


发表于 2016-1-24 14:59:16 | 显示全部楼层
Hey, do you do any work other than checking out MM,  blogging,  read novels.   真的是大少爺。好性福。

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-24 15:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-1-24 14:59
Hey, do you do any work other than checking out MM,  blogging,  read novels.   真的是大少爺。好性福 ...

I work overnight, in the daytime my head is too dizzy to do any work

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发表于 2016-1-24 15:16:47 | 显示全部楼层
WILLIAMS 发表于 2016-1-24 15:11
I work overnight, in the daytime my head is too dizzy to do any work

包夜了。很暖呵。這裡1500 hkd.
Should I try,   wize man.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-24 15:26:28 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-1-24 14:36
101 也没上去。又不是男子嗎。对呀,妹妹也是這樣説,没事。
昨天同枱港細佬女肯吃了兩口我的煲仔反。說 ...

I just post another post ,please criticize

reply to your post:
大哥 你真把我笑死了 别说妹妹笑 我也想笑

去北京长城 就在外面看看 也不进去
去台湾101 也不上去
在多伦多CN tower 不会也不上去吧.....
您去台湾 当慈善家 照顾胖大妈按摩生意 (是健康按摩 而不是sex按摩, 治病的按摩)
去香港 自己住着连旅行箱都放不下的小hotel  却 请贫苦女孩 吃煲仔饭
来多伦多 帮私做的姐姐 去超市 买漱口水,买小雨伞 (题外话:那个私做的姐姐不是风俗娘 她要漱口水是因为牙齿不好 不能刷牙 ,小雨伞是因为她怕下雨出门淋雨感冒,说她私做是因为她是一个自由撰稿人 是搞文学的 不是那个”私做“ 如果是在报社工作 就是”公做“...)
您去找兔子bunny(动物园里的兔子 她有个外号叫bunny) 第一次就要到了weichat (其实是动物园饲养员的weichat) 我去了动物园3次,都没要到weichat


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-24 15:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-1-24 15:16
包夜了。很暖呵。這裡1500 hkd.
Should I try,   wize man.

You should try, 和她(她不是working girl 仅仅是普通的贫苦女孩)
和她好好交流一下, 了解她的内心世界,温暖一下她孤独的心灵
再资助她1500, 让她过一段时间好生活。

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发表于 2016-1-24 15:49:32 | 显示全部楼层
More to legit MM I took a full suitcase of mpa shoes pants for her kid and relatives to beijing and watch the fedex to pack and seal box to ship there and gave boy the suitcase ,  the in chendu bought another laggage to pack 2 latex pillow case to take back to TO.  Quite stressful to get those with the tour itinerary ,  can not do in day time.

No the little just happened to seat at my table,  just 2 bites while she was waiting for food.

Do you work for CIA,  ver good on investigation.  Potential to Ed Snowden la.
How was my joke on Juicy?  Is it why she invited me as friend?  Got to visit her soon.  Or with friends like ,   who need s enemy,  you might say.

Oh I cracked joke big time on bus into kowloon.  Some one put heavy case on mine and almost fly onto fellow passenger at a turn.

Found it was my case underneath.  Cursed whoever it was im front of a New Zealand couple.  Told the I had grapes inside and now I had to drink unaged wine.  Asked for comp from the other unknown party.  Finally the Aussie guy showed his face and I shout No more Aissie steak and yellow tail wine.  And will eat More new Zealand lamb ( like hot pot in TO.).
True story.

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发表于 2016-1-24 15:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
If you want bunny wechat.  I can PM you.

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发表于 2016-1-24 15:55:26 | 显示全部楼层
WILLIAMS 发表于 2016-1-24 15:33
You should try, 和她(她不是working girl 仅仅是普通的贫苦女孩)
和她好好交流一下, 了解她的内心世 ...

But she got buck front teeth and refused my joke about being a school girl.  良家婦女。她跟吃兩口飯我已知民。沒有當我臭壞蛋。她不贫呀。assume is what.  Ass.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-24 16:03:08 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-1-24 15:49
More to legit MM I took a full suitcase of mpa shoes pants for her kid and relatives to beijing and  ...

sorry , i do not remember your joke on juicy ( juicy is a kind of orange juice, like Tropicana)
I worked for FBI, but now i am fired by them, in the following i will just call juicy as Tropicana
Tropicana(the shop assistant who sells Tropicana) invites you as friend , maybe she thinks you are a funny guy,
being friends with you is a funny thing.

now, a few more things are shocking me:

把您的suitcase 里的衣服鞋子裤子都送给了一个贫苦妈妈 还帮她把鞋子裤子都快递给了她远在北京的儿子
然后你把旅行箱送给了 寄快递的小哥

在香港餐馆吃煲仔饭的时候 有一个贫困小女孩看到你的煲仔饭流口水 你就毫不犹豫让她吃了两口

在美国和在多伦多 你都有房产 却一次又一次错过了投资和变卖的最佳时期
然后又被power ball巨大的奖金吸引的眼睛发亮...

在大陆跟随旅行团一起旅行 被强制shopping 你毫不抱怨.. 无怨无悔...



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-24 16:08:15 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-1-24 15:49
More to legit MM I took a full suitcase of mpa shoes pants for her kid and relatives to beijing and  ...



是IT业的资深人士 家里很多电脑 和tablet ,却一直用着发不出短信的手机
来到多伦多 为了和Tropicana(的售货员)(You know who i refer to)联系,
(最初您试过 email 联系Tropicana,却石沉大海 没有回音)
你不惜痛改前非 从美国邮购了一台智能机
然后SIM卡又被加拿大virgin 弄坏了


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