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Tips For Single Guy?

发表于 2014-7-7 19:38:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I've been single for 9 months now, work's just been too hectic so I don't go out much anymore, need some tips from brothers here:

Where's the best place to pick up Chinese girls in Toronto?  Should I be going to certain bars? Online dating sites?  

Any help appreciated...


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发表于 2014-7-7 19:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
not chinese girls per se

but coffee shop, shopping malls, bookstores (chapters is my fav.),  even receptionist @ car dealership when i take my car for regular maintenance.

u see an opportunity u seize it, just don't be too aggressive, eye contact, genuine smile first, if she reciprocates, then proceed further or with ur "sales pitch"

keep it short and simple, just a chit chat

my friend is getting married in 2 months, he met her outside a subway station while waiting for streetcar, and it was raining, they shared an umbrella, it was less than 2 years ago, i think. they r both asians

so, literally anywhere, and everywhere, keep ur eyes open

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发表于 2014-7-9 04:30:21 | 显示全部楼层
There is no such thing as "the best place" for it. That is like asking what is the "best" career to pick. Everybody has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and you need to find a place where you can showcase your strengths. It also depends on the type of girl you want to find.

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发表于 2014-7-9 19:49:24 | 显示全部楼层
Well, not going out much ain't gonna help!

I'm not the best at one liners. Some people are just so good at it!

I find Chinese girls super hard to pickup unless you run into a situation like Happy mentioned.

They come out in a group and it is "girls night". They are just a bunch of girls out for the night and they tend to cock block the crap out of any guys. The only way to get into that, is if a friend of yours so happens to know them...

Just got to be more social and meet new guy friends. They invite you to their events and you will probably meet new friends there as well.

As for website... Never used them but I see E-Harmony having commercials all the time...

Place can literally be anywhere...if she works at a place like restaurant then go there more often and strike up a conversation on your 2nd or 3rd visit.

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发表于 2014-7-10 23:34:50 | 显示全部楼层
LOL toronto, forget it, the competition is rough, 阳盛阴虚, demand (for decent looking Chinese girl) >> supplies, so price will auto adjust it self, upwards, exponentially

I do see a very decent girl at my work, professional environment, I don't know how to approach though, today I found out that she speaks Mandarin, which is my second language, but I don't know how to approach her even if she works at the same floor as I do

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发表于 2014-8-21 18:48:27 | 显示全部楼层
asdfasd 发表于 2014-7-10 23:34
LOL toronto, forget it, the competition is rough, 阳盛阴虚, demand (for decent looking Chinese girl) ...

Asdfasd, I sorta learn the language, show me where and I go help you get her number.

We all need some wingmen.

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发表于 2014-12-26 21:04:25 | 显示全部楼层
Any bars which is poular, and just forget about online dating sites

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发表于 2014-12-26 21:05:51 | 显示全部楼层
oh i forgot, give Tinder a try. you might have luck

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发表于 2015-1-4 06:55:39 | 显示全部楼层
Don't forget about bubble tea or dessert places. Always a good chance there is a group of just girls sitting around or a female 3rd wheel sitting with a couple. Next time you enter into one of those kind of places, notice how many times you will get checked out by the ladies.  It happens a lot. Secure the eye contact and then work it.

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发表于 2015-1-7 21:04:42 | 显示全部楼层
Its not about where you go but about how you present yourself. If you are at least ok looking, dress well, have confidence and charm, then you can pick up girls anywhere, at restaurants, in the mall, at bus stop. If you are a creepy guy that don't know how to talk to girls, you won't succeed anywhere.

Furthermore, its actually easiest to pick up girls in a natural environment where they feel comfortable. That means school or workplace are the best locations. If there are no girls where you work, then try joining church. Lots of guys do that to pick up girls. Much easier than trying to pick them up at bars or parties where you will be competing with 50 other guys for a single girl.

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