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Bit of history...USA wasn't that innocent...

发表于 2015-3-5 00:20:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 ... 2&at_pos=1&at_tot=4

Japan’s World War Two Live Human Experiments Revealed

The Nazi are not the only culprits who performed live human experimentsand experimented with biological warfare during World War Two.  Lately more and more elderly Japanese veterans have been coming forward with stories and memories of Unit 731, the Japanese regiment responsible during the war for thousands of experiments conducted on Chinese civilians, as well as on Soviet and US prisoners of war.

Unit 731 was led by Dr Shiro Ishii, who sanctioned thousands of tests and experiments with the ultimate aim of finding biological and chemical weapons that could be used against the Chinese.  The unit was based in a complex of laboratories, operating theatres and crematoria funded by the Japanese government.

The experiments included the testing of diseases on living persons, examining the body’s processes prior to decomposition, and performing open surgery to remove internal organs and test various theories on them. The staff at the complex also infected subjects with diseases such as syphilis and the plague, and tested how live human bodies reacted to being frozen.

The unit also supported Japanese military strategy and tactics by conspiring with them on carrying out biological raids over China. One such example is the air-drop over southern China of a rice and wheat mixture carrying plague-infected fleas, which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.  Researchers have found that the Japanese even intended to attack the US with biological weapons.  One plan was to have a kamikaze pilot crash his aircraft, which was carrying the plague, on the US mainland, the reports.

Once it was clear that the Japanese would have to surrender in 1945, Dr Ishii ordered the immediate destruction of as much of Unit 731 as possible.  Dr Ishii and few of the unit’s scientists and staff were put on trial for war crimes.  It is said that US General MacArthur had made an agreement with the Japanese to share their findings of the Unit 731 investigation with US authorities, who would ensure them immunity from prosecution.  Only around 30 members of Unit 731 were put on trial — five were sentenced to be executed and the rest were put on parole.  Dr Ishii avoided sentencing and worked for the US government in weapons research.

Lately more and more veterans of Unit 731 are coming forward to tell their stories of such war time experiments. Some speak of live experiments on young Philippine women to investigate female anatomy.  The Japanese thought the women were Allied spies, and so they believed the experiments were acceptable. One nurse saw human remains being eaten by dogs, while another staff member remembers the human body of a Westerner cut in two and preserved from head to toe in formaldehyde.

Mass graves have gradually been uncovered since the end of World War Two. Construction workers found a mass of bones buried beneath the ground in China in 1989 as well as buried chemical weapons in Heilongjiang, a province the Japanese occupied during the war.


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发表于 2015-3-5 03:40:40 | 显示全部楼层
Bro Dadizhu .... I'm no surprised at all (to subject :USA wasn't that innocent..)

Dr Ishii is not alone. There are German scientists worked for USA too.

In beginning of 1900 western scientists using African live people for medicine testing. But if you see from different angles that this African would die eventually if no medical help. Indeed he saves life at the end.

USA's weapons research system poses world peace after 1945.


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发表于 2015-3-5 03:49:50 | 显示全部楼层
If you look further deep to scientists that they are mostly well educated.  At least most of it have kind heart. They ain't killer(s). In some cases they are being 利用 by politicians or 野心家.

Scientists would proceed to KIND laboratory with no boundary.


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发表于 2015-3-5 08:36:03 | 显示全部楼层
弱肉強食 is LAW of NATURE. Human is part of nature.

>White people using African testing medicine.
>Japan using Chinese testing chemical weapons.

Yes, it is wrong doing (from African/Chinese angle). But it is not at all from White/Japan angle by that time 1900~1945.

As Chinese, I'm asking myself why Japan doing this to us? Why not Chinese using Japanese testing chemical weapons?

Answers : Simply back to law of 弱肉強食. Then why Chinese became 弱肉 for Japan? By that era 1900~1945 it's caused by 清朝, 孫中山 and 蔣介石.

Not today any more. Chinese no 弱肉 any more. We (Chinese) should treasure current moment. We are living under RIGHT administration.


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发表于 2015-3-5 09:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
The mastermind of Unit 731 "bought" his freedom and avoided warcrimes trial, by turning all records & lab result of tests performed on innocent Chinese civilians, to USA.

The US Government, placed all related documents in a building appropriately named "Building 731" somewhere on the West Coast.  

I will not be surprised that the US Government continued the "reserach" (not on humans though) to ensure an upper hand when the occasion presents itself.

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发表于 2015-3-6 21:46:21 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-5 09:05
The mastermind of Unit 731 "bought" his freedom and avoided warcrimes trial, by turning all records  ...

The US did have such intention towards the end of WWII, however post-war technical development of nuclear weapons technology nullified such need. Although WMD includes chemical, biological, and nuclear, it is obvious that nuclear weapons are so vastly more powerful that nuclear-armed nations don't have need for the other 2.

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发表于 2015-3-7 09:07:33 | 显示全部楼层
True, nuclear weapons are far more powerful, but they are only deterrents.  Chemical & bacterial weapons are ideal for localized confrontations.

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