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发表于 2015-3-31 07:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sorry ... Not I mean "該死的所有漢人". 只是吸引 more people (包括亞一) for discussions.
I am 漢人. I am proud of being 漢人. 100% truly.

清(金)人 ruled 大陸 after 國 400 years ago. 金人殲滅國. 號 "清". (不是中國). 金人叫"滿".
Since then 大陸叫"清國"了. 金人沒有了.
滿修飾北京話. 變成今天的 "普通話". 的"話". 一定要用話.

漢人, 滿人前一定要膝蓋向下. 滿人前更要大稱 "才"
全(清)所有男人 (包括滿)頭髮一定要留 "bin".

它幾乎 300 年了. 這漢人了. 完全[size=14.6666669845581px]沒有(漢人的)[size=14.6666669845581px]尊嚴. 願意成為二等人. Was it today's 泛民 in HK?
漢人愚蠢的民族? 漢人無腦的? 漢人拒絕民族?

漢人讀詩書. 漢人多. 他們的. 願意狗?

Welcome "new" inserts for discussions. 請別用他人的 references 用.
亞一 ... Use your own brain for this.


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发表于 2015-3-31 20:57:06 | 显示全部楼层
您以为我是您呀? 开什么玩笑.
亡明朝者李自成也,並非满清. 是李自成兵临紫金城下而崇祯皇帝在景山上吊而明朝灭亡的. 然后吴三桂大开山海关引淸兵进关报仇. 所以才有了大淸二百多年天下的.

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发表于 2015-3-31 21:27:11 | 显示全部楼层
明朝是忘在他自己的手里的,明十三陵里尽出里奇芭的皇帝,例如万历帝在位二十五來一天朝政也不曾上过. 任由太监大乱天下. 天启帝喜欢他的奶妈和木工,也是不理朝政的人. 还有一点就是明朝皇帝一般非常短命.
正如国民党是亡在他自己的手上一样. 並不是共产党亡了他的.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-1 02:11:58 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-31 20:57
您以为我是您呀? 开什么玩笑.

亡明朝者李自成也 ~~~~ OK. I change it to  "金人殲滅大顺國".
官逼民反 ~~~~ 對! 它發生了. 那麼,關於這種 "民". 你指他們是漢人嗎?
老汤,以我的学识要用别人的论点吗. ~~~~ No no no. sorry. sorry. 打錯目標 (not you).
正如国民党是亡在他自己的手上一样 ~~~~ Hmm, 不認同100%. 国民党 failed in 大陸 but OK in 台灣 as being 二等國家. 可能我同意 "蔣介石亡在他自己的手上".

Should you have comment(s) to "漢人是愚蠢的 無腦的, 拒絕團結的民族?"

This (debate) open to all brothers .... please comment ... "漢人是愚蠢的 ...民族".  This statement really insulting. Use your own brain to suppress it.. 不要人身攻擊.


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发表于 2015-4-1 14:10:58 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-4-1 02:11
亡明朝者李自成也 ~~~~ OK. I change it to  "金人殲滅大顺國".
官逼民反 ~~~~ 對! 它發生了. 那麼,關於 ...

"漢人是愚蠢的 ...民族"  I disagree.  I think most of the 漢人 are smart.   漢人 are especially smart in following order and work hard.
"漢人是愚蠢的 無腦的, 拒絕團結的民族?"  I kind of agree.  Lots of 漢人 will care about personal gain first before looking into the big picture.  
However, "拒絕團結的民族" is not only 漢人.  The Muslims like to fight among themselves.  And look at the Canadians, aren't they like to fight among themselves rather than work as a group to improve the country in every possible ways?


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-1 15:35:09 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-4-1 14:10
"漢人是愚蠢的 ...民族"  I disagree.  I think most of the 漢人 are smart.   漢人 are especially sma ...

漢人 are especially smart in following order and work hard.~~~~ Haha. Interesting theory. Hmmm ... let me digest this. Come back to comment tomorrow.

Lots of 漢人 will care about personal gain first before looking into the big picture ~~~~ Haha. It is selfish in some way. Yesterday news posted. A white guy posted in his back car window "I need a kidney or I shall die". No kidding he was saved by a HERO that he received a "new" kidney.

"拒絕團結的民族" is not only 漢人 ~~~~ Yes, not only 漢人. 日人 are the most 團結的民族 in WII. 英國人 demonstrates super 團結 during Queen Victoria 時代. May be I say "漢人 are one of 拒絕團結的民族".

Thanks Mr Curious. . Please add more if you have any (thoughts).


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-3 03:39:10 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-4-1 15:35
漢人 are especially smart in following order and work hard.~~~~ Haha. Interesting theory. Hmmm ... ...

Mr Curious .... Hmmmm
"漢人是愚蠢的 ...民族"
漢人 are especially smart in following order and work hard ~~~~~
With this statement I would accept that 漢人 not only hard work. They probably smart and innovative also.
MADE IN CHINA defeats all Mexican, Indian or Indonesia in recent years.
Their 蔬菜, 米, 酱汁, 中华了理 etc. 称霸世界.
四大发明 over thousand years ago. Since then 漢人 had been suppressed by 金,蒙,清 and 军阀 in last 1,000 years. While white people exploring scientific process that China had been suppressed.
漢人's catch up tremendously in last 40 years. Innovation soon bee seen again.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-3 03:50:37 | 显示全部楼层
團結 is problem for 漢人 that it is quite a large group. No perfect solution for this.
Amount 1,000 unit of Camry .... It would have one or two are "lemon". For non-life things we can throw away "lemon". But for life ..... can't.

Lots of 漢人 will care about personal gain first before looking into the big picture ~~~~ Family value come first. Gain send to himself and family. Then contain it even after death. Not easy and no solution to change it in short period of time.

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发表于 2015-4-3 08:37:30 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-4-3 03:39
Mr Curious .... Hmmmm
"漢人是愚蠢的 ...民族"
漢人 are especially smart in following order and work ...

To me, one of the main characteristic is 漢人 will work under adverse conditions. Even though many will complain among themselves but rarely they will voice it in public.  Also 漢人 rarely use excuses.  For example, look at all those early immigrants, they came to North American and work under inhumane conditions.  They still "follow orders" and "work hard".  I remember the old generations always told me "use your actions to show that you are better than they are rather than stopped, complained and cried for help".  I think this really separate 漢人 and blacks, Muslims, Indians, .... They always complained about discriminations that's why they cannot be in the top level of work rather than work harder to achieve what you want.  Realistically, to me, if you are good, you will have chances to move up.  May be just slower though.

漢人 are very good in following text book styles, ... that's why I said they are good in following orders.  If the boss want this, I will be able to do it.  This can be seen throughout our history.  Carry out what the king wants and make him happy.  Benefits will come.  However, innovation-wize, they are not that bad but they don't want to invest in uncertainty.  Invest in "modifying existing technology" rather than investing in "developing new technology" because the benefits will come a lot earlier.

One of the worst characteristic is that 漢人, in general, will complain about this and that among friends ... However, if someone is going to do something about it, everyone else will stop and the worse case is don't even support it.  I guess the saying "smart people speak, and stupid people take action" (sorry, don't know how to type Chinese and if I use translate then cut and paste, will take too long) is very true.  There's absolutely no unity at all.  In my line of work, I have seen so many cases that 漢人 complains in my office and when they problems were raised in meetings, they all stayed back as if they are not their problems.  If we unite at that point, we may be able to change certain procedures!  That's very frustrating.  I have a long discussion with a recently retired professor in HKU and he was saying exactly the same thing.  So my conclusion is that 團結 is a major problem for 漢人.  Let others do the work and we will gain the benefits.  If no one is going to do it, so just work with the flow.

Innovation will come if the government and major companies are willing to invest in it.  I mean invest in developing new technology and not in terms of modifying old technology.  Lots of 漢人 are now studying outside China and they have the basic foundation and their mind set a changing slowly.  They have to learn that success will not be achieve in a short time.  It is a long term investment.  I believe 漢人 will have a major breakthrough in medical studies soon because of the fact that 漢人 are familiar with both the western style and the traditional Chinese style of medicine.  Westerners still are very puzzled with some of our traditional treatment.  Also, put it badly, the government is will to have "human" testing way earlier than the restricted western countries.

"Family value come first. Gain send to himself and family."
Yes, I agree.  Personal gain, and then family gain and eventually kept the "gold mountain" within the family.  That's our characteristics.

Sorry for the long message.


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发表于 2015-4-6 08:58:44 | 显示全部楼层
自古以來,漢人世世代代傳有 人不為己,天諸地滅 的思想。而家長很小教小朋友 顧全大局 over 人/天 的思想。

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