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发表于 2015-11-20 09:12:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



技术: 给我踩背,不过,力度适中,都有按摩到,虽然不是很大力像骨精女皇,但是也蛮舒服


总结:这个就是和mandy lily sisi, ella,骨精女皇一样按摩的地方,按摩不是找妹子,所以不要对面容有太多要求,要不然你可以去spa,按摩是按的舒服那就好了,希望你懂我的意思



使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 10:18:32 | 显示全部楼层
可否分享一下她的收費和有甚麼"其他服務" ?? Thanks in advance!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 14:27:23 | 显示全部楼层
我們要尊重廣告客戶的商業秘密,不要在這裡公開她們個別的收費,可以公開的話,為什麼她們不在廣告內列出呢?至於有什麼特別服務,她們一般也不會在電話說清楚,回應通常都是說見到面才談, 這樣都是希望詢問者能上門體驗,生意便有著落。不體諒她們的生意競爭激烈而代表她們公開了服務詳情 ,只會令她們失去為數不少cheap精們的生意。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 16:21:01 | 显示全部楼层
how much for 1 hr of massage? How's old is she compare to Mandy? I like Mandy but sometime she's hard to book.  Thanks!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 17:56:02 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2015-11-20 14:27
我們要尊重廣告客戶的商業秘密,不要在這裡公開她們個別的收費,可以公開的話,為什麼她們不在廣告內列出呢 ...

My preference is to know the menu ahead of time.  
I found out some MM advertised on Backpage or Sing Tao may have a lower price structure than 747.  So it is "seasonal price".  You call 747 number, pay 747 price.  If backpage number, then backpage price (LOWER).

Just like I would not want to order food from restaurant OFF MENU.  It just said that you will pay a bundle when you get the bill.
Do not mind higher price, but do mind when they charge based on who the the client is.   Chinese old saying that "Old man or young child will have the same price".  I learned my lesson when I paid for 2 cans of beer in China and the young girl just asked for double the price thinking I was an idiot.  From then on,  I will only pay after I got the cash register receipt.  Their monitor is always facing them, not ME.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 18:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
dadizhu 发表于 2015-11-20 16:21
how much for 1 hr of massage? How's old is she compare to Mandy? I like Mandy but sometime she's har ...

Why not make a call to her and ask? you can get the answer right away.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-20 19:49:02 | 显示全部楼层
以上兩位所說的 我不大認同。 若是吓吓都要自己去問,自己去call. 還要各兄弟做一次老襯,才知真相。
那麼要 747 來做什麼。還要論壇來托呀! 747 也再沒有存在價值。
這裡是個 大家交流心得,資料的地方。問問又何必寸人

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-21 00:09:27 | 显示全部楼层
qqwai 发表于 2015-11-20 19:49
以上兩位所說的 我不大認同。 若是吓吓都要自己去問,自己去call. 還要各兄弟做一次老襯,才知真相。
那麼 ...

赞,,好野就不怕比较。。躲躲藏藏反而让人感觉有hidden fee。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-21 00:18:49 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2015-11-20 14:27
我們要尊重廣告客戶的商業秘密,不要在這裡公開她們個別的收費,可以公開的話,為什麼她們不在廣告內列出呢 ...

this is a very outdated way of doing business, and the creation of online forum combats just that.

consumers are looking for 100% pricing transparency these days. we want to know what we are walking into and how much should we expect to pay. this applies to everything, food, houses, cars etc etc.. only old time sales person will try to hide the prices and lure customers him...

and besides, the purpose of a forum, whether it be here or terb, is for brothers to share all information regarding any service providers, whether it be good or bad. whether the SP likes her info to be shared or not has zero bearing. now a days if you are offering any kind of service, you can EXPECT yourself to be discussed openly online.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-21 08:09:08 | 显示全部楼层

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