
楼主: eceug


发表于 2023-5-26 13:05:23 | 显示全部楼层
Years ago my condom broke when doing with my regular. Didn’t know until we were done so was basically 冇套。Both of us were worried and upset. Took me weeks waiting for results to get that off my mind.
She was mad at me for over a month and won’t take my appointment. Still my go to all these years as I know she won’t accept 冇套

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发表于 2023-5-26 21:07:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-5-26 21:37:12 | 显示全部楼层
Why she get mad with you when the condom broke? It was only an accident

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发表于 2023-5-28 08:46:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-5-29 16:38:12 | 显示全部楼层
crappie 发表于 2023-5-26 21:37
Why she get mad with you when the condom broke? It was only an accident
She was likely thinking I purposely broke it. Her eyes turned little red and quite cute

gansaobi 发表于 2023-5-26 21:07

Really trust there is such thing as 液体TT?

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发表于 2023-5-30 00:03:41 | 显示全部楼层
有个朋友確認有性病已與多名妹子無套,已和他恩斷義絕了,只是时间问題,祝各位身体健康,他常去Markville mall对面, 日本女優,十一和荔枝。各位兄弟注意,本人貪玩但強迫收山,為左家人,依家戴套都害怕!

"我朋友告訴我...." 或 "收到可靠消息..."


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发表于 2023-5-31 14:41:36 | 显示全部楼层
Just some stats to throw in according to the government's website from 2020

62,790 people in canada have HIV, and 20,597 people acquired them from heterosexual sex

Out of the HIV carriers 75.4% were males, and 24.6% were females

if you apply this to the heterosexual number, that means around 5000 women have hiv in canada as a whole

As of now, canada has 38.25 million people, lets say half is women, that means roughly 19 million,
so basically 5000/19million people you will potentially sleep with will have Hiv, assuming you are straight

This is around 0.00026 of the female population LOL

Of course, this doesn't consider sex workers, whether they have higher prevalence of hiv or lower is debatable, but in term of demographics, homosexual, blacks and people who inject drugs take up the vast majority of the hiv positive population in canada

The chance of getting HIV from vaginal sex without protection is (1 in 2380) or 0.04 percent
Anal sex is 0.11% (1 in 909)
Oral is basically 0 chance for the guy, and 0.00% to 0.04% (1 in 2500) for the woman

now there's also a study that shows circumcised men have about half the chances of uncircumcised men, so if you had the surgery, congratulations

This of course doesn't include other STDs that compounds the effect of getting hiv, if you are already infected with something else, then your chances go up quite a bit. Also some STDs are much more likely to be acquired compared to HIV, such as herpes, which probably everyone already has anyways

However, the surprising thing that i found is that using condom actually doesn't decrease the chances of getting HIV by that much, specifically, it reduces the chances by 71 percent for vaginal and 70 percent for anal sex. If you think about it that's almost the same difference between someone who is circumcised vs uncircumcised lol

So if you guys who are afraid of this MM doing bareback and think you can make a big difference by wearing a condom, then you would be mistaken, you simple reduced your risk from 0.04 to about 0.012 lol or 1 in 2380 to 1 in 4760

At the end of the day, youo have to ask yourself, are you okay with taking the risk, knowing that
1) only 0.00026 of female population in canada has it (although sex workers maybe higher or lower)

2) chances of getting HIV is around 0.04 percent every time you sleep with a infect female, and

3) condom doesn't protect you from hiv that much, about a 70 percent decrease in probability, so you are still at risk essentially

My opinion, if it really worries you, just don't go see the girls who advertise special service, but then again, who knows which girls are secretly doing it behind closed doors anyways


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发表于 2023-5-31 15:07:25 | 显示全部楼层
chao123 发表于 2023-5-21 21:19
兄弟们可以看看日本他们自己的新闻,日本年轻人梅毒感染率飙升,就是因为日本风俗行业有加钱可以内射的习惯 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-5-31 20:39:39 | 显示全部楼层
heavenwushi 发表于 2023-5-31 14:41
Just some stats to throw in according to the government's website from 2020
there are a lot of other types of STD outside of HIV.  in 2019 ALONE: "there were a total of almost 139,200 new cases of chlamydia reported in Canada, as well as 35,360 new cases of gonorrhea, and 9,200 cases of syphilis"  - (i noticed you used 62,790 in your post which is the exact same number if you google number of HIV carriers, so figured i'd do something similar).  Say it is not HIV, even if someone gives the girl gonorrhea, and even if your chance of catching it is 0.04%, i'd already want to stay away from that; i don't care what the chances are, i don't want my bare dick (or even a wrapped dick) touching gonorrhea.

I won't argue with your logic on % since it looks like you are pretty set on your ways and this hobby has no 100% guarantee except quitting while you are ahead.  But all i can say is there is an old chinese saying: 不怕一万, 只怕万一。

For the sake of family's health, my own health, my own wallet, it is definitely a good time to put the pants back on.

Also fun fact (doesn't help with this discussion):
大部份的大名的日本动作片都是挺安全的, 他们大多都有套。就算中出,其实都是假的。如果找找 ”JAV reduce mosaic" / "Leaked uncensored" 就可以找到原本有码的片被无码了。 从那里就可清楚看到男有用套的,但还是精如泉涌!!

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发表于 2023-6-1 07:39:17 | 显示全部楼层

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