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香港「泛民主派」的奴才思維 !

发表于 2014-12-30 09:15:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Here what I'd noticed in my email today. What a surprised that I don't believe it is true. Was it 上帝要讓他滅亡,先讓他瘋狂」?這幾個「香港大學生」是什麼人?是英國人還是中國人、有沒有基本的做人道德與良知?是白癡還是幼稚?再怎麼討厭自己的父母,也不該觸及這個底線吧,你再追求什麼真民主,也不該沒有一點底線啊,這樣做的後果,只能是把自己放在絕大多數中國人的對立面上!



兩名在港參與「占領」英國總領館行動的香港大學學生Hui SinTung及中文大學學生Tang Chi Tak在「聽證會」上則稱,中央政府多次違反《中英聯合聲明》,包括「剝奪」內文訂明港人能繼續享有的新聞自由、集會自由及普及選舉權利,英國應該迫使中國「履行」聯合聲明並做出譴責,甚至重啟《南京條約》及《天津條約》。除此外,包括民主黨主席劉慧卿等政客,上周通過視像向英國國會「作供」,稱英國有責任保障香港的自由和生活方式;社民連副主席吳文遠早前已在網上透露,他會親自赴英與委員見面。




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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-5 12:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
THE FOLLOW NOTES JUST FOR DD only....... (no one else please)

奴才 refers to a person (only). I use "a person". Not "person". 奴才 has "a" unique/identical name. Such as Mr. XX or Miss XX.

奴才思維 ~~~ Is a person whom worship someone disregard his/her background. Good or bad.

For example. 蔣介石 is a murderer. Every people seen his (kills) except his own 奴才.
愛因斯坦, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison etc for example, are great person. Worth to be worship by all mankind.[Not because he is white]

松下幸之助  who founded Panasonic, the largest Japanese consumer electronics company.
Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi etc. These are good guy too.[Not because he is Jap]


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发表于 2015-3-5 20:49:49 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-3-5 12:50
THE FOLLOW NOTES JUST FOR DD only....... (no one else please)

奴才 refers to a person (only). I use ...

How about Mao zhe dong ? He is a murderer ? The kill more than 20 million during his culturally revolution .

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-6 02:44:27 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-5 20:49
How about Mao zhe dong ? He is a murderer ? The kill more than 20 million during his culturally re ...

How about Mao zhe dong ? He is a murderer ? ~~~~ 哈哈哈哈, 一哥. 頂瓜瓜瓜瓜瓜瓜.

I should go along with you wash street/floor from 旺角 to 尖沙咀 ah.

Mao zhe dong is not murderer .... hehehe ... he is so kind .... he saves million of lives .... I  worshiped him & kissed his toe(s) with my knee down (on ground)...... hehehehe

BACK to "the" topic 奴才思維 :
崇拜 a person is not evil. Such as 耶穌. 阿拉. 釋加矛尼. They ain't Chinese. They have "a" unique name.
崇拜 "a" killers is evil. Is Is, Japanese soldiers kills enemies with no mercy. They both evil. "A" person killed their OWN people are more evil than all. Only 奴才s lived with this "cruel" act.

If 毛,蔣&孫 翻生 and come to this board (747). I would have 弔到拒七彩.

HK has about 7M people today (very close to entire Taiwan in 1947). What would you react if 梁震英 killed 30,000+ people whom participated in 佔中?

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发表于 2015-3-6 05:54:17 | 显示全部楼层
Stupidity is when you cannot distinguish "occupy central" was not an armed uprising, whereas "228" was.  Also Leung will not have the power to use lethal force unless authorized by Beijing which luckily no longer has Mao, who I understand you like to kiss his feet/toes + lick his ass!

Now I understand you, there shall be peace.  


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-6 06:36:26 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-6 05:54
Stupidity is when you cannot distinguish "occupy central" was not an armed uprising, whereas "228" w ...

Stupidity for the word I use ~~~~ "if"  [if 梁震英 killed 30,000+][Not real][Not happened]
"If" ... refer  illustration only. It isn't happened. Which I don't think he (梁) would! This "if" illustrate the matters happened in Taiwan.

you like to kiss his feet/toes + lick his ass! ~~~ another defensive stupidity applied. "theone" and "you" knew I hate MAO. Tell you again that MAO is KILLER also .... See "If 毛,蔣&孫 翻生". 毛 refers MAO.

So far ... I don't see any answer of "Is 蔣 a killer?" from you?  ... Be "a" man please.

奴才 in 故宮 missing "a" stick between his leg. He's half man.
奴才思維 ~~~ Is a person whom worship someone disregard his/her background. Good or bad.

NOTE: "theone" is joking on "THE FOLLOW NOTES JUST FOR DD only" ..... sigh...sigh...


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发表于 2015-3-6 14:04:59 | 显示全部楼层
Re CKS, please refer my posts in the last 2 years, & I answered that questions many times. There is no need to repeat.

I can deduce that Emperor Hirohito must be the best leader in the world in your mind, he made all the major decision re invading China, S. E. Asia, etc., brought Japan from a small time player to the world stage, with hands stained with millions' of civilian blood, but was never tried for war crimes (so must be innocent ).

Re your #2, Chinese terms, e.g.奴才 , are never singular or plural, they are always "neutral", they require "before" & "after" words to indicate QTY.  Go consult some reading material.  IF a delegation went to UK to petition a course, the term  奴才  has to denote "plural".  Your argument does not stand.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-6 16:50:51 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-6 14:04
Re CKS, please refer my posts in the last 2 years, & I answered that questions many times. There is  ...

in the last 2 years, & I answered that questions many times ~~~ 奴才 is half man. Person dare not say "yes" or "No" to answer? Is it (neither he or her) not even man (IN THIS SUBJECT 奴才思維)?

Emperor Hirohito must be the best leader in the world in your mind, ~~~ "NO", my simple answer to this question "NO" again ..... An answer is provided just WANTED to be a straight-man myself (whom I admit I'm NOW).

Re your #2, Chinese terms, e.g.奴才 ~~~ A "thing" dug hole itself (not him or her) to avoid straight-forward answer (YES or NO).

BenGor ..... Don't block this subject. Until 假男人 went out of control.

I repeat .... If 毛,蔣&孫 翻生 and come to this board (747). I would have 弔到拒七彩 (including their 奴才)[I use 單數 of 奴才 to this sentence because I noticed there is only one .... so far in this post][Not refer to any other posts]

奴才 = Is a person whom worship someone disregard his/her background. Good or bad.

I don't use "refer my posts last 2 years & so" . Just put it here again as per above. It requires 2~3 letters (need no sentences)
2 letters = No
3 letters = Yes


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发表于 2015-3-7 01:31:10 | 显示全部楼层
在中国封建社会,人只有两个等级. 主及奴.
只有顺从,顺民才是奴,但泛民是奴吗? 他们什么都反对,反中共,反香港政府. 他们是谁的奴.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-7 06:34:31 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-7 01:31
在中国封建社会,人只有两个等级. 主及奴.

一哥. . [This is debate what about]
From our last debate 占中 .... I learnt/waken. Let's look at this subject "奴才思維"

Subject "奴才思維" fully embraced. [Embrace subject = win]. [Deflect subject = loss].
Contents support the subject (Here 單數. No "s" follow subject).  Contents are subjectively provided by different parties (here 複數).

Debate requires contents support subject(here no "s").
Win debate not to "a" person whom stay (continue debate). And loser fall-out.
Win debate refers subject embraced (With more illustrative contents).

一哥. I'm not upto your level.
I'm still looking for answer from one (here no "s") 奴才 to answer [YES] or [NO]. Whom this 奴才 keep coming in (debate) but keep defecting subject.


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