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My Favorite bedtime story/blog - Happyendingz

发表于 2014-2-15 16:00:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
this is real diary from a MPA in states. the name of the diary is Happyendingz- confessions of an erotic masseuse.. u can learn so much from her diary "from a mpa's perspetive. i guarantee it's a fun read, but not family friendly. very descriptive and vivid. u will learn ppl's fetihses. u will learn mpa's opinion and "evalutation" based on these behaviours and fetishes. also the inside story, the untold stories in the room. u will realize, it's more than a happyending.
it will make more sense if u read from the beginning rather than the newest update. u will learn that MPAs do try to get liad outside the room, too, but what did these "clinets" do wrong, when we go out with a sp especially mpa, we especially me try to hard to emphasize the fact that, we don't come here often, i try to convince the mpa that i am a nice guy, i rarely come here, this isn't me...blah blah blah all that nonsense..

I need to get laid

I think I've discovered why I've been so blah lately. It was exactly 1 year ago that I had my last real romantic vacation getaway with Derek. After that, things just got busy for both of us, and then they just started to go downhill from there. There were no romantic getaways after that. Shortly after I took on responsibility for this shithole full time, and it was only recently that I had enough staff to take even a little trip to the Poconos.

So basically I need to get laid. I mean L...A...I...D - LAID.
I knew I was in trouble when customers started to look good. I get asked out a couple times a week by customers. When you weed out the ones that are just polite ways of asking if I'm full service outside of work, I figure I get a serious invite to go out on a date about once a month.
Well a new customer asked me out last week and I may have sort of implied that I might consider it. Now let me tell you something - if you think it might be awkward asking out someone AFTER you've seen them naked and given you an orgasm, you would be 100% correct. It's weird for them and it's weird for me.
It's basically dating in reverse order. Usually you take a girl out to in the hopes you'll impress her and eventually get lucky. In my case, you've already gotten lucky, and now you're offering to impress me.
Well, I already know that you're the kind of guy that goes to massage parlors to get handjobs from strange women you've just met. And I know what your "O" face looks like, so you're already in the negative points to start off with. What are you going to do now - tell me you're a God fearing Christian who loves his mama?
I've said it before and I'll say it again - it NEVER works out with customers. They either expect to get laid after your first date at Chili's, or they suspect you're getting laid by every other customer except him. Never dating a customer is one of the cardinal rules of working in a massage parlor.
And this is exactly why I lied to you guys just now and I actually went out with a customer last weekend. I didn't think I'd confess it when I sat down at the computer tonight, but after going on and on about how it's such a bad idea, I guess I just felt like I had to come clean.
Weird thing is that there really isn't much to mention about it. He did take me to Chili's. And it was OK. And he spent half the night trying to convince me that "I never went to a massage parlor before..." But he was so taken by me that "I had to get to know you."
Blah blah blah. And in case you were wondering - I didn't laid. So even after enduring 90 minutes of listening to him try to convince me that he's "not like the others" I didn't even get lucky. I think it had to do with the fact that the entire time he was talking I couldn't help but think of how absolutely stupid his "O" face looked. I mean it was really bad - eyes crossed, lips puckered, and he made a sort of "EEE...EEE...EEE" sound. Just the thought of having to see that again, only inches from my face this time, just totally turned me off.
And this is just one of the many reasons why dating in reverse is such a bad idea.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-15 16:00:56 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-2-16 01:46:47 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-2-15 16:00
her blog

her twitter

great reads! thanks bro!

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-20 23:13:35 | 显示全部楼层
jackastor 发表于 2014-2-16 01:46
great reads! thanks bro!

u will find out how lucky we are in toronto, mp here charges only $80 to $120 for hh

in her blog, u can tell they charge 160 to 200 for russian finish.. almost double the price

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