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Trump vs. Clinton

发表于 2016-10-26 17:03:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
from BBC news

[size=1.125]Both candidates have proposed closing tax loopholes that typically favour the rich.
[size=1.125]Mr Trump proposes a child care deduction that would cover the average cost of child care, while Mrs Clinton favours limiting the number of deductions taxpayers can claim at 28%.
[size=1.125]Tax deductions allow people to subtract some of the income they are taxed on - effectively lowering which bracket they fall into. They typically favour the rich who can take more, while the 43% of Americans who currently pay no income would be unaffected by the change.
[size=1.125]Mr Trump also proposed eliminating the estate tax or "death tax" completely. The tax only applies when a family member passes on more than $5.45m worth of assets to an individual or $10.9m to a married couple.
[size=1.125]The Republican candidate said he would also reduce the US corporate tax rate to 15% from the current rate of 35%, one of the highest in the world.
[size=1.125]Mr Trump's campaign said the plan would reduce the amount of income the government collected by $4.4tn over a decade. This is far below the $9.5tn calculated by the nonpartisan [size=1.125]Tax Policy Center in August. The Center said Mrs Clinton's plan would add $1.1tn in revenue over the next 10 years.
[size=1.125]Neither candidate has proposed significant reductions in spending on public pension and healthcare programmes like social security, Medicaid and Medicare. The funding needed for those is expected to balloon over the next decade and its unclear where the money to pay for them will come from without tax increases.
[size=1.125]An analysis performed by Tax Foundation last month found that while Mr Trump's plan would lower taxes for all Americans it would lower them most for the highest earners.

[size=1.125]Mr Trump has done his best to capitalise on the discontent around trade deals.
[size=1.125]His economic proposal suggests renegotiating trade deals using "negotiators whose goal will be to win for America". He has not spelt out what that "win" looks like, but he has promised to step away from deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) if a good deal cannot be reached.
[size=1.125]Mr Trump has also promised to get tough with countries that violate trade agreements, applying new tariffs and pursuing cases against them in the World Trade Organization. He has specifically said that he will label China a "currency manipulator".
[size=1.125]Mr Trump has called for a 35% tariff on Mexican goods and a 45% tariff on Chinese goods.
[size=1.125]That would mean a $100 television from Mexico would cost $135.
[size=1.125]This could encourage US consumers to buy more products made in America, but it would also likely encourage Mexico to place an import tax on US goods, making it hard for US companies to sell their goods abroad. Mexico purchased $267.2bn in US goods in 2015, making it the second largest export partner for the US.
[size=1.125]Mrs Clinton has said these tariffs will lead to a trade war making it harder for the US to compete on a global stage.
[size=1.125]Clinton has gone back and forth on trade. She previously supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) but has said in her campaign that she doesn't think it's the best deal for America.
[size=1.125]Her plan focuses more on increasing production in the US by offering tax incentives to companies that build there rather than barring imports out. While she has criticised some trade deals, she hasn't ruled out signing new ones if elected.

[size=1.125]Trump on trade
  • Renegotiate trade deals to favour the US
  • Walk away from trade agreements if a good deal can't be reached
  • Add tariffs on some of the America's largest trading partners including Mexico and China
[size=1.125]Clinton on trade
  • Changed her mind on TPP, which she helped negotiate
  • In 2007 criticised trade deal with South Korea, then supported it as Secretary of State
  • Supported Nafta but has since been critical of it

Who's hiring?
[size=1.125]Both candidates have promised to put Americans back to work, though unemployment has hovered around a low 4.9% since the beginning of the year.
[size=1.125]Mr Trump's employment plan focuses on encouraging more businesses to open in the US. He has suggested that investing in infrastructure, cutting the trade deficit, lowering taxes and removing regulations will make it easier for companies to hire.


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发表于 2016-11-7 08:45:21 | 显示全部楼层
Clinton is the favorite.
But you never know how stupid people is.
Look at BREXIT.
Any surprise will cause big issue with the stock market.
Let us get our fingers crossed.
Clinton all the way.

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发表于 2016-11-7 14:11:14 | 显示全部楼层
With FBI's latest flipflop, Hiliary most likely will win.  

However, without FBI's letter of one week ago, the witch Hilary might have used the time to campaign for fellow Democrats for Senate seats.  That chance was gone since Hilary had to save herself.

So, even if Hilary wins, she may not have control of the Congress and Senate, that would the President's life difficult.

On top of all that, Hilary has Parkinson's, and will be an invalid soon, she cannot finish her first term.  Her VP will take over!  That is my prediction.


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发表于 2016-11-7 14:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2016-11-7 14:11
With FBI's latest flipflop, Hiliary most likely will win.  

However, without FBI's letter of one we ...

Democrats may gain the Senate majority.

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发表于 2016-11-7 15:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-7 14:52
Democrats may gain the Senate majority.

We will see re Senate race................

If Hilary wins the Presidential race, the stock market will be stable + improvement.

If Trump wins, the stock market will use that as an excuse for a major adjustment!

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发表于 2016-11-11 20:14:56 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-7 14:52
Democrats may gain the Senate majority.


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发表于 2016-11-11 21:03:08 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-11-11 20:14

But market in record territories now,. Crazy.

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发表于 2016-11-17 04:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
Clinton just made her first public speech after the defeat.
The place is Children Defence Fund.
Again dogooder Clinton spoke a lot about her interest in the underdogs even since her graduation from Wellesley and Yale Law.   One has to be moved by her speech as usual and this time she had few make up since the election times.

Reason for Trump to be elected in a way is the wave of white folks (both working and NOT working) who do no trust ANY politician any more.  Too many empty promises.  Every one (meaning minorities really) is better off than us white folks.  Climate change causes Coal mining a history event.  (though only 60k coal miners in US).  You guys want to have clean air, and I coal miner got no food on the table.

Factory workers are idled or lowly paid because there are no unions to protect them.  Not in BMW, Toyota, Honda US plants.    Mexican plants are replant of their US factories.

The lowly paid sweaty jobs are not open to them.  Even if white folks want to work on farms and backyards, they are NOT hired because their white boss does not trust that they will work hard or even work for more then 1 year until they can get UIC benefits.

JOBS JOBS, by building wall to keep Mexicans out, renegotiate trade deals to keep foreign worker "OUT" by keeping jobs in US.   Not realized robotic will replace MOST workers soon.  Even cars not to be driven by the passengers sitting in it 20 years from now.

Basically, Americans now have a ME FIRST attitude,  what is it in for ME ME ME.

Actually both establishments (Dem or Rep) were rejected by the grassroots,  rural, white, male people.

Things proposed by Trump are actually not REPUBLICAN like, other than 2nd amendment for freedom to make machine guns, abortion, less tax , less regulation to do people good.

1. 5 years out of office to be a lobbyist to make income off previous public service.
2. More infrastructure (to create jobs Trump promised) of 10 T in 10 years.
3. Get friendly with Russian (will cut down on defense budget,  where is the enemy?  may be China).
4. No need for any political connection.  (I got money, do not need any, already rip off US before big time)
5. Break up big banks (may be)
6. Export abundant natural gas (via LNG) to lower supply of cheap Natural gas and make it higher price domestically,  as a result Coal price will go up and used more,  creating mining jobs and railway freight traffic.)

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发表于 2016-11-17 08:21:53 | 显示全部楼层
Pitiful Hillary still doesn't get it, she blames everyone, particularly FBI, except herself for her loss.  She conveniently forgot that FBI wouldn't even come into the picture had she not resorted to lies, cover-up and deceit.

Obama for surely is knee deep in Hillary's email scandal which explains why Obama, a sitting president will go out of his way to campaign so vigorously for Hillary.  Obama even used the most recent visit to Greece as platform to "wash dirty linen" in a foreign country.

When there was organized riot in California arranged by DNC, Trump expressed his views, neither Obama and Hillary said anything.  How "small" can these two jokers be?

If Trump makes good his campaign promise to appoint an Attorney General to pursue Hillary's crimes, the show will come live, and I am sure Obama will be dragged into it and that will be Obama's legacy!


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发表于 2016-11-17 18:56:48 | 显示全部楼层

Please read Obama's childish behaviour, unbecoming of a sitting President!  

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