
楼主: dinodino

气死我了 (帳戶被ban),管理员和狼友们点进来!

发表于 2015-10-16 19:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
Mr BJ may come back in another form already lol

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发表于 2015-10-16 20:55:29 | 显示全部楼层
Smallpotato 很像危天行,他在走著危天行的舊路!可惜!可惜呀!

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发表于 2015-10-16 21:05:43 | 显示全部楼层
危天行的坛子 已经门可罗雀 鸟不拉X 秋风吹过 两片树叶缓缓飘落

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:00:57 | 显示全部楼层
SuperJHCRick 发表于 2015-10-16 19:38

我知道, 但你也多次違返了版規, 粗言秽语及人身攻擊. 希望你以後跟別的會員意見不合也可以文明對話. 當然, 如果別人對你人身攻擊你也可以舉報.

**特別提示. 版主也是正常人, 有自己生活, 不是24小時在線. 請不要因為我們沒有馬上把事情處理就指責. 謝謝.

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:12:16 | 显示全部楼层
bill 发表于 2015-10-16 20:55
Smallpotato 很像危天行,他在走著危天行的舊路!可惜!可惜呀! ...

You know what? Out of all the previous accusations, this one hurts the most. If I was Mr D, this post would have already been deleted, and all those who made negative remarks would all been banned. But that is not the way we do things here.

Honestly, we appreciate constructive criticism. We are normal human beings too and we are not perfect, we will make mistakes from time to time too. That is unavoidable. However we do our best, and also try to provide transparency. You ask us to be fair, but we also ask you (all members) to be fair to us.

Running this forum has given us insight and empathy as to the challenges that the government, police, and judges face. Be too lenient and give too much "freedom" and rule-breakers run while while the public blames you for allowing such trouble. In fact some even accuse us of taking bribes to allow shills because we have been too soft in cracking down. On the other hand, once we chase down the shills, they cry foul and try to use the "freedom of speech" excuse as a magical shield while unfairly trying to portray us as oppressor/tyrant.

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:23:51 | 显示全部楼层
紅卫兵 发表于 2015-10-16 11:00
提議不如索性立下版規,凡一切沒有在这賣广告的报告,或对广告商不利的。。。殺無赦! ...

廢話, 這裡有很多報告都是關於不在本台打廣告的店.

你這人也很無賴, 就因我刪你那個 "$100輕貌美MM" 的 "報告" 而懷恨在心. 不停找機會攻擊本台, 誣衊版主, 說出各種謊話. 而到我們正式跟你辯論時卻來 "打游擊".

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:34:50 | 显示全部楼层
SmallPotato 发表于 2015-10-16 23:00
我知道, 但你也多次違返了版規, 粗言秽语及人身攻擊. 希望你以後跟別的會員意見不合也可以文明對話. 當然 ...

版主把我改回去吧 你看我不像这些人一样落井下石  我就事论事 而且每次都是别人喷我在先呀 你看我现在不常上但是一路走来混到这么多积分还是不容易的 望你高抬贵手放我一马

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:39:08 | 显示全部楼层
bbtau 发表于 2015-10-16 14:46
Tomsiu, 今次撐你,根本感覺到土豆仔受到客戶嘅壓力。

Dear all members.

The reason Dino has been barred from posting (difference between that and banning outright is that he can still access the forum and all his posts are still visible to everyone) is because over a period of time we have noticed that his reviews have been consistently for one particular agency and that the scores he has given has been consistently been much better than what we feel are honest scores (for example I can accept a different between 6 and 8 as owing to difference in tastes but if one rates 3 and another rates 9 then someone is either shilling or smearing).

He was not barred because he made one little negative comment about ToAsianGirls. In fact, ever since ToAsianGirls joined us, there has been negative comments about them every so often. To think that is the reason Dino got banned is just ignorant and stupid.

He has been banned for shilling. We are not totally sure if he really was shilling or not, but based on our experience it looks like it, and obviously we cannot ask "hey bro are shilling?" or ask the keeper because no keeper would ever admit it. So we left his account so the the posting history is visible.

To all members who want to jump on the bandwagon and 為起哄而起哄 and make accusatory remarks about us moderators being unfair or not allowing freedom of speech and bullshit like that, we just have 1 little favor to ask of you, and 1 question for you to answer.

Contrary to what you said, if we were afraid of pressure we would not ban a suspected shill account of one of our long-time advertisers. In fact, you guys have no idea how many times we went toe-to-toe against keepers who got mad as hell and demanded us explain why we banned their shill accounts (who they will always claim to be one of their loyal customers/friends).

Favor: Before you say anything, please go read Dino's entire posting history first. Otherwize don't make ignorant opinions.

Question: If you were moderator and you saw a guy (like Dino) who over a period of time seems to be shilling (or shilling, or otherwize have some dishonest agenda) but you don't have any hard evidence of that. What do you do? Allow him to stay and letting him become more and more bold and 變本加厲, or open a vote every time there is an account that we suspect but not sure (and saturate the forum with these votes because there are many of them), or make a judgement call and ban them knowing that for sure they will claim to be innocent and raise a big stink pretending to be a victim of tyranny.


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发表于 2015-10-16 23:43:50 | 显示全部楼层
SuperJHCRick 发表于 2015-10-16 23:34
版主把我改回去吧 你看我不像这些人一样落井下石  我就事论事 而且每次都是别人喷我在先呀 你看我现在不 ...

Ok, 但我有一條件. 如果你能答應以後在任何情況都不會再在本網上發粗言秽语及人身攻擊, 那我就把你改回. 就算別人說你什麼也不得用侮辱性言語. Ok嗎?

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发表于 2015-10-16 23:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
SmallPotato 发表于 2015-10-16 23:43
Ok, 但我有一條件. 如果你能答應以後在任何情況都不會再在本網上發粗言秽语及人身攻擊, 那我就把你改回.  ...

OK,我保证绝不爆粗 谢谢你版主

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