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2 greatest person in world history - Newton & Darwin

发表于 2015-3-13 09:50:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
They both Englishmen.
Issace Newton (1642~1726). Gravitation, Laws of motion etc. Began with Newton then, Darwin & later Eeinsten 1879~1955(science).
Charles Dawin (1809~1882). All species of life have descended over time from common ancestors etc.

Both of them are equally important in recent world histories IMO.
These 2 folks pulled down all belives from RELIGIOUS 鬼神倫 (Jesus, Allah, Budda etc). All creatures/structures on earth derived from nature.
Both of them able to see "nature" from different prism. Then decompose it with theory/proof/experiment etc.
Their findings not yet ended. It is contineous tense. [No one could end nature]

For more interests about them ----- google their names.


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发表于 2015-3-16 12:52:13 | 显示全部楼层
I won't use "greatest person in world history" to describe Newton.  As a matter of fact, Newton is a terrible person.  He trashed the work of Gottfried Leibniz because they were competing in the development of Calculus and he also trashed the work of Robert Hooke who was working in the concept of gravity.  From some mathematicians point of view, Leibniz calculus development is much more systematic and the notation is way better, which lead to more advanced research in mathematics.  However, Newton's development is more in the Applied Mathematics side which had a direct impact in Physics.  I was brought up to admire Newton and the more I learned about his personality, the less I like him.  On the other hand, from some of the people I talked to, Albert Einstein is a very interesting person to talk to and learned a lot from conversations with him.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-17 09:38:17 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-16 12:52
I won't use "greatest person in world history" to describe Newton.  As a matter of fact, Newton is a ...

Uh .... Thanks for your input Mr Curious
I use "greatest" for these 2 persons "Newton & Darwin" are not refer to their achievements of specifics such as, gravitation and Naturalist.

As I knew the English Education system had changed that produce Newton in 1600. He developed a theory (Naturalism) that PULLED down 鬼神倫. He inspired fellow Scientists using "brain" instead. Ever since the British using BRAIN to do things (not 鬼神 such as Jesus, Allah or Budda etc)

Newton is one of the (outstanding) product of British Education system. Then we noticed English flags flying all over the world. Cambridge & Oxford maintain top best U in world even today.

Instead give credit to Newton I would rather give credit to English's EDUCATION systems. Not sure if you agree my thoughts?

NOTE: 鬼神 (God, Allah, Budda etc)
鬼神 had been applied by world people before 1600. 鬼神 explained and advised people to do things. 鬼神 judges all creatives on earth. In China so-to-speak 孔子 also treated as 鬼神. Not 孔子's fault. It is follower's fault (Such followers not using their own brain that I mean).

As a person (say myself) I admire 孔子 and Newton. But I admire myself and use my brain more.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-17 11:32:53 | 显示全部楼层
From Google search I noticed British has total population 5,600,517 (China has 194,791,900) by year 1630. They lived on land smaller than 廣東省.
This small group of people able to lift themselves up on top of world. Then colonial many many countries/land around the globe. English is a common language on earth even 500 years later.


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发表于 2015-3-17 21:05:29 | 显示全部楼层
I do think the British Education system is a good system even though when I was studying in HK, I hated it so much.  Being older makes me look at things differently.  Let me tangent off a bit and tell you my view of the British system and the current North American system.

British system - in general, you can simple assume students from that system will have some basic knowledge.  However, students from that systems lack creativity.  They can solve very difficult problems but if you give them an open ended problem, they may have no clue what to do.  (I am talking about the current time not the time of Newton).  

NA system - the top students really excel.  Their creativity, ingenuity are remarkable.  But an average student from this system is way weaker than an average student from the British system.  

A combination of the two systems will be best but it will never happen.  But if you want me to choose one, I will say go for the British system.  To me, NA system is good for about 5 to 10 percent of students only.

Around Newton's time, I think the French scientists and the "Germans" (I don't know what they are called then) were also good.  I was told by some of my friends that Newton may have caused the delay of some scientific advancements during that period of time because he dominates everything and rejected or punished his competitions.  Overall, to me, he had lots of achievements and he had also done quite a bit of damage to the scientific world.

As for myself, in science, I like Galileo, Gauss, Laplace and Einstein.  In history, I basically admired the First Emperor of China (Qin), Genghis Khan and Octavius Augustus because they are brilliant leaders (whether you like their policies or not is a different story).


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-18 01:27:59 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-17 21:05
I do think the British Education system is a good system even though when I was studying in HK, I ha ...

Thanks Mr Curious for sharing. [Yes, I am talking sharing. Not arguing]

When I was at young age in HK. British provided FREE education upto 6 grade to their colonial residents. [the first Chinese descendants received this!] Never happened to Chinese people ever.

USA has 7 best U out of top 10 in the world. UK has 2. Swiss has 1. That's why USA dominants the world both Economic and Military.

Qin: Yes, IMO, I like him 80% & hate 20%. Qin consolidated 7 countries to eliminate WAR. If no Qin 大陸 would living same as SEA or Africa or Europe [Many small Countries]. As big Countries as today 團結 is a very important elements (to be strong). Then it refers back to education systems in general.

Genghis Khan: Yes, I like him 100%. But he is Mongolian. He demonstrates what is 團結是力量. 300 years later another great leaders again "老耳哈赤" and 皇太極 of 金.

Octavius Augustus : Hehe ... not much know about him ...I read too few books.. hehe

團結是力量 is generated from  國民教育. Disregard it is good or bad from some angles but it is needed for young people. Too bad that HK teachers denied this in HK. From Japan angle's it is right for Abe (Japan) to make changes 教育 to enhance 團結 (Although it may not agree by Chinese or Korean)

Welcome comments .....


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发表于 2015-3-19 07:19:29 | 显示全部楼层
RE   “use my brain more.”

If a homeless person tells everybody that he owns several monster houses, we will say that he is probably insane & that he needs to have his head examined.

Compliments should be given to you by others.  When given to yourself, it falls into “老鼠跌落天秤 (自己稱自己)”, same goes for objectivity.  

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发表于 2015-3-19 09:10:18 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-3-18 01:27
Thanks Mr Curious for sharing. [Yes, I am talking sharing. Not arguing]

When I was at y ...

"USA has 7 best U out of top 10 in the world. UK has 2. Swiss has 1. That's why USA dominants the world both Economic and Military." -- That's exactly what I meant.  In terms of training the elite students, the NA system is way better.  However, if you look at the average level of what students know, I think the Europeans are better.  Why Canada is doing so poorly?  I have my own view and it is outside this thread.

Qin:  I absolutely agree with what you said.  He unified writings, currency, ...  Created a "central government", ...  Two things I believe he can do better are: (1) he can be more lenient especially to 蒙 恬 and his families, ...  (2) what he did to allow 趙 高 to gain so much power (it may not be his fault but still I think he can do better about this).

Genghis Khan: He's a brilliant military leader.  However, I don't think he knew how to properly "rule" a country.  He can beat the hell out of his enemies.  But once they won the battle, I don't think they know what to do next.  May be because they are  游牧民族 and not used to settle down.

團結是力量:  Can't agree more.  This is why I never think multiculturalism in Canada is a good idea.  What happen in HK at this moment, seemed to be too extreme.  I don't believe in the idea that "let the young to explore and let them learned from their mistakes".  However, I have been away from HK for too long and I no longer understand or know what the younger people (high school and university students) are thinking.  To me, some of their actions are completely illogical.

Nice "chatting" with you, Mr. Siu.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-19 15:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-19 07:19
RE   “use my brain more.”

If a homeless person tells everybody that he owns several monster house ...

Uh .... interesting ... Here I use my brain to answer yours ...

If a homeless person tells ~~~ YES, I am a homeless person (per you said). 100%
老鼠跌落天秤 (自己稱自己) ~~~ YES, I am 老鼠 and 自己秤自己. 100%

YES, I am per you said. I've brain to answer yours.... 100%

Now, Here for you!  "Does 蔣介石 a murderer?" ... Do you have brain for answer? (No dodge please. YES or NO)


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-19 15:21:13 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-19 09:10
"USA has 7 best U out of top 10 in the world. UK has 2. Swiss has 1. That's why USA dominants the  ...

Nice "chatting" with you, Mr. Curious.

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