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USA - The Bully Nation

发表于 2016-5-26 13:10:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A few days ago, I posted the following under "worst presidents of USA".  In view of recent development and tension,  I think it is appropriate to post this independently so that we have knowledge and are informed of what is going on:

OBAMA CALLS  OUT BULLY NATION: ... hina-sea/index.html

Obama visited Vietnman this week to lift the ban on arms sale to Vietnam, then called out the "bully nation" (meaning China) in his speech.

Obama got it right EXCEPT he should mention that the bully nation is USA.

In an effort to contain China, USA is stirring up the issue of island dispute, using Philippines and Vietnam to do USA's dirty work.  

If Obama had just studied a little of history, he should know that these islands have always a part of Chinese territories.

During the days of USA's colonization of Philippines (USA didn't want the world to know or be reminded of this history), USA declared the territories of RP, listing the longtitudes and latitudes as boundaries.  The islands are OUTSIDE these coordinates.  RP has NO claim on these islands.

Shortly after the WW-II, National Chinese Government had troops on the islands and there were never arguments.  Why now?  You guessed it, USA doesn't want China to have them, because that could choke the vital sea lanes in the event of a war.

It was only after the discovery of perhaps vast oil reserves and USA's desire to contain China, that there were voices of territorial claims, backed by USA, of course.

Two more examples  of USA's ignorance and stupidity:

1.   Ryuku Islands,  (the Japs call them Okinawa),  were annexed to Japan after the first war between Ching Dynasty and Japan, and according to Japan's WW-II's surrender, ALL previously ill-gotten lands must be returned to their rightful owners.  Taiwan was returned,  but Okinawa was placed under USA's administrative rule.  About 15 years ago, USA  unilaterally decided to give Okinawa to Japan.

Who gave USA the right to take from China and give to Japan, WITHOUT consulting either one of the Chinese Governments?

That action was equivalent to awarding an aggressor and further penalizing the victim!

2.  Diaoyu Island has always been part of Taiwan, even in Japan's published map of Taiwan during the occupation days of Taiwan, when Taiwan was returned to Nationalist China after WW-II, automatically Diaoyu Island was returned.

The Island was small with no water supply and therefore was never inhabited, but in the 50's and 60's, USA Navy used the island for target practice, but USA asked for permission first.  If the island does not belong to China/Nationalist China, why did USA ask for permission from Taiwan??

So, the bully nation is not only USA but it is also trying to re-define national boundaries, to its benefits!

USA is the strongest country in the world but has it displayed any leadership?  

What if USA keeps pushing China and Russia resulting in a nuclear conflict?  What if this pushing forces China and Russia to join hands militarily, that would really be "catch a worm and place it in your ass"!



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-27 06:19:56 | 显示全部楼层
Obama visited Hiroshima's Atomic bomb site yesterday.  This will be interpreted as paying tribute to Hiroshima's dead and an indication of USA's remorse for dropping the A-bomb.

Obviously Obama never studied history re WW-II' Pacific War.  Dropping the A-Bomb was a necessity due to Japanese military's doctrine of "die but not surrender"  in defending Midway, Palau, and Okinawa which caused considerable US lives in those battles.

US Military's estimate that US casualty will be even higher, easily into millions, if Japan's main islands were to be taken.  Furthermore, Japan had arsenal of chemical weapons (perfected by testing on Chinese POWs and civilians) and was in final stage of developing an A-bomb as well.  So, the decision by President Harry Truman to drop the first A-bomb, though painful but easy!

Since Obama, the ignorant US President, did his part to please a WW-II aggressor   , we will never see a Japanese PM visit Nanking Massacre's  Museum to do the same.


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发表于 2016-5-29 04:57:54 | 显示全部楼层

美国自从战略重心东移、搞“战略再平衡”以来,以便对付中国。实际上,奈何! 中国不吃这一套.



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发表于 2016-5-29 05:57:47 | 显示全部楼层

自古以來中国以 "皇" 自居,也不屈服任何人(国)之下,包括美俄。但從今天角度首要任務是統一台灣,這是中国的底線。

從民族角度台灣人遠不及 Austrian (也是 German). Austrian 以獨立國自居, 但心係德國. 在一, 二大戰 Austrian 加入德國作戰. 他們都是日耳曼民族, 難道台灣人不是漢人?


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发表于 2016-5-30 14:41:07 | 显示全部楼层
美国民主的实质是一种金钱形式民主,金钱民主的操控者,是形式背后的 (1)政治精英集团、(2) 商业精英集团以及 (3) 与精英集团若即若离的媒体。将这种阻击模式放大到全世界范围,就可以理解为什么美国在向一些不发达地区和发展中国家输出民主时,往往以意识形态和价值观划界。只要是与自己价值观不同的人,基本都会遭到美国舆论和政客的批判和炮轰。美国会利用包括战争在内的各种手段进行干预,直到他们认为“不正确”的人被赶下台为止。




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发表于 2016-5-31 11:39:50 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2016-5-30 14:41
美国民主的实质是一种金钱形式民主,金钱民主的操控者,是形式背后的 (1)政治精英集团、(2) 商业精英集团以 ...

agree. americans have extreme opinions on every single issue.

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发表于 2016-6-2 07:40:34 | 显示全部楼层
can't agree with you more

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发表于 2016-6-3 03:23:30 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-3 04:20:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-6-5 03:52:54 | 显示全部楼层
美国总统参选人、地产大亨特朗普正式锁定党内提名,作为近年最具争议的美国总统参选人,特朗普堪称异端,奇葩,其最为突出的特征就是口无遮拦,极端言论。例如,特朗普宣布要“全面禁止伊斯兰教徒入境”,认为“墨西哥移民都是强奸犯”,应修建两国边界隔离墙,阻止移民进入美国; 鼓励行使暴力,赞同对恐怖主义嫌疑人实施酷刑,主张枪毙恐怖分子的家人。这些为种族主义、排外主义张目的言论,将民主、自由、平等、族裔多元化、容忍和融合所有族裔等等的美国移民立国“大熔炉”的传统价值观破坏殆尽。

特朗普的支持者大多属于白人劳工阶层,这些人没有接受过高等教育,从事制造业和服务业等低端行业, 他们的收入在不断缩水,挣扎于贫困线的边缘。面对贫富差距持续拉大、社会阶层固化加剧的现实,他们的敌视情绪愈发强烈,认为特朗普的政策主张排斥与他们争抢工作机会的移民,反映了他们的心声,维护了他们的利益,替他们发泄出了怨气。

特朗普宣扬偏激思想,既排外又无知,如果他出任美国总统,将是“全球性的灾难”. 也是自由选举的结果。


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