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228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺 (1947.02.28)

发表于 2015-2-28 09:16:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The following info obtained/extracted from google:

The 228 Massacre, also called the 228 Incident by the 國民黨, was an anti-government uprising in 台灣. It began on February 27, 1947, and was violently suppressed by the 國民黨政府, who killed thousands of civilians beginning on February 28. Estimates of the number of deaths vary from 10,000 to 30,000 or more. The massacre marked the beginning of the KMT's 白色恐怖 period in Taiwan, in which thousands more inhabitants vanished, died, or were imprisoned. This incident is one of the most important events in Taiwan's modern history, and is a critical  impetus for the 台灣獨立 movement.

The flashpoint came on February 27 in 台北, when a dispute between a cigarette vendor and an officer of the Office of Monopoly triggered civil disorder and an open rebellion that lasted for days. [On the evening of February 27 certain armed Monopoly Bureau agents and special police agents set upon and beat a female cigarette vendor, who with her two small children had protested the seizure of her small cash as well as her allegedly untaxed cigarettes. She is reported to have died soon after as a result of the beating at police hands. An angered crowd set after the agents, who shot at random, killing one person before they escaped into a civil police station.]

Violence flared the following morning on February 28. Security forces at the Governor-General's Office tried to disperse the crowd. Some fired on the protesters who were calling for the arrest and trial of the agents involved in the previous day's shooting, resulting in several deaths. Formosans took over the administration of the town and military bases on March 4 and forced their way into local radio station to protest. By evening, martial law had been declared and curfews were enforced by the arrest or shooting of anyone who violated curfew.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-28 09:29:24 | 显示全部楼层
228 killings happened not in war time. [By that year the entire Taiwan population not more than 6 million]. Estimated 30,000+ deaths (10% of size of 南京大屠殺. 5% total population in Taiwan). This killings (includes gun) suppressed all murdering of mankind to it's own people in recent (Chinese) history.

Comments welcome ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-28 10:06:30 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-28 10:30:43 | 显示全部楼层
香港星島日報. 2015.02.28





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发表于 2015-3-1 00:52:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-1 08:02:48 | 显示全部楼层
228 incident didn't come to my attention until I read Fairchild TV's "daily news" on 2.28.2015.

The above information were found both from internet English & Chinese version. Also printed in 香港星島日報. 2015.02.28

For person whom follow my threads that I always noted that there were 3 persons constructed disaster to Chinese lives (孫先生, 蔣先生 and 毛先生) in last 100 (1911~1976) years. Our text books gave them all good commentary. But, when I read further deep it's not (at least in my opinion).

孫先生:有勇無謀. If he passed powers to 周因來. That China won't have 蔣介石. 周因來 later then, 投靠毛澤東.
蔣介石: He uses only gun to finish his job. He killed Chinese more than Japanese. 30M killed/died in his era.
毛澤東: Stubborn. He (too) insisted 共產 to be the only form of ruling. Never look/apply things from another angle. 30M Chinese death in his era.

British ruled Hong Kong 150 years. All good things happened (to HKers).
Japan ruled Taiwan 50 years. All good things happened (to Taiwanese).

Being an ordinary person we wanted only 1 thing in our life time. To this aspect ..... "good life". That's why we came to Canada.


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发表于 2015-3-3 10:49:37 | 显示全部楼层

I decided to cool off before responding to tomsiu’s ludicrous topic and “self-claimed objective” statements.

If I did not cool off, I will have much harsher words for the him.

To put us in the proper perspective, we must review history first.  

1. Taiwan has always been a part of China for thousands of years and was designated as Taiwan Hsien  (縣) as a part of Fujian Province.  The original residents are considered 山胞(山地同胞)&  divided into many local tribes & names.   Subsequently, many Chinese mainlander migrated from Fujian Province (or Hokkien in Fijian dialect) to Taiwan to escape civil war during 太平天國’s uprising.
(During the same period, many Hokkienese also migrated to Malaya (no Malaysia yet), Chiuchou-nese to Thailand.)

2.         Taiwan was annexed by Japan following Ryuku Islands (the Japanese call it Okinawa), & Japan ruled/colonized Taiwan for 50 years.  

3.        50 years will be a minimum of 2 “education generations” (12 years of primary, middle, & high school education + 2 to 4 years’ of post-secondary education).  So,  at the end of 1945 when Taiwan was returned to China as a condition of Japan’s unconditional surrender, local residents spoke more fluent Japanese than Chinese, only the elite few can speak/read/write some sluggish Chinese.

4.        During the War, a lot of Taiwan (ethnic Chinese) male residents were conscripted by Japan to join the Imperial Army & sent to China for military activities.  The conscription was also carried out in Korea as well.

At the end of the War or following Japan’s surrender, these conscripts and families were repatriated to Taiwan by the then Chinese Government.

5.         During Japan’s colonial rule, a lot of Japanese-trained families became members of a privileged class & enjoyed extra benefits.  The general public was also used to Japanese management styles/approaches, less corruption which were a total opposite of the Chinese army ordered to “receive” Taiwan.

6.        There was growing  resentment  & finally leading to an ARMED uprising & subsequent suppression called the 228 Incident.

To name the topic “massacre” was inappropriate, as “massacre” means indiscriminate killing of civilians.
Of course, there was bloodshed during the Incident.  “Indiscriminate”?  I would doubt it very much as the Chinese Army was trying to dispel an uprising and NOT a peaceful protest.  Both side suffered casualties and of course the victorious side would have less.

What about subsequent prejudice against the local Taiwanese/Chinese?  Absolutely; in fact, it lasted till end of 70’s & early 80’s.  Don't forget "prejudice" is a 2-way street!

To name 30,000 as the # of local casualties is far from objective which you aspired.  How did you get this # as the gospel truth?  Although Wikipedia estimated the # to be between 10,000 to 30,000, but I think even 10,000 would be on the high side.

Just imagine, when casualties mounted to several thousand which is a lot in an uprising, the “crowd” will disperse, disappear, go underground.

To compare this to the “Rape of Nanjing” was dis-respectful to the victims of Nanjing.  

During the Rape of Nanjing, the Japanese Imperial Army was given a free hand for one month, by its Commander, to give Nanjing a blood bath to serve as an example for punishing Chinese resistance.  All females were gang raped in front of their parents & siblings, then butchered, & all males, young or old were slaughtered.

Did that happen after the 228 Incident?  If you think that way, & compare the two completely un-related events as similar, I suggest you read more Chinese history books before coming up with your “objective” opinions.

If you wish, read the following:

228 was a taboo subject & rarely discussed in public until 陳水扁 of DPP won a Presidential Election.
陳水扁would not have won,  had 宋楚瑜 and 連戰 reconciled to put up an united front.  That is a different subject & will not be discussed here.

Anyway, DPP has always pushed for an independent Taiwan & Mainland China has warned that an independent Taiwan is not acceptable & will use military force to unite the country if it happens.
Barring un-foreseen circumstances, I am prepared to predict that 蔡英文 of DPP will become the first female President in Chinese history.  How Taiwan will survive and excel economically will be far more difficult to predict…….


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-3 11:07:18 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-3 10:49

I decided to cool off before responding to tomsiu’s ludicrous topic and “self-claimed ob ...

I didn't aware the 228 massacre (in Taiwan) until few days ago.
All info obtained from google (not textbook). Believe it or not subject to viewers own paradigm.

Right or wrong depends which angle to where you're from. (From government or from civilian) or (from evil or kind heart) or (from stubborn or forgiveness)

Kill is kill. Death is death. right is right. wrong is wrong. All other excuses are ignorant. The focus/center point is that this (228 massacre) happened not in war time.

War time = Officially Japan declare war against USA. Or Officially China declare war against Japan. Where killing is common.

The topics focus on wrong doing of 蔣介石 alone. Not anybody else including any other personnel in 國民黨.


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发表于 2015-3-4 16:39:38 | 显示全部楼层
Cum brother tomsiu,

IMHO, the Government in Taiwan does not need to apologize for casualties incurred during the armed uprising of 228-1947 for the simple reason that any armed uprising's objective is to overthrow the existing government or change components of the existing government.

Anyway, the Government apologized some 20+ years ago + building memorial + assigning 228 as a Memorial Day.  However, all these was only a political move to try to secure local residents' votes for the next/future election.

Don't be naiive as to think it happened because of the KMT Government “receiving” Taiwan from Japan.

Don't you think similar incidents did not happen when Japan took Taiwan from the Ching
Dynasty?  There were more bloodshed, given Japan's track record.  

The difference was Ching Dynasty didn't care because it lost a war, also there was no internet some 200 years ago, also journalism was non-existent, plus Japan blacked-out the numerious incidents.

The reason why Koreans hate Japanes so much even up to this day was during Japan's colonial rule of Korea of about 100 years, there were a lot of uprisings, armed of course, which were all mercilessly eradicated.

The only recorded incident of local Taiwan residents' struggle against Japan's colonial rule in
Taiwan was  霧社事件 which was aborginals' fight against the Japanese occupation.

I list the following for your review: ... 7%E7%A4%BE%E4%BA%8B

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-5 03:00:09 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-4 16:39
Cum brother tomsiu,

IMHO, the Government in Taiwan does not need to apologize for casualties incurr ...

DD ... Talked after so many days/months you still don't get the point.... as I mentioned million times.

THERE ARE NO MATTERS to all people (except 蔣介石) or 國民黨 or you or me or Ben or theone.

With the subject 228 incident .... 蔣介石 killed Chinese more than Japanese !!!!!
[In 1947 Taiwan population 6,294,000. Say 10% lived in Taipei = 629,400. Say 2/3 over 18 years old = 419,600. Say half of it are men=209,800]

蔣介石 killed 30,000+ men in Taipei = 14.3% of men population. Or 5% total population in Taipei.

Search google: "Taiwan population in 1947" you will get the figures 6,294,000

SHOULD YOU admire 蔣介石 is HERO now? 蔣介石 even worse than 秦始皇.


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