
楼主: Asskìcker


发表于 2022-6-23 18:53:35 | 显示全部楼层
I think you are taking your pants off. No matter what people says here

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发表于 2022-6-23 19:32:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-6-23 20:28:28 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-6-23 22:13:21 | 显示全部楼层
be a wise man.

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发表于 2022-6-24 02:14:17 | 显示全部楼层
这都什么年代了! Just don't it.

如果你不能确认你自己是否会离婚并最终与她在一起, Just don't do it.

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发表于 2022-6-24 09:32:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-6-25 19:18:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-6-25 21:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
Just don't do it.
Think of the amount of the alimoney you have to pay if you end up a divorce.  

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发表于 2022-6-25 22:24:23 | 显示全部楼层
I think 9 of 10 guys on here is saying don't do it.

I was in this situation.. I still AM actually....  But I am still with the same woman and she doesn't know what the fuck is going on outside.  And I, too, say don't fuck with it.

Well... let me tell you.. Let's just talk about the definition of "Love" for a moment....

"Love" is not ONLY the passionate sex, the heart beating fast feeling, the sweaty palms.. etc.. the big thing is also TRUST...

The woman you are married to right now, you have to understand and see why you were with her in the first place.  And why are you still with her.  Ultimately, its not love, its not kids.. its TRUST.  You TRUST that you can leave her your house keys and she will still let you stay in the house.  You TRUST that when you get old, she will take care of you.  And you TRUST that when/if you are old and have no money she will still stick around through thick and thin.  Chances are, you have been with her too long, and the LOVE and PASSION you used to have with her now turned into TRUST... and that's why when a new girl comes around, it ignited your sense of youth and how exciting it is to be "in-love" again.

With the new girl... Look, I am not saying you cannot build trust with her, but let's face it, why does she like you?  Most girls don't care that much about looks, as long as you are not an ugly fuck by their standard, they will probably sleep with you.  More so, in my years of dating/fucking around... the most common theme I see girls look for in a guy is financial and emotional stability... And the most dangerous girls are of the age 25-30 -- especially for Asian girls..

On financial/emtional stability...

On financial.... Girls can sense you are successful from miles away.  If the girl is much younger than you are (5-10 years younger), almost everything you expose her to will be fresh, new and exciting.  The things you know, the stuff you talk about, the experiences you have, the places you visit and the stuff you buy.  Think about yourself for a moment here, back when you were in your 20s, you were probably talking to your girlfriend (20s at the time) about BMW M3s, Rolex, and may be even going to $100-$200 fancy restaurant.  In your 20s, those items are what defines your view of value and may be even success?  Now that at your age, you may have finer taste in life, Porsches/Ferraris/Lambos, houses and not only that.. but how to dress it up, fancy dinners that may be $200+ because the $100-$200 restaurants is just garbage... may be you are in to wine, cigars, and may be even cottages.... much more... You see what I am trying to say? The perview of a 20 yo is going to be REALLY exciting when you are telling her what your experiences are... and that may be one of the reason why she is into you.

On emtional... soo many girls I have seen, although they say they are not a home-wrecker.. they have a switch in their mind that says... "if this guy is good enuf for her, he's probably good enuf for me"... this is debatable.. but I leave it at that.

Seeing a new young girl being interested in old self is definitely flattering.  But the start of a long relationship is always sweet -sweet... Think back at how you used to impress your wife.. think back how you wife suck your dick off... She just happen to be old news now and you and her just forgot to how to surprise each other.  I'd say.. on the other hand, try to find some excitement with you wife to spark the fire again.

With the new girl... If you really want to get to her, I would be an adult and tell her straight up... "Look, Lucy, I like you and I can sense you like me too.  I enjoy every bit of your company as much as you do and I sense that.  But you know, I have a wife and I cannot betray her.  We can continue if you'd like but we need to both understand that it's not going to go anywhere.  Let me know if you'd like my proposal."

I would go as far as saying.. give her money and have an open relationship with her.  Sleep with her, but also let her find her love and bf/husband while you pound her on the side.  

Ultimately, I am suggesting you tell her exactly what's up with your circumstance.  You don't want to get in to a situation where YOU think you are just playing around and SHE thinks she is yours for life.. this is where you will have Little Three showing up at your door to start WWIII.

Keep in mind... when you are paying for a girl now.. you are paying her TO LEAVE.. you are not paying her for her services... If that's what you are most comfortable with, then I'd say.. just be friends with this new girl and call it a day...

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发表于 2022-6-26 14:00:37 | 显示全部楼层

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