
楼主: fuckme


 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-9 07:12:56 | 显示全部楼层
探子剛回報, 其中一個水蜜桃妹妹話有骨床, 按摩加半套$100. 之前有人話半套$40包BBBJ, 全裸, 毒龍鑽同HJ, 搵佢阿媽做先得嘞, 唔通車房生意真係咁難做, 要改變經營策略?

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发表于 2015-5-9 23:30:01 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2015-5-9 07:12
探子剛回報, 其中一個水蜜桃妹妹話有骨床, 按摩加半套$100. 之前有人話半套$40包BBBJ, 全裸, 毒龍鑽同HJ,  ...

I'm starting to wonder what your intention is for targeting my post and my view on prices non-stop. I have received such services for the above mentioned price from 3 different providers so I am not making shit out of no where. The current problem is that the service providers are OVERCHARGING for a simple HJ, not me being cheap of not respecting the ladies.

If you are right about 生意難做 these days for the upstairs bone ladies, then they should be offering more "value" to the price, not keep jacking up the prices. In fact, this is a perfect time for you, and other wolves, to push the prices back down and get more out of our money.

At the end of the day, if we can get these ladies to stop overcharging (ie $100 for just a massage+HJ), its YOU, and other wolves that benefit.

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发表于 2015-5-9 23:32:49 | 显示全部楼层
And I do what I preach, example - I have never been to the "very popular combo" on the forum these days due to their price. A massage plus FS should be $100 not $120.

On the other hand, a certain spa sponsor on the forum charges $80 for TWO HOURS of massage and $30 for a HJ. Now THAT'S a fair price and we should support that instead.

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发表于 2015-5-10 02:14:31 | 显示全部楼层
malecoke 发表于 2015-5-9 23:30
I'm starting to wonder what your intention is for targeting my post and my view on prices non-stop ...

coke兄你好,小弟英文不夠好能徹底表達心中所想 所以這裡用中文 請見諒

首先感謝你為狼友們謀福利 我們都想用最少錢得最大回報

不過樓上骨對本人而言  “骨”大於其他服務 但係佢地冇攞正牌 只能加D連帶服務以區分正宗dup骨和吸引客人

佢地身水身汗幫一個客dup完半個鐘或者一個鐘 長年累月積聚的勞損都會一齊涌上來 身體會疲累
之後仲要幫個客做額外服務 除非是十分熟抑或十分喜歡 不然肯定身心疲累 賣完手藝仲要賣東賣西 個人認為她們的收費也算合理

就“生意難做”這一點,兄台認為要多給“價值”而不是坐地起價。這裡我對你“價值”的理解應該是同一價格下多一些服務,或者是同一服務減少收費吧。 我內心也希望你這個想法能實現, 但是有兩個現實的境況會限制你的期望

第一 現在多倫多spa林立 各種規模 各種服務 以及裡面各種國籍各種膚色的年輕靚麗女子在正面衝擊樓上骨 很多人會選擇那些spa 也有一部分樓上骨客源被spa搶去 樓上骨已步入夕陽 幾乎沒有後生年輕女子願意入這一行 可能20年后樓上骨只能在wikipedia找到

第二 現在物價上漲 汽油、食物、稅收等等價格都比樓上骨興旺時期上升很多 所以樓上骨收費上漲些許也是合情理。

以上都個人見解 因為實在覺得做樓上骨的很不容易才發次回復
閣下若不喜歡 無視即可

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-10 21:50:58 | 显示全部楼层
malecoke 发表于 2015-5-9 23:30
I'm starting to wonder what your intention is for targeting my post and my view on prices non-stop ...

既然是ys論壇年代的骨精,自當記得當時HJ是床尾機,骨女也撥開我們的手不准摸她,按摩與HJ收費分別是$50與$20。全套則是按摩收費加$70,按摩房內無大床,要幹就在小而窄的按摩牀上幹,傳敎士一式完成,別妄想什麼cow girl 或 doggy招式。
另外的HJ收費是$20,很快便改為Combo價$80 ,人客按摩後如果沒有興趣HJ,也請付這個價。也是在多倫多第一個樓上骨在$20的半套中裸露上身,乳房可揑可吮,也提供bbbj, 作風被眾骨精在網上傳頌一時。難道  閣下多年來是被這位樓上骨驕縱了,今天以她的半套為藍本,設下半套的規範?你說的那兩位樓上骨,我也與她們交易過,而你說$40的半套中之全祼,bbbj及毒龍鑽,都是她們的全套服務中,性交前才提供的前戲,我不同意是按摩後,一般有按摩技術,或以按摩為主打的骨女,會在扣除HJ基本的$20後,為$20而做全祼,bbbj,毒龍鑽。我與你在半套服務的意見分歧,便是在此。
這麼多年頭,Simple HJ都是收$20,今次在這個帖你說$20的HJ要裸露上半身才是合理,是骨女overcharging這麼多年,又或是有人over demanding。按摩全套是$120 還是$100才合理?有些骨女不熱衷做全套,收貴少許無非是想把全套客減到最少,而是主打按摩。訂價高而沒人問津,她便會減價求存,我們沒資格為她們訂價,不合自己budget便不去光顧,多年前某名堂甚響的樓上骨,一個按摩全套便是$250,我們有資格批評她收得貴嗎?我們這些寒酸客人,她又怎樣看我們呢?最後,樓上骨與Spa根本就是兩種不同的生意,用服務內容及收費來比較,簡直是風馬牛不相及。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-10 21:56:17 | 显示全部楼层
.......你我同是以一個戶口名字在此發表意見,離開電腦便回到去真實世界,網上爭拗什麼也不用那麼執著。各人對每一件事物都有不同看法,自當有不同意見, 我亦詳細說出我的理據, 你同意與否, 也就此告一段落. 請請

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发表于 2015-5-10 23:51:24 | 显示全部楼层
malecoke 发表于 2015-5-9 23:32
And I do what I preach, example - I have never been to the "very popular combo" on the forum these d ...

How do you justify what a fair price should be? Is it fair that an average house in Toronto is around $1 mil? Is it fair that a university grad with a masters or phd is paid less than a construction worker? In capitalist society there's no such thing as a fair price. Sellers want to charge as high as possible and buyers want to pay as little as possible.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-11 00:37:14 | 显示全部楼层
hamsuplo 发表于 2015-5-10 23:51
How do you justify what a fair price should be? Is it fair that an average house in Toronto is aro ...

He is quoting the prices of three 樓上骨 (I would not mention the names) he encountered over the years. First of all, one of which has retired and she never did bbbj while the other two still do. To avoid misleading, it must be clarified that bbbj, fully naked and rimming are available from the remaining two masseuse only and only when fs is provided, also, these extras are not included in their 半套. My topic is on charge of a 半套 after massage, he said masseuses should be fully naked, giving bbbj and doing rimming as part of HJ process for $40 only. To my understanding, he set such 'HJ specifications' to be followed by masseuses, then it will be a fair price to him.
Also, my post indicated 伯母輩的骨女不是在今次討論之列,but he still quoting masseuses of this age group to argue with me. A shop owner can set whatever prices for his merchandise, it is up to buyers to buy it or not, saying the price is not fair is really unfair, why not buy in other shops where price is considered fair.

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发表于 2015-5-13 01:35:44 | 显示全部楼层
While I want low prices as a customer, I have also worked in the services industry and I hate overly cheap customers. My experience with customers, the less they are willing to pay, the more picky and more demanding they are. Also I think squeezing the price as low as possible is just 殺雞取卵 which in the end hurts us all.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-18 02:01:33 | 显示全部楼层
TheRock 发表于 2015-5-13 01:35
While I want low prices as a customer, I have also worked in the services industry and I hate overly ...

Cannot agree more with your last sentence in the above. A good massage followed by fs worthing $100 would discourage 樓上骨 to continue their business, some had already switched to quick meal business to earn $80 in less than 20 minutes. that is why 樓上骨dwindling over the years.  In the end it hurts us as we have no 樓上骨available for massage, then with fs as happy ending. I saw a 樓上骨joined the market not long ago, she is relatively younger and her massage skill is good, I would say $100 for a professional massage and a topless HJ for 手多多customer like me is a fair price. In the sales or service industry, whatever the price it is, there will be people who can afford, because they can afford, they would not have the word 'overpriced' or 'overcharging' in their mind during purchase.

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