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Katie @ RM ?? where r u ?? u were my goddess

发表于 2014-6-25 16:14:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I've never attempted to track down an (ex)- mm. I have never typed a question thread. I believe if a mm leaves the industry, she moves on. we should be happy for her, and let her be, but allow me and forgive me for making an exception this time.

At the end of the session, Katie asked me " will i see u again?" i smiled and kissed her again but didn't answer she asked again, but i remained quiet, she finally said " i dont think u will" after 3 seconds of awkard silence. I said" why do u say that" she said " ur eyes tell me" i said " my eyes r deceiving."
she said " then prove me wrong"

Before i left, just in the hall way, she put her very pretty hair clip on my tie, so i was wearing two "clips" at the same time. I removed my tie clip and put it in her small palm,

This morning i was sitting in the office sipping on my earl grey tea and playing with her hair clip again, it has been with me over a year now.

She drives a BMW 3series, her real name starts with letter "A"
She is about 5"3, blond hair blue eyes 34D (real), 23, 34, she is about 120 pounds. I first met her on June. 19th. 2013 from 1pm to 2pm. she left RM on july 17th, 2013.  she has a baby doll arm tattoo, looks like a cartoon version of her.
most of her lingeries r from victoria secret, she was wearing one when we first met, she only stayed with RM for less than a month, i managed to see her 7 times. i wanted to see her more often, but i was at a very complicated situation romantically, also work was expanding, i couldn't sneak out that often.
i always use listerine again as soon as i got back to the office, but not with katie, she smelled so great, and i intentionally left her chapstick on my lips for a long time.

3 Things i wanna accomplish here when i find Katie

1. I simply just want to see her again, hug her, and kiss her

2. She gave me the most mindblasting Cowgirl exp. no one rides me like she did.

3. Return the hairclip to her, You can still hold on to my tie clip, but ur hair clip has been sitting on my desk for too long, she needs to go back to u. we need a proper closure.

You once told me God envys us because we are mortal , i think its the quote from movie troy, i said something corny . i said u have to be mortal because you are too beautiful now

Lots wolves say Alina@ HSG is the prettiest mm in GTA. I strongly disagree, then they always asked me who is possibly prettier than alina,
You find Katie, You find your answer. So all my brothers and friends on 747, help me find Katie, whatever it takes.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-25 18:57:55 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for those who PMed me, but still no reliable intel

and i forgot to mention her age, early 20s, i would say 21 to 24 range.

lets just wait for 3 weeks, if we still cant find her, case closed, and i will just put her hair clip away, so i won't see it again.

Katie but for whatever reason, miracle u r reading this, contact me, i know i am patient with girls, but i am a bit old to play hide and seek with u. and i was never good at it, never really liked it when i was a kid.

p.s. not katie from dreammaker not katie from eyecandy, not kate from HSG

747 has over 600 members, 300 active members over 2000 daily guests. i am sure someone knows, unless he is hiding her, for sure many wolves have seen her @ RM, she stayed for more than 3 weeks, and she worked like MWF.. so share with me, i will just need to see her one more time, like i said a proper closure and return of her hair clip. nothing beyond that i can assure u

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发表于 2014-6-25 19:46:27 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-6-25 18:57
thanks for those who PMed me, but still no reliable intel

and i forgot to mention her age, early 20 ...

Wow that some serious emotions here. I sincerely wish you good luck and hope you will find her!

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发表于 2014-6-25 22:02:35 | 显示全部楼层
The hairclip/tie clip swap was great move, you should write the next 50 shades of grey

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发表于 2014-6-25 22:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
Did you ask Sarah about when Katie went? Retired or switched?

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发表于 2014-6-25 22:12:42 | 显示全部楼层
At the end of the session, Katie asked me " will i see u again?" i smiled and kissed her again but didn't answer she asked again, but i remained quiet, she finally said " i dont think u will" after 3 seconds of awkard silence. I said" why do u say that" she said " ur eyes tell me" i said " my eyes r deceiving."

I know , I know , you were thinking " If you are 40lb heavier and 20 years older , then hell I will sure see you soon or sink to you . "  hehe happy am I right .

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-25 22:18:56 | 显示全部楼层
dadizhu 发表于 2014-6-25 22:05
Did you ask Sarah about when Katie went? Retired or switched?

of course i did, i asked many girls too. but i only brought it up casually, don't wanna sound too desperate. i asked miss R the keeper as well.. the truth is Katie wasn't getting alone with the management. she complained about paying parking for her car, and photoshoots.. the list goes on..they weren't treating her well, because she was late once, she got into trouble, but i waited for 30 mins for her, i don't normally wait, if my girl is late for 10 mins, i see whoever else is available

i dont wanna go out of my way, it has been a year, and this kind of thing is not handled properly, it will escalate, i know her best friend is Jessica, started and ended at the same time with her. but i did not see her, because Katie didnt want me to, she said its weird, because they used to carpool, they talked about me, i met them both at the entrance once, because i got there early. jessica is a bit taller, i would say 5"6 or 5"7, pretty type, but not nearly as cute as Katie, we just said hi, it was like less than 10 seconds..

for sure someone here has seen Katie, but either hasnt read this thread or refuse to speak up.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-25 22:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
dashfortrash 发表于 2014-6-25 22:02
The hairclip/tie clip swap was great move, you should write the next 50 shades of grey

i remember u, i will do it if i am still alive in 2018

joke aside, i am serious about finding her. i don't know why, all of sudden i feel vulnerable. i felt like i exposed myself, if i found her, then its worth it, if i don't find her, what a silly move. how do i go back to my regulars after they read a thread like this

i made a fool out of myself for Katie, so katie u better show up soon,

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发表于 2014-6-25 22:27:11 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-6-25 22:18
of course i did, i asked many girls too. but i only brought it up casually, don't wanna sound too  ...

You should had asked her for her private # if she's your type..I asked few times from RM girls and got 2 of their personal went indie soon after as well...yes many of them said no but no big deal..

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-25 22:33:20 | 显示全部楼层
dadizhu 发表于 2014-6-25 22:27
You should had asked her for her private # if she's your type..I asked few times from RM girls and ...

i was not single at the time bro.

besides, every time i went to see her, i told her its the last time. makes no sense to ask for her number, she told me she was thinking about switching to eurodoll, but she never went, i checked their roster, i even called, no new girls fit her stats. i have 2 private numbers from their girls too. i wonder if we r talking about the same 2 girls, but i rarely contacted them, other than i will be seeing them, i still need to go through miss R, but i usually text then first if they r busy, i go some other time, its a long story with Katie, its like i liked her a lot, but i knew clearly, she is not GF material. i wrote reviews for every single girl @rm, but i skipped her for a reason, also jessica, because i didn't even see her other than brief encounter outside the building.

i decided, 3 weeks no news of her, i threw the hairclip away, moved on.. this is silly, feel like i am 15 years old little boy, stupid crash.

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