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Mina@Honey Spa

发表于 2022-12-5 12:36:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
初時以為淨係Vip先可以選美,原來Honey都可以要求所有女孩企喺度一字排俾我揀,感覺幾好嘅,有返我之前去國內同澳門桑拿場嘅少少感覺,我去嗰陣時大概有六條女我揀,突然見到有個有啲似吳倩蓮嘅女仔,咁就決定揀佢費事煩, 咁佢就拉咗我入去最裏面嗰間房,佢話比較大喎,仲問我想做幾耐,我話半粒鐘就夠啦,佢話好快返嚟等埋佢一齊沖涼,返到房之後就既刻攬住我同我打茄輪(kiss) ,自動波同我除曬衫同褲(抵讚),我就細心睇下佢全身赤裸嘅身材,算係高瘦個種女仔,五官真係幾精緻,雙眼細得來識電人,鼻同嘴都細細,全身皮膚就好白嚇,留有陰毛,沖涼嗰part都係主打洗我條賓週,好快就跪喺度同我含能,含左一分鐘到完,就用毛巾同我抹乾淨全身,就叫我瞓喺張床,用條脷同我奶勻全身,跟住就含我兩粒魚蛋同大腸,仲問我使唔使試下冰火兩重天,我就答試下囉,其實就係用凍水含完撚之後再用熱水,做愛嗰part就好有激情,全程冇停過濕吻,同埋可能佢個pussy hole 好細,我吊佢嗰陣就係咁話”受不了好大呀“,最後我都係得嗰幾分鐘貨仔就射咗畀佢,完事後都仲有同我一齊沖涼嘅。

Face 7: 我俾七分嘅原因係因為Mina有啲似我童年”飛機女神”吳倩蓮, 瓜子口面,頭髮超長,眼細鼻細,嘴唇唔厚,年紀方面就一定細過吳倩蓮㗎喇. In additional, the pics on the website are accurate and her age is about 27-29

Body 7.5: 網站放嘅藝術照片應該係真人照,真人看上去係比照片瘦。骨感型,冇肚腩,腰幼,屁股同對波都唔夠大,勝在冇打假波,乳頭細粒得來都算粉,摸幾下佢對乳頭就會扯旗,全身皮膚都好白嚇,陰毛無剃光

Service 8: 佢做嗰啲服務流程就好似係去咗condo,可能佢之前喺condo做過吧,佢畀我嘅服務有一齊洗白白,環保吹,水中蕭,濕吻,冰火兩重天,奶我全身兼袋底,同埋最緊要嘅吊西

Attitude 8: 算係唔錯嘅一餐,全程有講有笑,會同我除衫褲,冇偷鐘,做完都會同我按下背,唔好就係佢廣東話十分有限

Repeat: 都會嘅,但睇咗網站啲相Amanda 同Anna 都幾索,試咗嗰兩個先再諗,如兄弟們要有骨感feel同服務好既美女,Mina就不失為一個唔錯嘅選擇,但要大波嘅就真係諗諗啦

Damage: 200 半粒鐘


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发表于 2022-12-5 13:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for the review. I never trust any pictures from this spa unless they are standing in their lobby with the wings....

Funny her pics dont show her as thin as you describe but whatever.

just curious if you saw Mida, who apparently does duos with the girl you saw (Mina). Her pics look superhot but likely fake....

Never had a situation where someone looked better than the photos they useundefinedundefined

For this spa, unless they are pictured in the lobby, I put zero reliance on them. Thanks for the review as that is the best information, over fake pics.

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-5 16:45:42 | 显示全部楼层
bao1234 发表于 2022-12-5 15:16
Never had a situation where someone looked better than the photos they use

For this spa, unless ...

First of all, I only mentioned Mina looks skinner on the pictures.  Second, have you checked out Mina in person?  How could you so sure the girl on the picture is not Mina?  
Thanks for your comments, bro!

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发表于 2022-12-5 17:16:11 | 显示全部楼层
They put up a picture of Mina in front of the wings in the lobby all good lol... Pretty girl! Too bad about the bush...

Gotta get Mida in a pic in front of the wings.

I use google translate so if I misinterpreted something you wrote apologies brother.

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发表于 2022-12-6 12:15:30 | 显示全部楼层
Why dont these girls shave their bushes? Its such a turn off.

If they did, id try more of them

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发表于 2022-12-6 16:39:49 | 显示全部楼层
Fangkai 发表于 2022-12-6 12:15
Why dont these girls shave their bushes? Its such a turn off.

If they did, id try more of them

I am totally different to you as I love brushes as heavy as possible since I feel the MM is more sexy.  Nowadays it is very hard to find a MM with brushes and I must have to try her out.     

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发表于 2022-12-6 17:25:49 | 显示全部楼层
Fangkai 发表于 2022-12-6 12:15
Why dont these girls shave their bushes? Its such a turn off.

If they did, id try more of them

I totally agree with you on this...Not good if I have less bush lol...

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发表于 2022-12-6 19:44:35 | 显示全部楼层
What's worse is when they stick the bush in your face thinking you want 69, that's legit happened to me twice at this spa

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发表于 2022-12-7 12:18:53 | 显示全部楼层
I actually laughed out loud at your comment lotusroot. Id be totally grossed out. They need to tell these girls to shave or at least write who is. Im sure those that do will get more attention

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发表于 2022-12-7 16:35:55 | 显示全部楼层
@ William  Thank you very much for your post  我前天去的HONEY SPA 玩  有见到MINA 和她好友 MIDA 本人恶都   两个都是美人来的 身材很不错  MINA 感觉给我会更高冷些,   我有和 MIDA 在前台聊过两句   我个人会觉得 MIDA 在房间里调情做爱应该会更爽快  因为她性格上感觉更奔放 玩儿得开!

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