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发表于 2024-4-7 21:47:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
自从日本MM出现在市场上以后, 拍摄视频这个选项是很多狼友们喜欢的选项,拍摄对我来说吸引力不算特别大,不过认识好几个要好的狼友都非常喜欢拍摄,以下是一些拍摄比较有经验的狼友的交流经验和比较重要的点,希望对想要拍摄的狼友们有帮助,也希望其他对拍摄有经验的狼友可以分享自己的经验

1. 时间


从流程来看,进门>寒暄>前后洗澡 这几个步骤至少需要10-15分钟,如果狼友们有带拍摄道具或者相机,找好角度也至少需要5-10分钟,所以45分钟的话,真正的拍摄和做爱时间最多只有35分钟,少的话甚至于只有25-30分钟(当然,就算不拍摄除去洗澡时间做爱时间也是35分钟左右,但是35分钟至少是在专注一件事情)


2. 灯光/光源


3. 拍摄器材


单选投票, 共有 15 人参与投票


20.00% (3)
60.00% (9)
20.00% (3)
0.00% (0)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-7 21:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
個人認爲至少1hr比較好,才不會怕時間不夠 沒辦法享受

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发表于 2024-4-7 23:46:12 | 显示全部楼层

一般我会带两台手机,一个支架。包里长备几套制服,口罩和各种丝袜。推荐一款我觉得不错的支架(Kaiess 62" iPhone Tripod),小巧便宜,上电梯也不怕尴尬  


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-8 16:32:15 | 显示全部楼层
邮差先生 发表于 2024-4-7 23:46
灯光应该最重要,现在我是先确定房间能否开灯再决定拍摄。其次如果房间能开灯的话建议别害羞先打开看清楚女 ...


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发表于 2024-4-8 17:27:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-8 17:57:26 | 显示全部楼层
dundun123 发表于 2024-4-8 16:32


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发表于 2024-4-8 18:55:33 | 显示全部楼层
邮差先生 发表于 2024-4-8 17:57


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发表于 2024-4-9 00:43:07 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for this post.

I often do 45 minutes, since I think I am able to shoot a variety of views and actually enjoy the service and finish all within the time frame. I sometimes do 1 hour, especially if 2 shots are included for at most $100 more than the 45 min amount, or if the girl is really MCOT, as then I would want as much recording as I can get . I usually come as soon as the girl starts so that she would have the most energy in they day, and already prewashed herself so she only has to rinse herself a little bit, as there was no other client before me that she would have to thoroughly clean herself from. I also always come showered and apply sweet and fragrant colognes, and inform the girl so that we can have an overall shorter shower time, just to clean the important parts and have any sexual action if that happens. Minimizing time spent doing setup, especially in beginning shower is quite crucial if you are time crunched. Showering after can be a little more rushed too, if you run short on time from doing the deed. As long as I get cleaned down there before leaving, it is fine with me, as I usually go back home to shower again more thoroughly. Equipment setup can take some time as well, which I would like to talk more about at the bottom.

Lighting is important for sure for when I am recording. When I first started filming, I didn't ask for better lightning and as a result, I filmed in whatever light that was set up in the room, which would be the usual romantic red, purple, etc. lighting. Although the light does set the mood during the deed, and also make it feel more lustrous in the video, there are color bleed effects on poorer cameras, you don't get to see how the girl looks under normal lighting conditions, and you also get more grainy videos. For rooms without any proper lighting, then you would just produce terrible grainy videos if you don't bring your own lighting. For filming, you should always ask for bright light so you can see much more in your videos. Sometimes, as NinjaJJ stated, you get unlucky and there aren't any light bulbs installed in the room and you have to make do with the darkness or colored lighting. Natural light can be asked for, but that also depends on where the room is, and the weather outside. E.g. if the room is on the first/second floors, then it's probably not a great idea to show your deeds to the people walking outside. If on a higher floor and it is sunny, and the bed is situated far from the window with no other light in the room, then that could work too since people outside won't be able to see in the window too well.

I have a small upright tripod and video camcorder. It a very old model and has terrible low light adjustment, so I require good lighting to get an adequate film from this device. I set the tripod on the side of the bed to get a side view angle of the action. I also have a GoPro which I would hold during the deed, to get a POV view during everything It definitely makes the whole act feel less candid and more disruptive, so it is a tradeoff if you want that view in your filming, especially if you hold it during the whole session. I also have a flexible mini phone tripod, which I use for my phone to get a third view. The flexibility of this tripod really allows me more options on where to place my phone camera, since the tripod legs can wrap around objects or bend to be more stable in places you couldn't be able to stabilize a regular tripod with. I recommend this brand on Amazon: Joby GripTight Flexible Tripod Stand ( ... /dp/B075M7MK35?th=1). I usually like a side-rear or side-front angle with this tripod-phone cam setup, with the latter being preferred if there's a mirror (since I would also get a side-rear or rear view through the mirror). I usually am able to get a side-front angle if the bed has a headboard, in which I bend the tripod legs on the headboard. It's also a bit of luck to get a good room layout, and you would have to dedicate some time to set up the equipment to your liking.

I would like to know if anyone takes photos, and how they go around setting that up as well as asking the girl to pose?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-12 00:19:29 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-12 01:16:23 | 显示全部楼层
zak970 发表于 2024-4-9 00:43
Thank you for this post.


感谢Zak兄的补充,thanks very much for sharing your experience!! this is more then helpful!! Especially where you shared what kind of equipment is useful. 希望更多有拍摄经验的狼友也分享一下经验。

@邮差先生 果然是大导演,经验不凡,感谢分享

两位兄弟提到的 Kaiess 62" iPhone Tripod 和 Joby GripTight Flexible Tripod Stand 看起来功能都不错,狼友们可以试试

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