
楼主: mmpleaser

You know you visited MM too many times when ...

 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-14 00:19:37 | 显示全部楼层
whatfor 发表于 2015-9-14 00:14
I thought you said you were Irish, borned in Shanghai, yes? ...

And I will try to do the Irish dance for you if you get me the shoes.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-14 00:25:42 | 显示全部楼层
whatfor 发表于 2015-9-14 00:14
I thought you said you were Irish, borned in Shanghai, yes? ...

You are a newbie like I was 2 months ago.  I am trying to chat with you so you could get more point to get to the next level.  Am I a good buddy?  Each question and answer will get you more points, even if you do not want to have fun with the pool of friendly MM (not all , as I indicated, that is why you need to review this site, like you check all my personal posts, bad boy, I am not a MM, a MAN.).  You could save all the money to spend with MM to buy the next investment house, and in the mean time collecting points to advance to the next level.  Just chat with me and I am free and will get you to the next level (not sex, but 747 points to promote yourself).

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发表于 2015-9-15 11:48:49 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-9-14 00:25
You are a newbie like I was 2 months ago.  I am trying to chat with you so you could get more ...

My fellow Canadian, since you are on this site 24/7, it should be obvious to you that I do not post or chat often.  That means my goal in life is not to get more points or get to the next level on 747.  I only post if I have something to contribute.

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发表于 2015-9-16 23:54:28 | 显示全部楼层
When she's asking you to massage her for real.  No fun touchy stuff.  

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发表于 2015-9-17 01:51:50 | 显示全部楼层
You seen an mm too many times when she knows your routine appointment and asks you to pick up clothes at the department store for her, and you already know her size..... cause it wasn't the first time you did it....

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发表于 2015-9-17 01:52:39 | 显示全部楼层
And at 1 point i was delivering food to her daily without any sex.....

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-17 05:09:18 | 显示全部楼层
L84Dinner 发表于 2015-9-16 23:54
When she's asking you to massage her for real.  No fun touchy stuff.

Come on.  You should be proud to be Lei Feng (the selfless person in China propaganda).  I do massage, DATY big time (got MM orgasm was my goal, did so a few times,  notice, it is ON MY TIME and I PAID her too.  But I LIKE IT.
SERVE THE MM.  You are a good boy too.  Did you not feel the nice soft tissue?  Or was she a pig, then that is no fun.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-17 05:12:28 | 显示全部楼层
WhiteMamba 发表于 2015-9-17 01:51
You seen an mm too many times when she knows your routine appointment and asks you to pick up clothe ...

Wow, personal clothing assistant.  Pick up or Paid for it too.   You are an Office and Gentleman Sir.  At least you have a sexual encounter.  Can you deduct the clothes expense from the donation.   Make sure that you ask for a sexy underwear USED to keep as souvenir la.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-17 05:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
WhiteMamba 发表于 2015-9-17 01:52
And at 1 point i was delivering food to her daily without any sex.....

Sir, you are now a delivery boy.  No sex.  But may get to see who your MM is having as customer.  Hope they are of better customers, or I will drop her from my TDL as I found two MM who were receiving ugly Johns that I had no interest in them at all.  Cannot feel to share the same body with those johns irrespective of their attractiveness.  One was good but bad personality.  One was bad in body and personality too.
Tell her even Amazon will start delivering food from restaurants.  
I think you are really a sucker now.  No disrespect here.  Just my feeling.  
I just bought and paid for 3 bowls of Fish ball and had to drive 8 miles for that as the nearby place was closed on Tuesdays.  That was for a legit MPA who REALLY gave me a strong massage.  Very good sleep always.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-17 05:20:15 | 显示全部楼层
WhiteMamba 发表于 2015-9-17 01:51
You seen an mm too many times when she knows your routine appointment and asks you to pick up clothe ...

Wait a minute.  Just occur to me that you too may be in such a KINKY sexual encounter that ripping off clothes is in your routine.   Please buy disposable clothes possibly made from paper.  (recyclable).

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