can call yourself a Chinese Canadian but not Chinese.  In Chinese, you are 加籍香港人 or 華裔加拿

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发表于 2014-2-2 08:52:31 | 只看该作者

張學良 is a 左膠。His act caused the death of China.

In retrospect, Japan would have been defeated by USA anyway, and would never successfully ruled China because China is a big country and the Japanese army would have been stretched too thin.  And also, the Russian would never let that happen.  One way or another, Japan would end up losing the war.

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发表于 2014-2-2 10:04:35 | 只看该作者

We should not allow foul language on this site!

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发表于 2014-2-2 10:08:52 | 只看该作者

chef123 发表于 2014-2-1 19:52
張學良 is a 左膠。His act caused the death of China.

In retrospect, Japan would have been defeated  ...

A leader that did not fight and rely on foreigners to drive the invaders out was a piece of crab.
He did not deserve to rule.
張學良 just changed that part Chinese history, retaining some dignity!

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发表于 2014-2-2 18:06:36 | 只看该作者

HC1265 发表于 2014-2-1 11:56
Strictly speaking you are right. Xi is the real northern leader for a long long time.
Traditionall ...

RE your #33, 35 & 39:
1.   Mao was from Hunan Province, CKS was from Chechiang Province which is more north of Hunan.  Would that automatically make CKS a better leader than your great leader?
2.  You can "standby" all you like, you must provide source of your ridiculous statement.  
I listed a lot of videos (I viewed them all (easily 24 hours of viewing) B4 posting.  If I did not review, I will say it.)  View these videos, you will have a better understanding of the Sino-Japanese War.  Without viewing these videos but resort to spreading rumours with no basis, is what I am against.

View the videos, give your conscience a chance.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:50:36 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-2 22:53:30 | 只看该作者

chef123 发表于 2014-2-1 19:52
張學良 is a 左膠。His act caused the death of China.

In retrospect, Japan would have been defeated  ...

Thanks for coming forward to make your opinion.
Thus far did you agree 張學良 saved 毛 from being killed by 蒋? As per materials from real history book/video that you had seen? Any material(s) to support your adverse opinion(s)?

Here I mentioned history (not histories).
Here I mentioned fact not "if".

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-2 23:03:45 | 只看该作者

Please don't add 毛 or 邓 into this topic "張學良 changed Chinese history?" for now.
I'll bring them up one day but, not today (as topic). Now, is not a right time (for me) to discuss these.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-2 23:15:06 | 只看该作者

The "if" here are refer to BIG/IMPORTANT events/things/people that would have been recorded in (history) book. HISTORY is seen/found from past not future.

For example : TomSiu saves $150 from hunting money & purchased 649 then won $30M. This "if" never/won't be recorded in history disregard true or untrue now/future. TomSiu never be big/important enogh to be mentioned in HISTORY book.

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发表于 2014-2-3 01:31:38 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-2 05:06
RE your #33, 35 & 39:
1.   Mao was from Hunan Province, CKS was from Chechiang Province which is m ...

CKS came from NingPao, Zhejiang area, outside Shanghai.
No great political & military leader ever came from from that part of China!
He started his career as a failed stock broker.
It was his poor leadership that a much better armed KMT lost the civil war.
President Truman dispised him so much that US withdrew further support.
Google this yourself.

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发表于 2014-2-3 12:27:11 | 只看该作者

HC1265 发表于 2014-2-1 21:08
A leader that did not fight and rely on foreigners to drive the invaders out was a piece of crab.

"A leader that did not fight and rely on foreigners to drive the invaders out was a piece of crab."
Are you talking about the communists?  Correct, they relied on the Soviets' support and also didn't fight the war against the Japanese.  They focused on gaining from KMT instead of fighting Japanese.  CKS's strategy was a correct one to begin with => settle the internal first, and then deal with the external

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发表于 2014-2-3 12:36:45 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-2-2 09:53
Thanks for coming forward to make your opinion.
Thus far did you agree 張學良 saved 毛 from being  ...

That question does not matter.  It's 張學良's act that changed the strategy against the communist, and let things turned around.

I am not here to provide references for you to "learn" about Chinese and world history.  There are lots of materials online and books to read and you can draw your own conclusion.  

There could be more 張學良 or other things could happen and help the communist to win.  So, talking about "ifs" is a big waste of time.

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发表于 2014-2-3 12:57:58 | 只看该作者

Both Churchill and Roosevelt are great leaders and deserve to be called hero.

Mao, Hitler, Stalin, and Deng are tryant.  So as 秦始皇.  They are no hero.

We live in Canada, and believe in democracy and freedom.  If you don't believe in these, move to China or North Korea and enjoy to be ruled by the ones who you consider them as heroes.

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发表于 2014-2-3 14:22:01 | 只看该作者

This topic is great and its so wonderful to see so many bros sharing their insights. However please try not to get too emotional. It would be a shame if a civilized debate on an intelligent and worthy topic gets degenerated into personal insults and argument.

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发表于 2014-2-3 21:13:12 | 只看该作者

HC1265 发表于 2014-2-2 12:31
CKS came from NingPao, Zhejiang area, outside Shanghai.
No great political & military leader ever  ...

As I said B4, don't make comments without grounds, e.g. CKS was a failed stock broker, 7-7 was intentionally started by China, the Chinese Army was better equipped than US.

Just go thru the videos which I searched & posted on the 75th anniversary of the 7-7 Incicent.

Quite frankly, I had queries about CKS's ability initially.  I asked mysef, why did CKS do it that way, what were the options, what would I have done if I was in his shoes.  However, after going thru all the videos, minimum 24 hours of viewing (if you want to understand modern Chinese history, you must spend time to read, not shooting thru an empty barrel/or your mouth), I came to the conclusion that given the difficulty, CKS did the best he could.  That is why I said CKS was the most mis-understood leader in modern times.

If one studies, while the other one does not, there is no middle ground for discussion.

Do yourself a favour, read anything of your choice, then come back for a sensible discussion.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-4 01:07:40 | 只看该作者

chef123 发表于 2014-2-2 23:27
"A leader that did not fight and rely on foreigners to drive the invaders out was a piece of crab. ...

CKS's attitude of not defending his country and concentrating on internal war was extreme poor leadership and laughable. End result, America pulled out further support.
The first victory was performed by the 8th Army in Central China, even CKS & UN acknowledged
the act. Boosting the fighting spirit of China.
Only Jap spy will talk like you!


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:50:52 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

張學良 changed Chinese history? [color=#999999 !important] [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]


发表于 2014-2-4 01:20:56 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-3 08:13
As I said B4, don't make comments without grounds, e.g. CKS was a failed stock broker, 7-7 was int ...

I have read up on books from China, Taiwan, US, Britain for hundreds of hours.
With the only exception of Taiwan & some HK writers, CKS was a very poor leader.
EX: During the civil war, he exercised direct control and kept on changing his decisions.
Americans of that era: Ignor Snow, General Stilwell all condemned CKS as coward & useless.
They admired Mao for fighting the Japs with little resources.
Only President Rosevelt kept his support. However, President Truman pulled out support in
about 1 year.
You are counting on some one sided views.
I suggest you read up on the Chinese & American account on that era.
I count on a broad base view as well historical data.

There are many reason that CKS lost!

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发表于 2014-2-4 05:30:19 | 只看该作者

Give me a break, every time you open your mouth you mentioned something which I have never heard of!

Where did you learn from the hundreds & thousand of books which you read that CKS started as a failed stock broker?

Just do some maths, CKS was born 1872 (?), when & where did he start as a stock broker??

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-4 12:56:56 | 只看该作者

Why don't you read up on what General Stilwell had talked about CKS.
Know him through all different angles, not a narrow Taiwan/ HK view.
Stilwell was the US military rep. in China during WW2.
Plenty of books available.
Time Magazine mentioned this in the early 70s.

Presidents Rosevelt, Truman; Prime Minister Churchill all had comments on CKS.
You can easily get the information via the internet.

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发表于 2014-2-4 18:22:56 | 只看该作者

I got it, so your non-narrow HK/Taiwan view are:

1.  China intentionally started the 7-7 Incident.
2.  US equipped the Chinese army to a higher standard than the US army.
3.  Those from the northern China, make better leaders than those from the south.  Pushing your theory, CKS was more north than your great leader Mao.  So, whatever you think of CKS, times it by 10 will be that of Mao?
4.  CKS was a failed stock broker (even before China had a Stock Exchange!)

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-4 18:24:30 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-4 05:22
I got it, so your non-narrow HK/Taiwan view are:

1.  China intentionally started the 7-7 Incident.

We have hijacked this thread for too long, go start a new thread under a proper heading, just like as the 4 listed above, for open discussion.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-4 22:05:14 | 只看该作者

I'll bring up CKS, Mao & Deng soon ...... seperately for discussion.

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发表于 2014-2-5 00:03:38 | 只看该作者

On Dragondick's 4 points:   

1.  The Japs staged the 7-7 Incident.
2.  US equipped core KMT army units with surplus weapons after WW2, better than US units in WW2.
3.  Those from northern China, make better military leaders than those from the south, particular
     when compared with Shanghai areas.      
4.  CKS was a failed leader although he started as one time stock broker.

The are many reasons why a leader lost a struggle to gain power. Bottom line, he did not stand up
to his opponent. I shall not argue like a little kid.

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发表于 2014-2-5 01:57:05 | 只看该作者

Only kids have no basis for what they said!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-16 21:04:03 | 只看该作者

I have another video:

西安事变真相揭秘.  13' 3” ... -5b62fbc4b6e4.shtml

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-16 21:20:07 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-16 08:04
I have another video:

西安事变真相揭秘.  13' 3”

Your videos contained large amount of 揭秘? Don't you think 三國演義 is real history (some of them "yes" and some of them "no" but, for sure 三國演義/揭秘 are not base to discuss history)?
All forms of my expression come from MY OWN JUDGEMENT/MIND/EXPRESSION (not 揭秘 from someone else).
MY MIND/EXPRESSION/JUDGEMENT come from history/google or even 台灣文化部 (not 宣傳部).

To continue argument you must have your own (judgement)!


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