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US vs China in tech race (made in China 2015)

发表于 2018-6-27 05:42:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Recent attack by US on China is for world supremacy or dominance.

Trump is retreating from World scene, builds protection around US of A.
Xi is advocating "One belt one road"  "AIIB with already 87 member countries" and now "Made in China 2025".

Trump now want to make sure chip tech and mobile 5 G does not let China to lead the world scene with all the people China can throw at it, including sadly espionage to copy US tech.   Think high speed rail development and the speed to build a high rise in record time.  24/7, not 8 hours a day with lots of coffee breaks.

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发表于 2018-6-28 13:43:01 | 显示全部楼层
In any war, trade or military, no one country can escape unscathed, i.e.  both sides will sustain casualties.

In the current case, it is a blessing in disguise for the Chinese.  For 20+ years, USA + allies ganged up to refuse selling high tech products to China, However, China went alone and has obtained reached supremacy in many area, and USA worried more.  It will happen this time too.

USA, under DT is more arrogant and more obvious as a world bully, but it will not help matters for USA because DT already alienated all European allies.  

So the same approach is applied onto China, however, USA seems to have forgotten that China is USA's #1 creditor, just by refusing to buy more US bonds while there are no other takers, US economy is on shaky grounds.  If, China sells off US bonds, the US economy will collapse so will the world's!

That is why China is saying to USA, "No deal, bring it on.  Show me your best shot!"


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发表于 2018-6-28 16:51:02 | 显示全部楼层
Made in China 2025? 这個口號 ... doubted!!
創新科技需要開放思想,思考!成功需要耐心, 经过無數失败. 今天的中國家庭,社会,學校教育模式可以嗎?領導人要有新人事,新思想,新作風,例如 Trump。中國國家領導人剛剛通領導終身制,这会有思考嗎?中國人腦筋不錯,錯就錯在領導人行使独裁者管教方法。习大大 always right! (Or say never have one single wrong)

在中国你可以看到外国人爬上海塔. 从悬崖上自由跳出来. 走在两座高山之间的电线上. 高速卷板下坡. F1 比赛 等等. 难道你不觉得这仲体育有中国人吗?要达成这个先由家庭思想開放开始 !

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-29 05:49:12 | 显示全部楼层
习大大 always right!  How can that be?  His discipline team has been purging high level official continuously and lately on Tin Jing TV showed 10 officials being punished with their confessions yesterday.

With the past leadership that ignored the corrupt officials, China dictatorship was going in the direction of future collapse.  Xi actually saved the communists.  His goal of helping vast rural population out of poverty is meeting its goals.  One can see a general improvement of Chinese lives.  Granted China may be more capitalist society than US of A, but it still has a goal of helping the poor citizen in mind.

On the other hand , Trump is ruining the US of A by acting in the reality TV show for US leadership.
I think one season is TOO LONG for that.  It is not that his action is bad for China.  It actually helps China in the World scene.

Watched what all cabinet members in White house meeting praising Trump is just repulsive. Do they have any back bones to show.  Yes it is a YOU ARE FIRED show, any Opposition will be met according.
How many cabinet members resigned or fired lately.  Chaos galore.

In the meaning Trump is trying to please Putin, who helped him both to win the election and finance for Trump business empire when no American banks will finance his business with 6 bankruptcy already.

What is bad for US of A is actually good for China and Chinese people.   

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发表于 2018-6-30 04:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2018-6-29 05:49
习大大 always right!  How can that be?  His discipline team has been purging high level official con ...

习大大 acted mostly good, to Chinese, except went back to 領導終身制 in constitution. This would lead China back to dictatorship. 习大大 prevails China dream same as Hitler's supremacist german. It is very dangerous when China being strong in military. Hitler II is rising.

Trump done everything that no ex-presidents done before. To reach new era needs exploration.
Reduce tax rate from 35% to 21%. The shortfall compensates by imposing tariffs on imports (steel etc)
Adding pressure to China for long peace in Korean peninsula.
Bombed Syria to subduct presences of Russia and Iran.
Move its consulate to Jerusalem to enforce strong backup to Israel. Same as Communist China did in 1989 that strengthen control to theirpeople.
Decline gun control firmly that all ex-administration hesitate/bluff to do it.
Immediate dismissal of Cabinet ministers when they're no longer helpful.
Block illegal stowaways at all cost including cruelty.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-30 05:43:08 | 显示全部楼层
Sir, you must be the 30% base that Trump is relying on.
Repuplican party is no longer,  TRUMP cult.
TRUMP would very much like to be Hitler, though he is German and grand parent was operating a lady of night house in BC.  Totally autocratic.
May he live forever so China will win forever, as long as Trump is not retarded enough to press nuclear button instead of TWITTER every day.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-4 06:01:38 | 显示全部楼层
Mexico just elected a LEFTIST populist with pledge to fight corruption.

Trump faces both left leaning president or prime minister both south and north of border.

Drug is causing lots of deaths in US (willingly by Americans), it also causes a lot of corruption and DEATHS in Mexican politicians.  Now even Philippines mayors (two) just got assassinated last 2 days.  Power corrupts, and MONEY corrupts MORE.  Wonder if it is better to have a hotel built for addicts with free drug for 6 months to let them dye happy is a better solution.   Then no profit from drugs, no corruption and no money for cartels, both in Mexico, Philippines and even Hong Kong, USA, Canada etc.
Why not let addicts have free drug and NO OHIP or Medical insurance but FREE DRUGS that can only be used a restricted area like a guarded hotel or prison.  HAPPY FOR EVER.   

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发表于 2018-7-5 02:24:33 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2018-6-30 05:43
Sir, you must be the 30% base that Trump is relying on.
Repuplican party is no longer,  TRUMP cult.

Trump no way near Hilter's miltary ambitiousness. Trump is solely businessman.
Lower tax rate benefits domestic business.
Imposed tariff on imports encourage US entrepreneurs, particularly in China, moving their factories back to USA. All ex-presidents increase domestic tax rate which endup forcing factories moved out from homeland.

Ji Kaiting ... BTW she's very pretty.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-7 06:15:55 | 显示全部楼层
China suffered over 100 years from all foreign powers and internal conflict to overflow imperial dynasty.

Then US sanction causes another 30 years of pain, until Nixon the anti communist to free up China.
Now US realized China is going to be invisible with a "dictatorship" Xi leading the country that rules out corruption with the officials.  The pro communist is more interested in making more money for himself and China will be ahead now ready to surround US with all its friends to revenge our pain before.  Though China is communist , but not the Putin communist who financed Trump to get up there and his real estate empire, golf clubs, Trump towers.

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发表于 2018-7-8 06:43:17 | 显示全部楼层
China suffered a lot over 200+ years. Reason being 領導終身制. The world understand this. Only China's 习大大 (not Mr Deng)  reverted back to this kind of administration.
Corruption is human things derived from greedy. No medicine for 100% cure. Only 道德 education (not academic education) make it subducted. hoping 习大大 understand this.
Freedom of mind is the only medicine to move on to innovation. Free mind needs interaction of communication including speech.

Imposed tariff on imports are Trump's finance policies. Not particularily against special countries. Or you may say it targeted US factories in China.


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