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Tara @Babyface

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发表于 2016-10-26 23:59:42 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-10-26 23:37
拉黑你,或保持静默, 不外是回归本位。她们也不需要你帮,。只不过是工作关系在这儿认识罢了。你把自己 ...



(拉黑你,或保持静默, 不外是回归本位。)
我能不明白嘛。写出来而已,我喜欢写东西。你不要太当真,网上的东西,一周之后就没人看了..... 我怎么会活在昨天呢.... 这就像演戏,本质是个娱乐.... 实际生活有时太平淡,你不也喜欢找点刺激嘛.... 另外,你和我可能有一点区别:我不在乎失败。你别看我上来抱怨,我不在乎。我非得帮成一个不行,我就不信.... 呵呵.....

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发表于 2016-10-27 08:27:33 | 显示全部楼层
dailo4 发表于 2016-10-26 21:52
so many new accounts... dont know whos who, and whos opinion to trust

when people get scared.. they ...

Dailo, looks like you're a financial guy.

Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.

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发表于 2016-10-27 08:36:03 | 显示全部楼层

呵呵,你总是一句话。我怎么回你呢.... 人的性格/行为现在一般认为50%是先天的,另50%左右是由环境决定的。我出来玩儿,床上翻来滚去倒是其次,其实更喜欢研究人。比如昨天我说的大统华的小姑娘,我夸了之后她也过来吃饭了,低着头不好意思看我。下次和她认识一下,交换一下微信。有机会帮她一下,嫁个好人家..... 我在多大主修心理学,辅修社会学,喜欢研究男女交往方面的一些东西。女孩子,只要不是外形条件太差,包装一下,男的很容易被拖下水.....

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发表于 2016-10-27 08:50:20 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-10-27 08:27
Dailo, looks like you're a financial guy.

Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtere ...

James Cramer registered that.  Did you check with him?

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发表于 2016-10-27 08:56:06 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-10-27 08:36
呵呵,你总是一句话。我怎么回你呢.... 人的性格/行为现在一般认为50%是先天的,另50%左右是由环境决定的 ...

I have the same thinking as you.  There is only so much one can do with the body and biological needs.
And most men will have to do it with one SINGLE woman   WIFE or Spouse.

More interested in the mm inside of the beautiful body and face.

Like you said,  Nature vs Nurture debate as always,  may be 50 50.

We are all here to have some fun be it blogs or mm.  No reason to stress out.  If I do not like about mm,
never say too bad about them to cut off their earning power.  But then if one finds mm attractive, should not really make much noise to create a long waiting list for yourself.  May be that is why some mm is quite popular with her Fans, but not a word is mentioned about her.  All those regulars ARE SMART to keep quiet.

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发表于 2016-10-27 09:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-10-27 08:50
James Cramer registered that.  Did you check with him?

James is a friend. I don't think he'd mind I quote him.

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发表于 2016-10-27 09:55:57 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-10-27 09:30
James is a friend. I don't think he'd mind I quote him.

Where does he live?  Do you know your friend?  Is he married?

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发表于 2016-10-27 09:58:47 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-10-27 09:55
Where does he live?  Do you know your friend?  Is he married?

I also regard your as my friend, and do I know all those info about you? James is just another person. If you want to know him, just call and make an appointment. No one is at such a high place that you can't reach. At least your can try, fail and try again.

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发表于 2016-10-27 11:11:05 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-10-26 19:17
傍晚路过Fairview Mall,又想起了我的小美人Tara,心忍难耐,短信联系,正好有时间,去之前在Mall里花$10买 ...

关于她身材漏了一点: 翘臀。她说有点大,亚洲人心态,小女孩心态。在我们加拿大,这算大?满街大磨盘似的屁股.....

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发表于 2016-10-27 11:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-10-27 11:11
关于她身材漏了一点: 翘臀。她说有点大,亚洲人心态,小女孩心态。在我们加拿大,这算大?满街大磨盘似的 ...

I did not know Chairman liked big ass.

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