
楼主: tomsiu

228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺 (1947.02.28)

发表于 2015-3-5 05:03:36 | 显示全部楼层
YOU don't get the point at all.

The Japanese, presumably your God father, killed a lot more than 30K during the 50 years colonization in Taiwan.  Where is your objectivity?

Read some more B4 your one-sided objective statement.   

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-5 05:32:30 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-5 05:03
YOU don't get the point at all.

The Japanese, presumably your God father, killed a lot more than 30 ...

Thus far .... A simple question to you.

Is 蔣介石 a hero to you? Yes or No.
[All other wording outside YES or NO is irrelevant][ No need to mention Japanese or 國民黨 etc]

I do think you understand English. But shy to provide CORRECT answer. Please be a man ....!

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发表于 2015-3-5 08:56:53 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-3-5 05:32
Thus far .... A simple question to you.

Is 蔣介石 a hero to you? Yes or No.

I said all along (check my various previous posts) that CKS may not be the best leader in recent Chinese history, but his steadfastness in resisting Japan's aggression prevented a total surrender/collapse.  Without this stubborn-ness, there will be no Chinese Communists today, & you will be probably holding a Japanese passport today.

Since you asked me a straightforward question, let me ask you the same.  Are you of Japanese descent to worship the Japanese that much??

228-1947 is a fact which we cannot deny, but armed uprising can hardly be called "peace time  maneuver".  30K casualty is the upper end of an estimate, not carved in stone.  If you want to be objective, you must include the lower end numbers.

Don’t insinuate that it was a “Rape of Nanjing” style incident on residents of Taiwan.

You posted a 香港「泛民主派」的奴才思維 ! under ... 7669&extra=page%3D1,  just image these were residents who received HK-Chinese education yet they were stupid enough to petition the UK Government , it should not surprise us today that some residents & particularly the privileged class of Taiwan in 1947 after receiving 100% Japanese education for 50 yeasrs would not pledge their allegiance to Japan.

Our discussion will go nowhere & will do no good to 747 if we start calling names or going down this route.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-5 12:14:10 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-5 08:56
I said all along (check my various previous posts) that CKS may not be the best leader in recent C ...

When 金人 in charge of mainland 400 years ago. All 漢人 then hold 金人 passport. A new spoken language had been developed : MANDARIN (At old time we call it "官話"). This "new" spoken language being used until now as official.

日人 nearly repeat the same ..... Why you think it is bad?

The logic behind is that Good Man should be chosen as leader ( I don't care if (s)he is Jap or White or yellow).

Bad guy (or leader) such as 蔣介石 has to be suppressed.

Are you of Japanese descent to worship ~~~~ I'm not Japanese but I worship them (answer your question as man). How about you (to answer my questions?)

香港「泛民主派」的奴才思維 ! ~~~~ Not relate to this subject 228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺. if you want discuss further please goto "related" subject/title.


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发表于 2015-3-8 14:15:25 | 显示全部楼层
Why I said tomsiu's topic & conclusion were ludicrous?

228 incident was an armed uprising not a peaceful protest/march.  This is an undeniable fact.  

Any country facing an armed uprising will use force to put in down.  It was no exeption for 228-1947.

Immediately jumping to conclusion to put the blame on CKS & KMT, was NOT objective to say the least.  Any Government will do it in a situation like this.

Name me any country which does NOT use force to quell armed unrest.

I can easily name many incidents to refresh 747 readers' memory, and without going too far back into history:

The American War of Independence was an armed uprising.  Did Britain sit idly by & let the Americans become independent?  Did Britain send in troops to kill the rebels & families?  Did the Queen apologize after the fact.  The answers were all “no”.

The American Civil War was an armed uprising.  The turning point was the Battle at Gettysburg in which the North won.  Both sides suffered heavy casualties.  I understand more American lives were lost in that single battle at Gettysburg than any other battles which the US was involved in.

The Tibet uprising in the late 50's.  Did Communist China send in troops & kill thousands & thousands of Tibetans - one of five major ethnic groups in China?  Same answer.

Canada has its share too!  During Trudeau's time as PM of Canada, QC wanted to be independent already.  The “rebels” for lack of a better term, killed some politicians & gunning for more, Trudeau brought in the troops.  Only a little, not much blood was shed but Quebecors hated Trudeau until his death.

That is why I said the Government in Taiwan need not apologize for putting down an armed uprising.  Both the Governments under KMT's 李登輝 for conciliation & harmony  & DPP's 陳水扁 for his 2nd term ; the current Government under 馬英九 apologized too, but obviously for political reasons because KMT lost miserably in end-2014's “9+1 Elections”.

Don't be blinded by your distaste of KMT and/or CKS  & jumped into conclusion without studying the facts to further distort your self-proclaimed objectivity!  Amen.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-9 11:01:21 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-8 14:15
Why I said tomsiu's topic & conclusion were ludicrous?

228 incident was an armed uprising not a pea ...

You still dodge my question which require answer to : Is CKS "a" murderer? Please say [YES] or [NO]

I already mentioned "All other excuses are irrelevant, including armed uprising in 228 or drag the related Trudeau, Tibet, 李登輝, 陳水扁, 馬英九 or KMT or xyz etc". Please focus on CKS.

Please be man if you want continue this topic ..... 228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺.

State your answer & drag not to something else.[Or you admit you're true coward].

For my answer to ..... Is CKS a murderer?.  my answer is [YES]. CKS is "a" murderer.
Also, If CKS 翻生 I would 弔到拒七彩 including his奴才.

Here statement all come from me (myself). No attachment. Not references/leads.
I use no 惡語 except to CKS and his 奴才.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-9 11:35:04 | 显示全部楼层
In debate like this [Is CKS a murderer?] We need two side [正方] and [反方].
I say [yes] as 正方 that agree CKS is murderer. So someone should say [No] to continue (debate).
If I didn't hear [No] therefore I presumed the 奴才 (in this subject only) agreed (as YES) that CKS is "a" murderer.

CKS is a murderer to this subject "228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺". (don't drag anything else) until formation of DEBATE unveiled.

Here statement all come from me (myself). No attachment. Not references/leads. I use no 惡語 except to CKS and his 奴才.
Many time I use the above words again as the (only) 奴才 dare not to perform his own (by drag on OTHERS and dodge the subject)

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发表于 2015-3-10 00:20:57 | 显示全部楼层
蒋同时也是一个不忠,不仁,不义,的一个狼毒男人. 为了自己的地位,他甚至乎至自己儿子蒋经国生死不顾的这么一个人.
蒋是一个投机份子,他的才能一般,军事才能更加可笑,他本是在日本士官第六期学生但没有毕业就比赶了出校(我祖辈也在那学校毕业,比蒋后几期,国军将军)文章非常的一般,诗词更加是完全不懂. 他是靠拍孙中山先生马屁又靠出卖结拜兄弟(许崇智,杜月䇠,阎锡山,张学良......)而上位的. 为了攀附权贵学陈世美弃妻和宋美龄结婚. 为了取得苏联信任而将自己的儿子当人质流放西伯利亚十几年.
以上是我亚一自己的观点. 不赞同的,欢迎交流意见,但不能人身攻击.

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发表于 2015-3-10 00:32:00 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-10 04:56:57 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-10 00:32
这是 ...

一兄. 一錘定音.
這是辯論 or (交流意见) 的 "錘" ~~~~~[蒋介石是一个刽子手]. 從這開始 then 有詳細內容.

228事件吸引我的注意 less than 10 days ~~~ 不管有什么样冠冕堂皇的理由,牺牲人民性命而达到一己,一党,一族,一国的私利. 这是说不过的,这是罪恶.

我支持梁震英 so far in 佔中 (as everyone noticed). But if 梁震英 killed 30,000 people I would 弔到梁震英七彩.

九叔, 希望你明白人民性命是最宝贵的.

由此我們發現 that there still have 固執, 無知的人在我們身邊.

以上是我亚一自己的观点. 不赞同的,欢迎交流意见,但不能人身攻击. ~~~~ That I said "sorry" last time.
I am no shy to say "sorry" if I'm wrong.

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