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Condo or Hotel?

发表于 2021-9-9 13:13:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Which one do you guys prefer?
Personaly prefer hotel over condo, feels saver.
单选投票, 共有 105 人参与投票
46.67% (49)
53.33% (56)

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发表于 2021-9-9 14:25:14 | 显示全部楼层
It is easier to pick if you separate hotel from motel

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发表于 2021-9-9 15:08:33 | 显示全部楼层
I would prefer hotel (free parking), never liked condos such a hassle, both for hobbying or even meeting friends with benefits, they have to come down to get you.

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发表于 2021-9-9 16:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
I think Hotel or Condo does not matter so much in regards to safety if you are dealing with an Agency.  Then the only real difference imo is parking arrangements / difficulty and if the Hotel is stocked with enough clean towels and sheets.

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发表于 2021-9-9 22:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
I generally prefer condos over hotels because they are cleaner and maintained better, better decorated, more private, and less likely to have issues with police.

As one of the brothers has already said here, the condos are generally cleaner and easier to maintain. Hotels present a logistical challenge for operators because they have to bring their own towels, soap, and other supplies. One thing agencies that work from hotels don't bring is bedsheets, I hate to think that I am lying down on someone's sperm when I go into a hotel room to see a MM. In the condo, the girl generally has access to laundry and they have all supplies stocked up.

Condos allow for more of a personal touch with decorations and little details. I have to use the example of Butterfly Irina and her location. She has these shiny glow in the dark butterfly stickers all over her wall, and I found it pretty cool to fuck her in that environment. At hotels, the providers and operators are not really able to control the atmosphere much, and if you are not in a nice hotel then you may just be surrounded by trashy furniture.

I also argue that condos are more private because there is less chance you will run into someone you know, or if by chance you do run into someone, you can say you are visiting a client or friend etc. I can see this also working for hotels but for a married man it would be harder to explain being in a hotel room at 12 noon than at a private residence.

Lastly, yes encountering police or other law enforcement is less likely to happen at a private residential building than at a hotel. Specially in York Region where basically all the hookers work from the same 4 or 5 hotels. On this brothers, I strongly advise to stay away from the Park Inn by Radisson because I have seen cops there way too many times.

I would like to add a few words regarding the benefits of hotels, which is parking. I don't see this as a make or break factor because the good operators know how to direct their customers into the room to keep things going. I will use the example of Barbie House and Toronto Girlfriends, both of these places give very detailed instructions about how to find the room you are going to. Barbie House is on a league of its own with screenshots from google maps in this department, with arrows and landmarks circled. Oh and they also plant "landmarks" to direct you to the right place. So I would argue that if you are using a good agency, the logistics or directions should not be an issue. Therefore, condos all the way.

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发表于 2021-9-11 07:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
This poll is interesting in the sense that it allows us to see what others prefer and why. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from each other.

The other interesting thing is to see the participation numbers from the poll. It's a surprisingly low number as of right now haha.

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发表于 2021-9-11 20:49:37 | 显示全部楼层
Hotel  for Sure !

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发表于 2021-9-12 08:21:53 | 显示全部楼层
Concerred with Mr Frank that condo is a better choice than hotel especially from a privacy point of view. Also,  if indies are using a condo it is more likely they will clean the bed sheets or towels more often than in a hotel in which the cleaners only come once a day.  Go figure if you were the last wolf of the day laying on a bed that was slept by numerous bros.

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发表于 2021-9-12 18:29:59 | 显示全部楼层
Hotel is safer no matter what.  

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发表于 2021-9-12 18:57:46 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-9-9 22:40
I generally prefer condos over hotels because they are cleaner and maintained better, better decorat ...

You raise certain valid points and given that this is a personal opinion there's no right or wrong, but I still beg to differ.

First of all, not all condos are the same, nor are hotels. Therefore to say that either one is better than the other is misleading.

While condos have the POTENTIAL to be cheaper, easier to maintain, and safer than hotels, in practice that is not necessarily the case. The deciding factor is the keeper him or herself. Some condo locations (D4U in particular) is very well maintained. Everything is clean, well decorated, and feels very comfortable and luxurious. On the other hand, you have condo units that are so ghetto. And I don't mean units in buildings that are ghetto, but rather units in nice condos that are ghetto only because neither the MM nor the keeper properly maintains it. The bathrooms are wet and grimey, towels probably haven't been washed and are just re-used, same goes for bedsheets, and so on.

The point about "hotels present a logistical challenge" is downright wrong. Its common practice for MMs to tip room-service who are happy to supply all the extra towels and bedding needed. Actually its common knowledge in the industry that as long as the MM is discreet (not violent pimps & drug whores that causes disturbances) then hotels are happy to have them as they help fill up empty rooms (especially during low season). So compared to condo units where neither the MM nor the keeper wants to do cleaning, hotels are much more sanitary.

Now of course, we've covered how condos can vary, the same can be said for hotels. Cheap low-end hotels (or motels) cannot hold a candle to a 4 star hotel like Hilton.

Frank is absolutely on the mark when he advises bros to stay away from Park Inn by Radisson. There are a few hotels/motels that should be avoided primarily because they are known for being used to conduct drug deals or by pimps to store their "merchandise" (underaged girls coerced into the sex trade). That is why cops often stakeout those locations. If you go there to see an escort and get questioned by cops, then you're just collateral damage. On the other hand, I've never had trouble with LE when I book escorts at decent hotels.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to what you are comfortable with. I'm not arguing that one is better than the other. What I'm saying is that it depends on the individual condo unit or the individual hotel unit.

Personally though, also as a married man. I have a much lower chance of running into someone that knows me (or worse, someone that knows my wife) at a hotel than at a condo. If an acquiantance who lives locally runs into me at a hotel, he is probably there for the same thing as me, and unlikely to say anything to anyone. On the other hand there's a good chance of running into a friend or colleage of my wife at any given condo in the city.

So for me, I prefer hotels, hands down.

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