
楼主: dragondick

Fort Detrick - Source of Corona Virus

 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-20 04:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
8 hr 49 min ago
Trump says US wants investigators to go to China
From CNN's From Jason Hoffman

President Donald Trump said Sunday the US still wants investigators to go to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

The US has previously made requests, which have been rebuffed. The White House has continually accused China of withholding accurate information about the extent of the virus within the country.

“We are talking to China. We spoke to them a long time ago about going in. We want to go in,” Trump said Sunday at a coronavirus task force briefing.

The above only proves DT's arrogance and ignorance:
1.  China is an independent, sovereign state, and not a colony or subordinate of USA, and that USA can send in investigators at will and without invitation?!
2.  Given DT's dreamed up theories, who will oversee the investigators' impartiality?
3.  China already invited WHO (which DT withdrew funding + fell behind in membership dues) PLUS scientitists from foreign countries, from the outset to oversee and study the Virus outbreak .  Isn't WHO a much better "investigator" than DT's cronies?
4.  Knowing that USA's athletes (5) who attended the  Military Olympics in Wuhan, which then triggered off the Virus outbreak, then quietly and secretly shipped them back to USA, how can China be sure that DT's investigators are not another group of "Virus Dopers"?

The right thing for DT to do is to send in impartial foreign investigators to Camp Detrick or perhaps invite WHO to do the job of Camp Detrick!  

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-20 08:26:34 | 显示全部楼层

USS "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier which is now docked in Guam due to wide spread Coronavirus infection on board, subsequently one sailor died, of course, the whole world knows about how the captain was relieved of his duty, etc.

FYI, The USS Roosevelt visited Vietnam before going to South China Sea to Exercise US' right of free passage.  However, due to aircraft carrier size, there is no docking facility and the ship was anchored outside the harbour.  So, the onboard infection "fermented" while it was in its home port of Hawaii.

So, it was the by-product of  Camp Detrick's leakage.  This goes for other US aircraft carriers and a submarine!

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-20 13:19:53 | 显示全部楼层
Navy and CDC investigate into how Coronavirus started onboard aircraft carrier: ... navy-cdc/index.html

I think this is just for show.....

Even as a non-US citizen, and a Canadian "commoner", I would say, they must start from Camp Detrick and why it closed suddenly in MAY/JUN of 2019.

Detrick is a military camp, for sure there are ranking officers from the Pentagon, who traveled back & forth between the Camp and Pentagon, that is why the Virus also started in Pentagon as well as reported in the news a few weeks back.  The same bunch of people in the Pentagon, depending on their function would have visited the aircraft carriers and other naval ships and vice versa, which brought the Virus to the ships.

Once the investigators are in Camp Detrick, they should also find the person who is related to a female athlete who attended the Military Olympic in Wuhan.  Then we will know why she and 4 other athletes were shipped back to USA in a hurry.

One thing lead to another, we might even find out that DT knew about it and approved the planting of the Virus in Wuhan.

DT's lying has a pattern, when he is guilty, he will try to throw it at somebody else first to divert attention.  A few weeks back, in a press conference, DT suggested China "seeded" in Virus in US.
Why would DT use that word??

Since US cannot blame China for the spreading of Virus onboard US naval ships, since they never docked in Chinese ports, the findings will probably say "reason unknown" or "inconclusive".

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-21 07:18:45 | 显示全部楼层
When China recently revised Wuhan's death # due to Corona virus, western media revived its claim that China lacked transparency and any Wuhan reports cannot be trusted.

What happens when UK reported their Virus deaths were 41% LOWER than reported? ... 47b57527a218c47bf9a

Hey, Western Media are you not applying two sets of standards???        

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-21 07:58:51 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2020-4-18 14:13

Camp Detrick's virus leakage and infections onboard US  ...

Additional info for the above post:


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-21 11:38:21 | 显示全部楼层

The title seems to convey the idea of admiration + compliment for a job well done.  However, if you think deeper, this is another "no, no", because it allows "big brother (the Government)" to peek into people's private lives, and exercise control ......

IF any of the European countries or N. American countries follow suit, the Western media will not cry "foul" and will give a genuine compliment!


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-22 10:22:42 | 显示全部楼层
First Known Corona Virus Death Confirmed Weeks Before Last Known Report: ... st-in-us/index.html

It is a simple indication that the Virus was in USA long time ago.  How long?  Well, as I said before, right after Camp Detrick's sudden closure!

The WHOLE WORLD should now sue USA Govt!!  

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-22 15:18:11 | 显示全部楼层
I posted the following about 12 hours ago, but it was lost in the 747’s “maze”.  I am therefore trying to “re-create” my original post.  I must say my midnight post was better written…….

Missouri Files Suit Against China Over CoronaVirus Handling: ... 00422095301888.html ... china-over-pandemic

Finally USA revealed its true face, the State of Missouri filed lawsuit against China for its handling of CoronaVirus.  Just as I speculated all along, USA wanted to seize all of China’s gold stored in USA and freeze/confiscate China’s bond holdings to pay for crimes which USA committed.

China does not have to do anything right now, just sit tight and watch.  I don’t see how a State can sue a foreign country.  If the world has any conscience, it will not & should not allow USA to be the prosecutor, jury, and judge.

If this test case is to succeed, all other States will follow suit, so will other money-grapping countries, e.g.  India, this will bankrupt China and push back China by another 200+ years.

Of course, all other countries with gold stored in USA and with Federal bond holdings will want all their gold shipped back + sell their bond holdings.  Then, the world will know that USA Govt has been bankrupt for some time, and there is no support/collateral  for the paper money which it has printed in the past 10 years.

On the other hand, why can’t Chinese Provinces, e.g. Hubei, sue the Pentagon, naming DT as a accessory in Camp Detrick’s leakage, sudden closure, cover-up, intentional planting of Virus in China thru Military Olympics games, + subsequently smearing/framing China?

DT wants to divert attention + draw support for the up-coming election in November which is just around the corner, but he is playing fire because this could really bring forth a nuclear + biochem warfare between the two largest economies.  

I hope that I am wrong because Russia will not sit on the side line (Russia is next in line) to allow USA to get its wishes fulfilled.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-23 10:27:27 | 显示全部楼层

Not sure about accuracy of source, the above report said USA alerted Israel and Western allies in NOV 2019 that that there will be an epidemic sweeping Asia and asked them to be ready for mishaps.

If TRUE, how would USA know in advance that there will be an epidemic.

NOV 2019 is right after the Military Olympics but BEFORE the CoronasVirus exploded in Wuhan! If USA did not plant it, how could USA have this foresight??

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发表于 2020-4-23 13:23:02 | 显示全部楼层
Ok. I would remain neutral on whether the virus is man-made. But I can provide some of my virology research. I am in biomedical engineering field outside this forum.

When a virus to transmit from one species to another, it is called a 'spill over'.The virus needs specific binding receptors and proteins to enter cell membranes and make the hi-jack happen. Different species have different membrane surface configuration and in other words, different receptors.

A virus need to mutate itself by somehow having a new combination of its DNA (in the case of covid, RNA) that generates a new surface capsule protein that can bind to human. This is not impossible providing previous history i.e. SARS 2003.

The thing about covid is that, five out of the six binding sites are super optimal to enter human cells, it is out of human technology and development. In other words, research and scientists were not able to come up with this combination. Such combinations are found in viruses presented in ant-eaters.

So knowing the two above, there are only two possibilities:
1. A spill over has occurred since a long time ago and the virus has been in human for a while. except one day a virus has gone well and the rest is history.

2. someone has been pick and choose and play around the puzzle.


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