揽峰探穴 发表于 2024-2-14 01:43:37

今天美国 cpi 报告出乎意料,一波调整开始了

今天美国 cpi 报告出乎意料高,5月 降息的几率下降,市场可嫩开始一波调整,昨天看到冲顶回落,尾盘卖掉一些,等几天可能有机会地位买入

superstars 发表于 2024-2-14 04:49:39

It seems like the economy has chance to breath.
I would hold money for the next greenline in stocks.

Soreguy 发表于 2024-2-14 10:22:50

Yeah, all those leveraged companies are going to experience a bit of pain here...

However, I've totally missed out on Nvidia, so I could be wrong here too, lol.

Enjoylife 发表于 2024-2-15 12:21:30

Yep, me too missed out NVDA and META.
Lucky i bought AMZN.
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