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楼主: dragondick

USA - The Bully Nation

发表于 2016-6-8 05:40:21 | 显示全部楼层


美国是大国 (包括经济,军事,科技, 人口等等). 绝对不允许挑战者(国)拖垮她的利益 ! 事实上所以叫 "大国", 大多是像这样的. 例如二百多年前的英国. 二千多年前的中国, 罗马帝国等等.


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-8 06:58:41 | 显示全部楼层
USA, the bully nation will use military force ONLY IF victory with little human casualties is assured.

1.  USA did nothing in Crimea although Russia was one of many signatories to assure Ukraine's territorial integrity if it gives up nuclear stockpile left there by the former USSR.   

Poor Ukraine took the bait and paid the price of losing Crimea + under constant threat of losing the whole country altogether.

The real reason?  Starting anything against Russia will incur heavy casualties.

2.  Did nothing to topple Assad despite "a red line was drawn" to discourage Assad from using chemical weapons, which he did many times - based on UN reports, finally decided to use ISIS troops (yes ISIS!) to do its dirty work.

The reason?  Russia is a firm supporter of Assad!

3.  When casualty started mounting (just a few thousand) in Afghanistan & Iraq, decided to pull out, the same way which USA pulled the plug in Vietnam, leaving the South Vietnamese Government high and dry!

4.  A few years ago, Georgia - a NATO member, was invaded by Russia troops, NATO aka USA did nothing.  Although Russia troops eventually pulled out, Georgia now exists only in name as a NATO member.

The reason?  Don't start anything with the polar bear, principles and NATO membership can be placed on the back burner!

About 2 weeks ago, I read a news report that China decided to send its nuclear submarine, capable of launching ballistic nuclear missiles, deep into the Pacific as an ocean-based nuclear deterrent since land-based deterrent may not be sufficient to discourage USA's numerous provocations.

The rationale and the message to USA?  If you try anything stupid, you will pay the price!  Bravo!  

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发表于 2016-6-8 10:24:31 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2016-6-8 06:58
USA, the bully nation will use military force ONLY IF victory with little human casualties is assure ...

Crimea is different from Ukrain!

Most Ukrainian lives outside Crimea peninsula.
Most Russian lives inside Crimea peninsula.

USA has no ground to defence Crimea while those "Russians" choose to live under Russia.
Today 2016 June, USA poses military presents in Poland.

Taiwanese are totally different with Crimea morally. Taiwanese choose 蔡英文 as leader. Whom ...

林全 (台湾地区行政院长) :
> 二战时的慰安妇是自愿的 ?
> 漁民可在沖之鳥捕魚 沒有問題, "礁" 字被台湾立院删除 ?
> 钓鱼岛不属于台湾的 ?

Today, I doubled Taiwanese are no longer 汉人!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-8 15:16:15 | 显示全部楼层
When Nikita Kruschev (check spelling) of USSR was in power, he decided that Crimea should be part of Ukraine.  No other countries forced him to do it.  Please check history.

USA, present day Russia, UK, France, plus one or two others were signatories guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Ukraine if Ukraine agreed to give up nuclear stockpile.  Please check history.  Bottom line, guarantee meant nothing if Russia was behind it and that it might incur heavy casualties. "Bully the weak but run in front of the strong!" (欺善怕惡) that is USA's foreign policy.

There was no free plebiscite to decide Crimea's future after Russia sent in and still have troops dressed in uniforms with no marking in Crimea.  Check news report in the last 2 years.

If you want to discuss Taiwan, start a new topic.


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发表于 2016-6-9 05:58:34 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2016-6-8 15:16
When Nikita Kruschev (check spelling) of USSR was in power, he decided that Crimea should be part of ...

History is references. Not bible. Doesn't relates today (any) matter! Simply say History changes!

Such as Hong Kong. In 1850 HK island (not territory) lives 7,000 English troops. 2,000 Hak Ka. The island speaks English as majority. Thus, the history acknowledged HK should be English based on this part of history?

Such as Chinese (mostly Han) lived in small piece of land in East Asia few thousand years ago. Today Han ethnic expand even to 西藏 , 新疆 and 东北省.

Crimea Oblast in March 2014, following the takeover of the territory by pro-Russian separatists and Russian Armed Forces, an unauthorised referendum was held on the issue of reunification with Russia; the official result was that a large majority wished to join with Russia. By today, there ain't resistance, in soil of Crimea, against Russian Occupation!

I'm not interested in TALKING history. But interested today's matter with "history" as references. Also history books were written in very personal/subjective manner. Then, how much logic that it refers to "true" history? [I or anyone could write so call "history" book refers to 5,000 years ago. The point is "whom" going to believe it?][At least I won't therefore, please don't ask me to see it!]

看今天的台灣人是看蔡英文, 不是馬英九.

My (tomsiu) father speak/write Chinese only. I write/speak both Chinese/English. My children speak/write English only. Therefore please, see NEAR/TODAY things. Don't use OLD things to apply present facts.


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发表于 2016-6-9 08:13:30 | 显示全部楼层
盡信書不如無書. History books written in very personal/subjective manner !

Christian Bible (新约圣经) described/mentioned JESUS is Hebrew (Israeli).
Hebrew Bible (旧约圣经)) no mentioned JESUS is Hebrew. Jews believed that God would send a powerful messenger (the Messiah) who would deliver Israel from her oppressors. JESUS the most, being teacher to Israeli .

BOOKS were written by HUMAN. BOOKS, as well as history books, weren't created by itself!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-9 16:33:46 | 显示全部楼层
That fucking idiot is trying to hijack the thread by deviating from the subject!

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发表于 2016-6-10 02:13:23 | 显示全部楼层
Americans (USA) pertained 高人一等 thoughts/position with enhanced education, aggressiveness & world vision. American pursuit leadership, not followers. American won't stuck from "history" believes. American are explorers. American hijack thoughts from it's fellow idiots.

As bully persuade, the Americans, whom have something to learn (or understand) about. Not just scream or yell by "That fucking idiot is trying ..... " as conclusion . If you (the idiot) want to be good, act good (manner). Don't act alike childish (or idiot or naive).

The word "Bully" is not good in a description. We shouldn't stuck (the word bully) in bad side as proclamation. We need to see also the "strong" side and learn from it. But the fact is the idiot won't or don't !


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