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蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [tomsiu]

发表于 2014-12-25 20:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-2-6 22:05:45 | 只看该作者

蒋中正 1887~1975. 蒋 shouldn't be a leader. He would be better (in history) if he continues act as 军佬.
孙 died in 1925. 蒋 pushed way/out 共产党员 inside KMT. 蒋 assumes leadership 1926 with military background. He did join Imperial Army of Japan. He knew very little about west (both economic and politic).
He kept fighting to elimate 军阀s and do nothing about 三民. He called as new 军阀 from/per 共产党. Then allowing more & more people fell to 共产党 whom foght against him at the end. 蒋 received one of five then-permanent members of the UN Security Council In 1945 (after ww2). As 军佬, 蒋 "elevated" to top of the sky. 蒋's government proved thoroughly unable to manage the economy, allowing hyperinflation to result. 蒋 refuses to accept co-exists proposal offered by 毛 even 毛 has larger troops. 蒋 even launched attacks in 1946. 蒋 defeated and escaped to Taiwan in 1949. With help by US 蒋 survived.

In Taiwan 蒋 thinks only 反攻大陆. He halted some democratic processes, including presidential and parliamentary elections, until the mainland could be recovered from the Communists. The same time in mainland 周因来/刘少奇 already started the reforms.

蒋 passed on his throne to his son 经国 just like another king in 1975.


发表于 2014-3-12 22:58:51 | 只看该作者

If CKS didn't have the foresight to recall CCK to China when he was still cuddling with his Russian wife in bitterly cold Russia, then gradually trained him from the bottom up, further placed him under YKK (President after CKS), CCK will be nothing.

That is why I said all along CKS was most mis-understood leader.  Don't you think CKS deserved MOST of the credit for progress in Taiwan?

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 21:25:39 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-3 19:30
I searched.  After CKS, there was 嚴家淦, then 蒋经国 .

I knew it was NOT directly from CKS to 蒋经 ...

Even yourself (DD=KMT history expert) didn't aware 嚴家淦  and say 陳誠 in the 1st time.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 21:16:16 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-3 19:30
I searched.  After CKS, there was 嚴家淦, then 蒋经国 .

I knew it was NOT directly from CKS to 蒋经 ...

Yes .... 嚴家淦 (1905~1993) = you are correct

1966年3月  ,任台湾“国民政府”“副总统”兼“行政院院长”。

1975年4月蒋介石死后,继任“总统”。Age 70.


嚴家淦 is so short in his chair & he left the chair alive. 蒋经国 then have 10 years (1978~1988). My recent Taiwan visits and talked to locals that they don't notice who is 嚴家淦 but very much familiar with 蒋经国. That's why I missed him.

DD .....
Our agruement must be based on history. Eye must be opened to both good or bad (side of story). The title here call "蒋中正. 军佬". He is not much by more than a soldier only.
As soldier himself he won he lost. The fact is 蒋中正 isn't 戰無不勝. The fact is USA defeated Japan (Without US opened a 2nd frontline... A great chance that China would lost)

Note: I don't like USA today but the fact is USA did save China from Japan's ruling.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-3 19:37:29 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-2 11:55
I wanted to comment on all these unsubstantiated statements earlier, unfortunately I was indisposed  ...

Hey DD, Welcome back. Really miss you (for this debate). To keep live/active .... eat-out once a week at least.

To remind you that this topic is 蒋中正, not KMT/CCP. I hv a seperate topic for KMT/CCP too.
All stories, concerning 蒋中正, that you pulled is true. I totally agree 100%. [No need to pull more/again/further as I will totally agree 100%]

Here three things I want you to answer me [please answer yes/no]:
(1) Is that 蒋中正 employ/work under KMT? [The agenda for KMT is to 推翻满清 and setup 共和国 .... right?]. 推翻满清 is 完成. Where is 共和国 under 蒋中正 (1926~1975)?

(2) 蒋 almost dismissed CCP (in 西安). If success then we don't hv 周因来 in history (周 is one of the greatest person in recent chinese history). 蒋 almost buried 周. Luckily it isn't. If you want to discuss 周 futher let's go to topic "军阀 and KMT/CCP"

(3) 蒋 thinks only 反攻大陆. No 2nd thoughts/mind in his head. Today's Taiwan is built by 蒋经国,not 蒋中正....... {If you want to discuss further let's open a seperate title for Taiwan before/after 1975}

Being a great person, the best scenario, is that (s)he must be perfect! One or two BAD things would ruin all his/her reputation. [that's why we eat-out without letting our friends/relatives know].

Don't you know/agree/understand how bad the EMPERORS affecting today's EGYPT/SYRIA/LIBYA!

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发表于 2014-2-12 12:48:37 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-7 11:20
I have reviewed the videos & I am very impressed.  All 747 brothers who participated in the recent ...


As I said, those episodes are very good and the information is fairly unbiased.

Personally, I dislike the Western style reporting which unfairly, negatively biased toward China. The westerners uses their media especially to divide Chinese race into Taiwanese, HK and mainland.

If you read enough of their news report, you will notice that they "assume" China is the evil which always pressure neighboring countries, including Taiwan.  

A weak Chinese race is beneficial to the westerners, as world's resources would flow to them.

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发表于 2014-2-7 01:01:31 | 只看该作者

Yes, you have a good description on him.
Not a good leader that understood politics & economics.
At best just another ordinary  军佬.

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发表于 2014-2-7 08:23:47 | 只看该作者

He was a pretty crappy 军佬 too.

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发表于 2014-2-7 12:51:04 | 只看该作者

In Taiwan, children are taught to recognize him as a hero. In deed, he and his son did developed Taiwan to certain degree, so I guess they are not completely worthless.

To be honest, both 蒋 and Mao are interesting people to study. They should be treated as history to be learned, but not to be compared or argued. It would be meaningless.

I recently watch a political analysis show: "走进台湾". Although the show name has Taiwan in it but I think it is  Chinese sponsored and has little to do with Taiwan, which I find better. Because the show is actually very unbiased and the analysts are knowledgeable.

To learn more about those famous people during the unfortunate Chinese civil war/WWI/II watch Jan 29,30,31 episodes. ... 4UOhw7g&index=2

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发表于 2014-2-7 17:59:46 | 只看该作者

I noticed that 747 brothers are not even prepared to view 45' video pertaining to topics which they started, asking them to view 3 episodes of 1 hour each is like 與虎謀皮.

I have searched & posted a lot of videos (over 30 episodes & easily 24 hours of viewing) re Sino-Japanese War to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 7-7 Incident which led to the war, I doubt there is anyone, aside from me, who viewed the series from start to finish.  If they had, it will change their views & opinions re events & personalities in recent Chinese history.

To be honest, I didn't know about the above videos, but I will definitely review them.  Thank you for posting the link.  

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-7 19:46:53 | 只看该作者

BayerischeM 发表于 2014-2-6 23:51
In Taiwan, children are taught to recognize him as a hero. In deed, he and his son did developed Tai ...

Welcome joining this history forum. We always learn from mistake/history. 毛 and 蒋 did contributes topics in our history book.

蒋 retreated to Taiwan & followed by millions of KMT's supporters/soliders. 蒋 kept waiting for opportunities. He has hopes once Korean war started. Soon this hope diminished gradually. 蒋 coming to the end of his life. He nodded to 经国 to begin economic reform (with support from US). With large group of KMT (same 嘴型) supports Taiwan making progress in finance/medicine/farming/technology area. Such sucess did help mainland China to rebuild its economy in early 1980 (I am sure it won't be happened if 蒋 still alive in 1980).

Same as HongKong that Taiwan seperated from mainland it provides STABILITIES in the society as result to reform/rebuild sucessfully. At the same time 毛 brought dark years to his people particularily launching 红卫兵 [a group of immature student/youth whom has gun]. Thanks god that 毛 died in 1976.

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发表于 2014-2-7 21:04:23 | 只看该作者

FYI,  On several  occasions, CKS wanted to  stage a 反攻,光復大陸.

The Korean War -- Withheld by USA for fear of dragging USSR into the conflict.  The same reason President Truman fired General Douglas McArthur .

The Tibet Uprising – Stopped by USA for fear that if it failed, USA would be dragged into it.

After 珍寶島衝突 -- USSR sent “feeler” to CKS for a joint operation.  CKS refused because he didn’t trust the Russians, also didn’t want  to be another 吳三桂.

Today, only the Japanese would be happy to see a weakened China due to internal conflict.  I can only see a unified China in less than 30 years.  

When China has a higher per capita income, higher standard of living (not only in the major cities), then it is natural that China & Taiwan will become one.

Democracy has never been an issue in China's history.  As long as people get 3 meals a day +1 fuck a night   (日求三餐,夜求一篤 ) !, Chinese can live with one-party politics.  Only Americans want to export their form of democracy!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-8 00:20:21 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-7 04:59
I noticed that 747 brothers are not even prepared to view 45' video pertaining to topics which they  ...

I have reviewed the videos & I am very impressed.  All 747 brothers who participated in the recent discussions MUST review these videos to have a better understanding of various events.

“走进台湾”A Panel Discussion programme, by scholars & historians on the latest historical events.
I have listed the length of each video so that you are better prepared for the “education”.

2014 01 29 Episode.  Length 54’ 26”

USA’s containment policy, various countries’ maneuvers in the South China Sea, & China’s position & its political maturity.

2014 01 30 Episode.  Length 54’ 12” ... 4UOhw7g&index=2

9-18 Incident & its effects on 張學良.  Why did  張學良 order his North-East troops not to resist?  CKS’ influence on 張學良’s decision, etc.

2014 01 31 Episode.  Length 54’ 13”

This is the best  review of the Si-an Incident.  A  lengthy, in depth discussion of what caused the Si-an Incident & effects.   SML’s acquitance with 張學良, & her role in arranging the release of CKS.  USSR played a role too in the release too!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-8 08:41:59 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-7 11:20
I have reviewed the videos & I am very impressed.  All 747 brothers who participated in the recent ...

To be honest, i think most bros (myself included) is just too lazy to spend so much time watching the videos. Between work, other obligations, and of course, hunting. Most of us just don't have much time to spare.

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发表于 2014-2-8 18:02:03 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-2-7 19:41
To be honest, i think most bros (myself included) is just too lazy to spend so much time watching  ...

Only semi-retired wolves will have more time than young studs.  Anyway, just view the 2014 0131 Episode, that is absolutely the best re Si-an Incident.

The panel guests were not giving groundless statements, they researched & quoted from writings of personalities who were either present or involved.

You will remember that  I once searched, accidentally found, & posted a complete series of video re the Sino-Japanese War to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 7-7 Incident.  I viewed them all, no less than 24 hours of viewing. After viewing, I changed my opinion re CKS.

CKS was the most misunderstood leader in recent Chinese history.

CKS was the only person at that time who commanded respect from the majority of Chinese, CCP exempted.  With a lesser leader, China would have surrendered long time ago, became a Japanese colony, & the Pacific War would be prolonged.  

As per the Panel discussion, even USSR was against detaining CKS after the  Si-an Incident & urged his release so that CKS could lead the war against Japan in China.

I plan on re-arranging the series of videos on Sino-Japanese War which I posted 2+ years ago, add a Chinese title to each episode + viewing time, to facilitate viewers' choice/reference.  Again, only sex-deprived wolves will have the time to do it.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-2-9 19:46:22 | 只看该作者

I have stated many times that CKS was probably the most misunderstood leader in recent Chnese history.  My conviction was based on viewing the many videos re Sino-Japanese War (already re-post under  "一寸山河,一寸血" of 747 Forum ) which changed my opinion of CKS completely.

The following 2 videos devoted more than half of the time to answering callers' (including mostly  from Mainland China) comments on the subject.  Surprisingly, these comments were all favourable & coincided with my observation that without CKS's determination & steadfastness, China would have been overrun by Japanese military, any lesser men would have surrendered.

蒋介石是中国现代第一伟人?  ½  (25' 30”)

蒋介石是中国现代第一伟人? (1/2) (24' 26")

解密时刻:日记中的蒋介石-剿共为名,抗日为实(完整版)(49' 30")


A “flower-laced news”.  I didn't know CKS had that many wives, including sharing a Japanese  girl with another Chinese roommate while studying in Japan!  No wonder,  sex was not an issue among  Chinese leader when they were young!

CKS's last/final marriage was with SML & reportedly there was true love.

解密_民国风云人物-蒋介石 ½ (14' 38")

解密_民国风云人物-蒋介石 2/2 (14' 36")

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-9 20:13:25 | 只看该作者

During a person's life (say 60~80 years) of course he has good time and bad time. Some people choose to focus the good. And the other choose to see bad. In deed he has both good/bad side.

Let's say Steve Job .....
Good Side:
He startes and innovates with PC. Success in begin and defeated (not fail) later.
He startes Apple laptop. Success in begin and defeated (not fail) later.
He started with iPhone. Success with cashflow bigger than US treasury.

Bad side:
He is 暴君 to his employees.

His employee(s) shit at him in front of their own friends even they (employee) hv good education/innovation. Some of them even choose to leave. Are these employee(s) good?
Still there are large amount of employees choose to stay & work quietly along to sucess. Are these employee(s) bad?

Steve Job success (in term of business prospective) by his supporting team. Not him alone. He is bad in handling people.
Judgement is came from your own/personal angle...... which side you wanted to look at!

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发表于 2014-2-10 04:37:08 | 只看该作者

You are deviating from the topic which you started.

After retreating to Taiwan, CKS was no longer a military man/leader.  With the US 7th Fleet patrolling the Taiwan Strait, there was stability, he therefore concentrated on implementing "3 Peoples Principles.

CKS military career ended with the retreat.

As a military man, he was not perfect.  In fact, nobody in his shoes could do any better due to inferior equipments.  

Any military war is a war of money, with the coastal cities all gone, the Government had NO revenue; Japan's advances in Burma, choked the only re-supply route from the outside world.  Had the War lingered on for a few more months, the Chinese Government  & its resistance would have collapsed completely.

Don't take my word for it, you must go thru "一寸山河,一寸血" videos to visualize the predicament of the Government & the Chinese people at that time.

That is why I spent time to search & re-post the videos for the benefit of anyone interested in recent Chinese history, particularly the Sino-Japanese War years.

FYI, I have reviewed all videos which I posted on 747.  If I had not, I will say it clearly that I did not.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-2-12 12:48:37 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-2-7 11:20
I have reviewed the videos & I am very impressed.  All 747 brothers who participated in the recent ...


As I said, those episodes are very good and the information is fairly unbiased.

Personally, I dislike the Western style reporting which unfairly, negatively biased toward China. The westerners uses their media especially to divide Chinese race into Taiwanese, HK and mainland.

If you read enough of their news report, you will notice that they "assume" China is the evil which always pressure neighboring countries, including Taiwan.  

A weak Chinese race is beneficial to the westerners, as world's resources would flow to them.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-2-12 21:15:20 | 只看该作者

蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 is the topic. (Not a leader to run a country)
No offensive to DD's video but it is oneside only persuade. A boarder angle is needed.

Let's scale it down & hope it helps (to DD).
After WW2 (1945) 蒋's , age 58, military life pushed to the top. He believes himself defeated Jap! He has been elected to member (one of 5) in Security council in UN. His personal fame pushed up even higher. Celebaration follows with expensive drinks/food. He didn't noticed a big portion of KMT's troop were came from his enemy before (defeated 軍閥s by 蒋). These soldiers gathered together for Jap's reason. Once it is ended it'll fall apart and some even joined 毛.
1946 蒋 at age 59 he even lauched attacks to 毛.
In 1949 when 蒋 stayed in Taiwan at age 62, 蒋 has no intention to develop Taiwan but one thing in his mind 返攻大陆! Only 军佬 has this kind of mind.

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发表于 2014-2-15 04:53:18 | 只看该作者

As CKS lost, he was definitely second rate at best!

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发表于 2014-3-3 00:55:38 | 只看该作者

I wanted to comment on all these unsubstantiated statements earlier, unfortunately I was indisposed for a few weeks.

In studying historical incidents & personalities, we are studying facts.  There is no place for undocumented & unsubatantiated statements, and/or fantacies.

Let me deal with all of your ridiculous statements 以正視聽 before I express mine:

1.The Chinese Government started the 7-7 Incident (Marco Polo Bridge 廬溝橋事件).

The facts:  After the Republic was established in 1911, the national coffers were empty due to years of 割地賠償by the Ching Dynasty, there was a military campaign (北伐) to unify the country which was only loosely achieved by end of 1920's.  The Chinese army was ill equipped with obsolete or cocktail weapons & was not ready for any military conflict with Japan.

The Japanese knew that they cannot wait a few years for China to grow/recover or this大東亞共榮圈 (Sphere of East AsiaCo-prosperity) as stipulated in 田中奏摺 (Tanaka Referendum) can never materialize.  The Japan Military even boasted to the Japanese Emperor that China can be conquered within 3 months, so the Japanese Army claimed that a soldier was missing, & used that as an excuse to start the 7-7 Incident.

The 7-7 Incident was NEVER started by the Chinese Army.  Only Japanese text books will say that China started this Incident, & only Japanese textbooks will deny the existence of the Rape of Nanking (南京大屠殺).

The following is an univerally recognized version of “Marco Polo Bridge Incident”:

Ask yourself, what were the Japanese soldiers performing military drill on Chinese soil, & why were the Japanese occupying all of Manchuria many years before that?

Please also review these videoes:

2.CKS was a failed stock broker when he started his career.

The facts:  The lives of all recent Chinese leaders, CKS included, are like an open book.   CKS was born in 1887.  When he started his career, there was NOT even a stock exchange in  China.  Of course, CKS will fail as a stock broker.  Need I say more?

3.The US equipped the Chinese Army, under CKS,  better than the US Army.

The facts:   Based on common sense alone, we can tell that USA was & will never be so generous as to equip another country's army better than its own army.  “Equip” would also imply free-of-charge, that was simply not true.

USA was never even interested in entering into a war with the Nazis despite Winston  Churchill's (British Prime Minister) pursuasion, because they were more interested in selling military hardware for a profit (發戰爭財) until a few of USA's ocean liners were torpedoed by German U-boats.
Nor was USA interested in waging a war against the Japanese until Pearl Harbour was attacked.
Up to that time, the Chinese army was absorbing the full plunge of the Japanese military assault with obsolete equipments.

4.Chinese from the north will make better leaders.

The facts:  You be-littled CKS while subtly praising Mao without even realizing that CKS was from Chejiang which is north of Hunan where Mao came from.

All along, I said that CKS was probably the most mis-understood leader in recent Chinese history.  Any lessor person (e.g. 汪精衛, 溥儀) would have surrendered long time ago.  I am going to prove it.

With inferior equipments, the Chinese army under CKS, scores a few convincing victories, e.g. 台兒壯大捷,徐州大捷,長沙大捷 which were morale boosters.

As a comparison, let us inspect how Great Britain & USA, with far better equipments & well prepared in advance,  fared against the Japanese military at the same time.

After Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, it was obvious that the next target will be to sweep through S. E. Asia for raw materials, & both the British & USA were ready for Japan.

GB.  Within weeks, Britain lost Malaya & Singapore (still one political entity/colony, not yet called Malaysia).  The British commander surrendered although he out-numbered the Japanese & had more equipments than the Japanese.

USA.  The USA didn't want to mention this chapter of history, USA once colonized Philippines!  Do you know who was in charge of the defense of Philippines??  Surprise, surprise, General Douglas MacArthur!

The same General who waged a counter attack thru island-hopping strategy, the same General who staged the signing & acceptance of Japan's unconditional surrender on board USS Missouri, & the same general who led UN troops in the Korean War!

How did General DM do on the defense of Philippines?  He was surrounded on the Island of Corregidor, was facing capture or death.  President Truman did not want a general of this high ranking to be captured by the Japanese & ordered his escape.  Truman sent 2 Torpedo boats & General DM left in the middle of the night with his wife.

Before General DM's departure, he uttered the now famous phrase, “I shall return!”.

Yes, General DM did return, not on Corregidor but on the Island of Mindanao.

If you want to know more about Corregidor, I have searched the following for you:

The Battle of Corregidor: ... e-Of-Corregidor.htm

Corregidor Memorial: ... iw=1366&bih=673

How do I know all these?  I told you that I was interested in recent history & taking advantage of my business visits to RP when I was young, I went to Corregidor twice to弔古戰場 …....... ….............This is in addition to reading PROPER history books.

Corregidor was also famous for the "Death March".  25+% of American  & Philippine POW died by the road side, due to heat exhaustion, thirst, battle wounds, brutal treatments, while being marched to concentration camps by the Japanese:
Images of “The Death March”: ... iw=1366&bih=673

Back to your highly praised 8th Army, did the CCP's 8th Army  (八路軍) help the Government's troops in defeating the Japanese?

八路軍 was never involved in any 正規陣地戰 against the Japanese, was involved primarily in guerilla warfare.  Its activities, no matter how small, contributed to the main goal; to claim full credit was not acceptable & typical of CCP's propaganda lies.

Luckily, in recent years, there was a scholar in Mainland China who spoke the truth & here are the videos:

国军打日军 共军勾结日军夹击国军 (CCP army collaperated with Japanese troops  to  attack Government Troops while Government troops were engaged with Japanese troops)

近现代史 08 中国的抗日战争 国民党才是抗日的中流砥柱

I hope that I have done my part to help you understand recent Asian history.

If you disagree, you may respond, but please study the facts, particularly the videos “一寸山河,一寸血"  & don't spread any more unsubstantiated statements & this is not the way to study historical events!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-3 19:37:29 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-2 11:55
I wanted to comment on all these unsubstantiated statements earlier, unfortunately I was indisposed  ...

Hey DD, Welcome back. Really miss you (for this debate). To keep live/active .... eat-out once a week at least.

To remind you that this topic is 蒋中正, not KMT/CCP. I hv a seperate topic for KMT/CCP too.
All stories, concerning 蒋中正, that you pulled is true. I totally agree 100%. [No need to pull more/again/further as I will totally agree 100%]

Here three things I want you to answer me [please answer yes/no]:
(1) Is that 蒋中正 employ/work under KMT? [The agenda for KMT is to 推翻满清 and setup 共和国 .... right?]. 推翻满清 is 完成. Where is 共和国 under 蒋中正 (1926~1975)?

(2) 蒋 almost dismissed CCP (in 西安). If success then we don't hv 周因来 in history (周 is one of the greatest person in recent chinese history). 蒋 almost buried 周. Luckily it isn't. If you want to discuss 周 futher let's go to topic "军阀 and KMT/CCP"

(3) 蒋 thinks only 反攻大陆. No 2nd thoughts/mind in his head. Today's Taiwan is built by 蒋经国,not 蒋中正....... {If you want to discuss further let's open a seperate title for Taiwan before/after 1975}

Being a great person, the best scenario, is that (s)he must be perfect! One or two BAD things would ruin all his/her reputation. [that's why we eat-out without letting our friends/relatives know].

Don't you know/agree/understand how bad the EMPERORS affecting today's EGYPT/SYRIA/LIBYA!

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发表于 2014-3-4 02:19:34 | 只看该作者

The topic & subsequent comments point to CKS being a second rated military man which I contest & in particular the ridiculous & un-substantiated statements posted  by hc1265 under this topic & some other topics.

As a military leader, CKS performed MUCH,  MUCH BETTER than the British Commander responsible for the defense of Malaya/Singapore and  General DM who was responsible for the defense of Philippines (DM escaped but his deputy – a lower ranking general surrendered shortly afterwards).  Both the British & US generals had much better equipments than the Chinese Army under CKS, & were prepared for the ultimate Japanese invasion.

CKS was the MOST mis-understood military & political leader of our times.  He knew full well that using the limited military resources at the outset of the Sino-Japanese War, Japan will win & over-run the country, so he avoided immediate confrontation to buy time.

You must review the videos under “一寸河山,一寸血”to appreciate the predicament which CKS was in.  If you do not review them, you will never understand.

I once doubted CKS’ ability too but I changed completely after reviewing the above & listening to the interviews of personalities of that era.

CKS did not succumb to Japan & lose the whole country in 8 years of fighting with Japan, & yet he had to retreat to Taiwan within 3 years of victory over Japan.  The reasons were:

1.        The Chinese people suffered for well over 50 years of war & turmoil, the war against Japan was particularly devastating, & were not prepared to go thru another civil war.
2.        From the outset, CCP was extremely successful with its propaganda programs, otherwize there wouldn’t even be a “Si-an Incident”.  CCP capitalized on the people’s distaste for another war & on CKS’ commanding officers of troops who switched allegiance en-masse.
3.        President Truman’s “White Paper” was the last nail in the coffin.

Coming back to your questions:
1.         The official name of the political entity on the Island of Taiwan has always been Republic of China.    Are you sure that you have never heard of Republic of China??
The president or ROC is elected by the people & can only serve 2 terms.
2.        Needs no answer, just go thru my “introduction” above.
3.        You are wrong.  CKS stuck to “Three People’s Principle”, & laid the ground work for others to follow, notably . 土地改革 spearheaded by 農村復興委員會  which was planned for Mailand China but never had the chance to implement, and of course free election.  
If CKS wanted to, he could have made himself president for life, e.g. Sadam Hussein; but he had more respect for Dr. Sun’s “Three People’s Principle”.
After CKS & if I remember correctly, the next president was 陳誠who served only one term.  Then,  蒋经国, 李登輝,陳水扁,馬英九, all for 2 terms.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-4 02:25:57 | 只看该作者

DD you can argue any way you want. Zero in all the victories you want.
Matter of fact all the victories were won by other generals, not his direct units.
Many, including US/British, allies blamed his selfish attitude of protecting his own influence only.
Never look at the big picture war. He even attacked the 4th Army of CCP during WW2!
Only exception of the Burma campaign, with pressure from Stilwell/ Rosevelt, he dispatched his
best units & fought well. In order to secure a supply line from the south.

However 2 things never changed:
-   He simply lost with plenty support from the US. Therefore no excuse.
-   No great generals ever came from Shanghai/ Nanking areas. Name one?

Get it over with. Read up from all sources, US, British, USSR, Chinese accounts. Relying on Taiwan
sources will only give you tunnel vision!


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:47:22 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 05:29:30 | 只看该作者

DD ......
陳誠? (1897~1965): He died earlier than 蒋中正 !
Chen Cheng (陳誠), was a Chinese political and military leader, and one of the main National Revolutionary Army commanders during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. After moving to Taiwan at the end of the civil war, he served as the Governor of Taiwan Province, Vice President and Premier of the Republic of China (ROC)

蒋经国, (1910 – 1988), KMT politician and leader, was the son of Generalissimo and President Chiang Kai-shek and held numerous posts in the government of the Republic of China (ROC). He succeeded his father to serve as Premier of the Republic of China between 1972 and 1978, and was the President of the Republic of China from 1978 until his death in 1988. Under his tenure, the government of the ROC, while authoritarian, became more open and tolerant of political dissent. Towards the end of his life, 蒋经国 relaxed government controls on the media and speech and allowed native Taiwanese into positions of power, including his successor Lee Teng-hui.

Don't know you understand REPUBLIC? 蒋中正 in power 26 years (1949~1975) in ROC with no intent towards public vote? 蒋经国 made it happened after his death in 1988.

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发表于 2014-3-4 08:14:06 | 只看该作者

Generalissimo & President are 2 different things!

CKS only served only 2 terms as President of ROC.  Go read your history books again.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-4 08:30:53 | 只看该作者

I searched.  After CKS, there was 嚴家淦, then 蒋经国 .

I knew it was NOT directly from CKS to 蒋经国 .

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 21:16:16 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-3 19:30
I searched.  After CKS, there was 嚴家淦, then 蒋经国 .

I knew it was NOT directly from CKS to 蒋经 ...

Yes .... 嚴家淦 (1905~1993) = you are correct

1966年3月  ,任台湾“国民政府”“副总统”兼“行政院院长”。

1975年4月蒋介石死后,继任“总统”。Age 70.


嚴家淦 is so short in his chair & he left the chair alive. 蒋经国 then have 10 years (1978~1988). My recent Taiwan visits and talked to locals that they don't notice who is 嚴家淦 but very much familiar with 蒋经国. That's why I missed him.

DD .....
Our agruement must be based on history. Eye must be opened to both good or bad (side of story). The title here call "蒋中正. 军佬". He is not much by more than a soldier only.
As soldier himself he won he lost. The fact is 蒋中正 isn't 戰無不勝. The fact is USA defeated Japan (Without US opened a 2nd frontline... A great chance that China would lost)

Note: I don't like USA today but the fact is USA did save China from Japan's ruling.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-4 21:25:39 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-3 19:30
I searched.  After CKS, there was 嚴家淦, then 蒋经国 .

I knew it was NOT directly from CKS to 蒋经 ...

Even yourself (DD=KMT history expert) didn't aware 嚴家淦  and say 陳誠 in the 1st time.

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发表于 2014-3-4 21:37:28 | 只看该作者

HC1265 发表于 2014-3-3 13:25
DD you can argue any way you want. Zero in all the victories you want.
Matter of fact all the victo ...

Only those with tunnel vision will say:
1.  China started the 7-7 Incident.
2.  USA equipped the Chinese Armey better than its own.
3.  CKS was a failed stock broker.
4.  Northern Chinese will make better leaders.

What histroy books did you read??

My last thread has two videos from China.  If you don't review any books/videos, but open your mouth with ridiculous statements like those above, then you surely have tunnel vision!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-4 22:07:07 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-3-4 08:25
Even yourself (DD=KMT history expert) didn't aware 嚴家淦  and say 陳誠 in the 1st time.

1.  I have never claimed to be an expert on KMT history.  I just enjoy reading history books.  I don't make nonsensical & un-substantiated statements like hc1265 brother who claimed to have read volumes of history books.

Go back & read my thread again, I started by saying "If I remember correctly......".  I knew that it was not from CKS to son.

2.  I said CKS laid the ground work because he felt China’s reconstruction should start from farming before industrialization, so Rural Re-construction Commission 農村復興委員會 (簡稱為農復會) was formed after the Sino-Japanese war to implement land reforms.  Unfortunately, B4  anything can be done, the Government moved to Taiwan.

It was in Taiwan, that 農復會implemented land reforms whereby the Government will buy land from land owners & re-sell to farmers, so that 耕者有其田, & there was incentive for farmers to increase agricultural output.

Once land reform started to take shape, i.e. the general public’s stomaches have been filled,  emphasis shifted to light industry.

I give credit to CKS for laying the ground work, I also give credit to his successors for not changing & carrying out the plans.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-5 00:22:48 | 只看该作者


wtf, it's just another fxxk!
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-5 02:06:29 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-4 09:07
1.  I have never claimed to be an expert on KMT history.  I just enjoy reading history books.  I d ...

農村復興委員會 : (Sino-American Joint Commission on Rual Reconstruction) :It was formed under non-government specialties. Initiated by US Foreign Assistance Act of 1948. Assits worldwide countries including Philippine & Thailand.

[Don't you think CKS got all credits?]


农复会的工作: 为全球乡村改造奋斗六十年

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发表于 2014-3-5 03:21:05 | 只看该作者

ahwong 发表于 2014-3-4 11:22
您地兩位長老係道拗秣輪野呢?無謂傷感情啦,留反啲力去博野可過啦哎也 ...




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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:47:46 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]


发表于 2014-3-5 11:00:45 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-4 08:37
Only those with tunnel vision will say:
1.  China started the 7-7 Incident.
2.  USA equipped the C ...

I do not claim to be history expert. Obviously I read a lot more than you.
You only have the same points all the time and zero quotation from US, Russia, Britain,
the 3 big forces winning WW2.

1   Why you started to quote 7-7 Incident not started by the Japs?
2   After WW2 US could not stop the arm factories instantly, many shipped to KMT.
3   KMT was defeated by CCP when President Truman had enough of CKS & refused more American help!
4   Name me one great general from Shanghai/ Nanking area?

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发表于 2014-3-5 17:54:27 | 只看该作者

For HC1265 with tunnel vision:

Re:  Matter of fact all the victories were won by other generals, not his direct units.

CKS was Generalismmo (軍事委員委員長), & all generals reported to him.  Following your argument, which I will call it ridiculous theory, then General Eisenhower should storm Normandy beach with his troops; Steve Harper should knock on your door for your 2013 Tax Returns; & Rob Ford should man the speed traps.

Your recent theory again demonstrated your lack of common sense & ignorance, which resulted in your other ridiculous theories.

I doubt very much that you read any history books, in your dreams may be!  Just read the many videos which I posted for proper education, including those from Mainland China, not too long ago.

1.  You said 7-7 Incident was started by the Chinese.  All along, I said Japan started it.  Do you think the Marco Polo Bridge is Shinbashi in Tokyo?
2.  Cash & Carry, never free. Go read history books or the videos which I posted.
3.  CKS was defeated by CCP's propaganda lies, not militarily.  At that time, there were many believers of these lies, including you - even today.
4.  That is not the point of argument!  You claimed that CKS was a bad military leader because he was from the south & the south would not produce leaders, but your great leader - Mao was from even more south.  I have to assume that you didn't know that Hunan was south of Chechiang!
I gave examples of British surrender in Malaya & General DM's escape & his deputy's surrender in Philippines to prove that CKS, with inferior equipment, performed a lot better than his counterparts.  You are the only one who would say that the Chinese army was better equipped than the US army during the war with Japan.  Prove it!

For once, go read some PROPER & unbiased history books, and think B4 all of your ridiculous statements!

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-5 18:56:56 | 只看该作者

DD ... your wording deemed to be over-blown "唔似嗰條HC1265死零仔,唔睇書仲話讀嗰萬券書,又唔經大腦亂七咁噏。唔篤穿佢啲無稽嘅言論,真係遺害萬年!". Seems that you are serious? I suggest it is not be recommend to continue this way.

Let's cool off .... and welcome friendly words.

Brother HC1265 ... DD is our 長老 here. Please sit-back & imagine that you are facing an old folk in front of you. [I am at your side all the time but ..... please please please ... ]

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发表于 2014-3-6 18:09:42 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-3-5 05:56
DD ... your wording deemed to be over-blown "唔似嗰條HC1265死零仔,唔睇書仲話讀嗰萬券書,又唔經大腦 ...

We are discussing historical events & personalities, his 4 unsubstantiated statements are totally ridiculous & lacked common sense which he stood by it.

I must rebut these nonsensical statements so that younger generation who study recent Chinese history will not get the wrong ideas.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-7 02:28:41 | 只看该作者

With due respect:  Somebody a lot smarter than both of us once quoted, if you lost the war do not look for excuses. You tried & that's all you can do. A war involved hard & soft skills.
I read from all sources: Chinese, US, British, the winners.  

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发表于 2014-3-7 17:45:10 | 只看该作者

So your reading source gave your the idea that:
1.  The Chinese started the 7-7 Incident?  Prove it!
2.  The US equipped the Chinese army better than its own?   Prove it.
3.  CKS was a failed stock broker when he started his career?  Prove it.
4.  CKS was a bad military leader because he was from the south?  Prove it!  (Tyrant Mao was from more south!  CKS performed much better than General DM in RP during the same period!  Without CKS' persistence, Japan might have succeeded in conquering China, we must give credit where credit is due!)

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-12 20:01:38 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-3-4 13:06
農村復興委員會 : (Sino-American Joint Commission on Rual Reconstruction) :It was formed under non- ... ... 4%E5%93%A1%E6%9C%83

Read it.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-12 20:18:44 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-12 07:01 ... 5%A7%94%E5%93%A1%E6 ...

DD.  I can open it due to my OWN (not you or other people) computer's problem.

I noticed the word [农村复兴联合委员会] is not OWN by China-Taipei alone. It was part of US's internal/foreign policy. To Countries I knew including Philippine and Thailand. I am sure it has more .....

Taiwan done it so sucessful because of 蒋经国 (Not 蒋介石).

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-12 20:26:28 | 只看该作者

DD.  I can open it due  ..... correction [I can't open it ...]

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发表于 2014-3-12 20:33:49 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-3-12 07:18
DD.  I can open it due to my OWN (not you or other people) computer's problem.

I noticed the word ...

蒋经国 was a NOBODY in 1948.  That rebuts your statement.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-25 20:48:34 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: tomsiu

蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-12 21:00:29 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-12 07:33
蒋经国 was a NOBODY in 1948.  That rebuts your statement.

In 1924, Chiang Ching-kuo was able to present to his now-nationally famous father a proposal concerning the grass-roots organization of the rural population in Hsikou. Chiang Ching-kuo planned to provide free education in order to allow people to read and to write at least 1000 characters.

In 1925, Chiang Ching-kuo traveled to Whampoa to discuss with his father about the plans to go to Moscow. Thereafter he study at a Communist school in Moscow.

In 1942, Chiang Ching-kuo formally established the Chinese Children's Village (中華兒童新村) in the outskirts of Ganzhou, with facilities such as a nursery, kindergarten, primary school, hospital and gymnasium. During the last years of the 1930s, he met Wang Sheng, with whom he would remain close for the next 50 years.

DD ... You are correct/right. 蒋经国 was a NOBODY (as 军佬 persuade). With the above(s) you see/notice 蒋经国 is kind of 文化人. This is how TAIWAN being built economically.

In 1927, however, Chiang Kai-Shek purged the KMT leftists and Communists from the Central Government and expelled his Soviet advisers

Chiang Ching-Kuo was appointed as a specialist in remote districts of Jiangxi where he was credited with training of cadres and fighting corruption, opium consumption, and illiteracy. Chiang Ching-kuo was appointed as commissioner of Gannan Prefecture (Chinese: 贛南) between 1939 and 1945

in June 1942, Chiang Ching-kuo formally established the Chinese Children's Village (中華兒童新村) in the outskirts of Ganzhou, with facilities such as a nursery, kindergarten, primary school, hospital and gymnasium. During the last years of the 1930s, he met Wang Sheng, with whom he would remain close for the next 50 years

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发表于 2014-3-12 22:58:51 | 只看该作者

If CKS didn't have the foresight to recall CCK to China when he was still cuddling with his Russian wife in bitterly cold Russia, then gradually trained him from the bottom up, further placed him under YKK (President after CKS), CCK will be nothing.

That is why I said all along CKS was most mis-understood leader.  Don't you think CKS deserved MOST of the credit for progress in Taiwan?

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-3-12 23:20:56 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-12 09:58
If CKS didn't have the foresight to recall CCK to China when he was still huddling with his Russian  ...

Don't you think CKS deserved MOST of the credit for progress in Taiwan? ~~~~ Oh, I do now. Thanks DD for sure detail information.

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发表于 2014-3-13 02:11:38 | 只看该作者

I will find you a video, give me time.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-13 11:42:44 | 只看该作者

dragondick 发表于 2014-3-12 13:11
I will find you a video, give me time.

Get us something not produced in Taiwan.

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发表于 2014-3-15 09:41:05 | 只看该作者

Why don't you DREAM up a fifth statement for us to have a good laugh?

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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发表于 2014-3-19 00:28:36 | 只看该作者

Some more videos:

蒋介石是中国现代第一伟人? (1) .  25’ 31”
The title with a “?” said it all.  Review & decide for yourself.

蒋介石是中国现代第一伟人? (2).  24’ 25”.

解密时刻:日记中的蒋介石-剿共为名,抗日为实(完整版).  49’30”.
CKS’s Diary, written labouriously over a period of 65 (?) years, was kept at Stanford University Library.  Only a few historians & scholars had viewed the original copy.
One of the viewing rules/protocol is that the visitors cannot make photocopies or take photos, but can hand-copy & keep self-written notes.
One of those who viewed the CKS Diary was this full-time “curator” of Stanford University Library who was a knowledgeable person of recent Chinese history.  The video was her response to historical events based on her findings in the CKS Diary.  (She gave interviews on other issues too.)

【央廣】專訪郝柏村解讀蔣中正日記(93分鐘完整版). 1-33’03”.
郝柏村 served under CKS all of his life, held many positions in the Nationalist Government & his last position was head of Executive Yuan (行政院).  He viewed only CKS’s Diary for the period 1945 to 1949 & because of his close association with CKS, he was knowledgeable on various events.  
In addition, he gave insight into why CCP rose so quickly after the war:  1)  USSR was in Manchuria when the war ended, in addition to dis-assembling complete factories & move them back to USSR, Japan’s military hardware stored in Manchuria, enough to arm 500,000 troops, was passed on to 林彪 while delaying Nationalist Government’s entry to Manchuria; 2) In order to receive (接收) former territories occupied by Japan, Nationalist Government must send in officials & some troops to each city, & due to the vast territories, limited human resources were stretched too thin.  So, when  國共和談 broke down, CCP simply used 以大吃小’s tactics, & swept thru; 3)  CKS made the strategic mistake of not wishing to pull out of  吉林, 長春 to a seaport to secure a supply line to the troops, resulted in the best regiments being surrounded & eliminated.
郝柏村 also discussed about the difference of opinion between CKS & General Marshall who represented President Truman.  Marshall wanted CKS & CCP to settle differences  via negotiation instead of resorting to military force, i.e. civil war.  However, in their 分豬肉 discussion (democracy didn’t come into the picture), CCP asked for far more territory than their power base could justify, so 和談 broke down.  Marshall & his deputy Stilwell, had only superficial knowledge of Chinese affairs, asked CKS to retire (退隱) (US interference in Chinese Domestic affairs!) which CKS refused because he was hailed as national hero (民族英雄) right after the war.  Marshall, of course, had Truman’s ears, resulted in withdrawal of support of CKS.  For the same period, USSR had un-waivering support of CCP.  
According to 郝柏村, withdrawal of US upport, CKS’ strategic error, + under-estimation of CCP’s expanded military capability, combined to seal the fate of CKS.

Educational viewing!

潛伏蔣介石身邊15年 共黨女特務今93歲 .  2’ 12”.
This video explains why CKS’ moves were easily counter balanced by CCP.  This female spy freely admitted to her identity at the time of the interview.  Of course, she has long retired (may well have passed away by now) & surfaced after CKS’s death.

揭秘蒋介石一生中最爱的女人 .  7’ 27”
Consider this a “flower-laced” news/event.
In another one of the videos which I copied & posted, this lady was mentioned. Though repulsed originally, CKS went after her with the usual “song & dance” which all 747 brothers are familiar with, & finally got her.  
The marriage with SML was one of convenience & politics.  Anyway, in order to marry SML, CKS must divorce this one.  She was given a huge sum of money so that she had no worries about material needs.  She had never re-married to prove her loyalty/true feeling towards CKS.


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